- Environment variable loader and retriever for PHP.
- Sanitization/Filters can be applied on retrieval if
extension is loaded.
composer require adhocore/env
use Ahc\Env\Loader;
use Ahc\Env\Retriever;
// Load env variables from .env file to `putenv` by default:
(new Loader)->load('/project/root/.env');
// Pass in boolean second param to control if the env should be reloaded:
(new Loader)->load('/project/root/.env', true);
// Load to $_SERVER global:
(new Loader)->load('/project/root/.env', true, Loader::SERVER);
// Load to $_ENV global:
(new Loader)->load('/project/root/.env', true, Loader::ENV);
// Load to all targets:
(new Loader)->load('/project/root/.env', true, Loader::ALL);
// Retrieve:
echo Retriever::getEnv($key);
// Default value:
echo Retriever::getEnv('PAYMENT_GATEWAY', 'stripe');
// Sanitization (pass third and optionally fourth parameters):
echo Retriever::getEnv('MYSQL_PORT', 3306, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
// Or you can use `env()` which is alias of `Retriever::getEnv()`:
echo env('THE_KEY');
See filter_var for more on sanitizing/filtering values!