These are the steps to release the Gradle Plugin, which is a gradle-based Jenkins plugin not using a release plugin.
- Ensure you have the latest code from origin: git pull origin
- Make sure tests still run: ./gradlew test
- Run locally to perform santity check: ./gradlew server
- Edit to strip -SNAPSHOT from version: vi
- Set
to the new version if deprecated features have been removed - Update the release notes, set the release date:
* 1.25 (Jul 21 2016)
- Ensure everything is checked in: git commit -S -am "Releasing 1.25"
- Ensure you have your Jenkins credentials in ~/ cat ~/
- Deploy: _./gradlew clean publish
- Tag the source as it is: git tag -s -a gradle-1.25 -m "Staging 1.25"
- Increment the version in and append "-SNAPSHOT": echo "version=1.26-SNAPSHOT">
- Update the release notes, add the next version:
* 1.26 (unreleased)
- Commit the updated version number: git commit -S -am "Bumping to next rev"
- Push the two new commit and the tag back to GitHub: git push --tags && git push
- Close all resolved issues in JIRA
- Wait up to twelve hours for it show up in the Update Center
- Follow the @jenkins_release twitter account and retweet the release!