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Writing Themes

Alex Kirk edited this page Nov 22, 2024 · 2 revisions

Themes can be added to the theme selector through other plugins, found in the Frontend section of the

A reference implementation can be found in the Friends Mastodon Like Interface plugin.

Check out the main plugin file to see the necessary steps:

Register Your Theme

	function ( Frontend $friends_frontend ) {
		$name = 'Mastodon';
		$slug = 'mastodon';
		$friends_frontend->register_theme( $name, $slug, 'mastodon' );

The slug is important as it will be used for subsequent filters.

Loading your theme

Likely you'll want to have a stylesheet loaded:

$slug = 'mastodon';
	'friends_load_theme_' . $slug,
	function() {
		// For example, enqueue your styles:
		wp_enqueue_style( $handle, plugins_url( $file, __DIR__ . '/style.css' ) );

If you provide template files (see Overriding the template files), register them like this:

$slug = 'mastodon';
add_filter( 'friends_template_paths_theme_' . $slug, function( $file_paths ) {
	$file_paths[ 15 ] = __DIR__ . '/templates';
	return $file_paths;
} );
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