This actions will handle provision for Mac instances on AWS. Some key considerations:
- AWS supports x86, M1 and M2 archs for mac machines although not all of them are supported on all regions
- There is no spot market for mac machines
- Machine (dedicated host) should be provisioned at least for 24 hours
mapt will take care of:
Try to honor the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION to spin the mac machine and look for a random AZ on it to launch it. In case the machine is no offered on the region as long as flag for
is not set mapt will move the Machine to a region were it is offered. -
Previous graph also applies when there is no capacity on a specific region. It could happen that a region offers the machine but there is no capacity under that circumstance it will dinamically move it to other region.
As the machine will be active for 24 hours, mapt will allow to spin multiple machines (only once at a time) during that period (i.e different OS versions, or setups like airgap or vpn connected machine).
(Future) Create a scheduled task to remove the machine after 24 hours to avoid missing resources. This will require using s3 as backed URL.
mapt aws mac create -h
mapt aws mac create [flags]
--airgap if this flag is set the host will be created as airgap machine. Access will done through a bastion
--arch string mac architecture allowed values x86, m1, m2. Default to m2 (default "m2")
--conn-details-output string path to export host connection information (host, username and privateKey)
--fixed-location if this flag is set the host will be created only on the region set by the AWS Env (AWS_DEFAULT_REGION)
-h, --help help for create
--host-id string host id to create the mac instance. If the param is not pass the dedicated host will be created
--only-host if this flag is set only the host will be created / destroyed
--only-machine if this flag is set only the machine will be destroyed
--tags stringToString tags to add on each resource (--tags name1=value1,name2=value2) (default [])
--version string macos operating system vestion 11, 12 on x86 and m1; 13 on all archs. Default to 13 (default "14")
Global Flags:
--backed-url string backed for stack state. Can be a local path with format file:///path/subpath or s3 s3://existing-bucket
--project-name string project name to identify the instance of the stack
It will crete an instance and will give as result several files located at path defined by
:- Creating dedicated host:
- dedicatedHostID: dedicated host id used to create mac machines on it )
- Creating mac machine:
- host: host for the mac machine
- username: username to connect to the mac machine
- id_rsa: private key to connect to mac machine
- bastion_host: host for the bastion (airgap)
- bastion_username: username to connect to the bastion (airgap)
- bastion_id_rsa: private key to connect to the bastion (airgap)
- Creating dedicated host:
Also, it will create a state folder holding the state for the created resources at azure, the path for this folder is defined within
, the content from that folder it is required with the same project name (--project-name
) in order to destroy the resources.
When running the container image it is required to pass the authentication information as variables(to setup AWS credentials there is a helper script), following a sample snipped on how to create an instance with default values:
podman run -d --name mapt-rhel \
-v ${PWD}:/workspace:z \
-e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \ aws mac create \
--project-name mapt-mac \
--backed-url file:///workspace \
--conn-details-output /workspace