The following pages will introduce the Styleguide of Quantlets. An overview of the structure of a Quantlet is given and explaining each part's relevance. You will find descriptions and instructions on how to format your code as well as detailed examples about the required information around your Quantlet. Several illustrative examples of correct Quantlets are listed in the Appendix.
Every Quantlet Repository consists of two elementary parts with equal relevance:
Metainfo.txt: Contains Meta-Information about the functionality, origin and purpose. Furthermore, a list of keywords and references to other related Quantlets are stated. You will need to create the file "metainfo.txt", which will be formatted in 'YAML', an easy and intuitive data serialization language. The formatted "metainfo.txt" will be used for data mining practices (e.g. Clustering, filtering and recommendation engines) and is therefore mandatory. In the next sections, you will find examples on how to format the "metainfo.txt"
Quantletcode.r: The first section of your code will include the content of metainfo.txt as a comment. Next, a correctly working code represents the second elementary part. The described functionality in the metainfo should practically be realizable by using the provided code. Besides correct functionality the code needs to be formatted according to the provided styleguide. Formatting ensures readability while comprehensibility is ensured by sufficient comments.
- Name of Quantlet (e.g. SFEDAXlogreturns)
- Published in Book / Paper
- Description - at least 10 words; should begin with a verb and with capital letters, e.g. "Plots the time series ..."
- Keywords - at least 5 words (the more the merrier) from the keyword list only
- See also - mention related Quantlets
- Author - check for existing authors on the website [if new, than write [New] in this field]
- Submitted - state your name and the time of submission
- Datafile - check whether all datafiles which are used in the code are listed here
- Input (optional) - Should contain some new info, which is not written in other meta-info fields
- Output (optional) - Should contain some new info, which is not written in other meta-info fields
- Example - check whether there is appropriate info on the website. Should contain some new info, which is not written in other meta-info fields
YAML™ (rhymes with “camel”) is a human-friendly, cross language data serialization language. You will use it almost intuitively.
Name of QuantLet: MVAreturns
Published in: Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Description: Shows monthly returns of six US firms from Jan 2000 to Dec 2009.
Keywords: financial, portfolio, returns, asset, time-series, plot
See also: MVAportfol_IBM_Ford, MVAportfol_IBM_PanAm
Author: Zografia Anastasiadou
Submitted: Fri, August 05 2011 by Awdesch Melzer
Datafile: apple.csv, bac.csv, ed.csv, ford.csv, ibm.csv, ms.csv
You will only need to know two basic elements:
- If you write multiple lines you have to put your text in ' '
Description: 'Shows monthly returns of six US firms
from Jan 2000 to Dec 2009.'
- YAML prohibits the use of special german characters like "ä, ö, ü".
You can chack the complete documentation.
Use "FormatR package" to clean up your R code (In the case you are using another language like Matlab try to implement the following steps accordingly)
You can easily preprocess your code with the FormatR package. This will do 80% of the work for you. In the following you will find instructions on how to execute the relevant function.
# Cleaning up the source code in an R script file "input.R",
# Indentation is set to two space characters and maximum line width is 80 characters.
# The formatted code will be written into the new script file "output.R"
tidy_source(source = "input.R", indent = 2, width.cutoff = 80, file = "output.R")
# similar to the previous example, but using the clipboard instead of an input file
tidy_source(indent = 2, width.cutoff = 80, file = "output.R")
# when omitting function parameters the defaults
# indent = 4 and width. cutoff = 80 are being used.
# For simplicity, we recommend these for the use on QuantNet
tidy_source(file = "output.R")
More details about the package FormatR are available in the package documentation.
- Change all "<-" with "="
A QuantNet specific style requirement adresses the assignment operator. All "<-" should be replaced with "=" like shown below.
foo <- 5.0
bar <- function(x)
return x^2
foo = 5.0
bar = function(x){
return x^2
- Align assignments in subsequent lines by "="
foo = 5.0
foobar = 7.0
bar = 8.0
- Set four space characters for indentation (this should be done automatically by formatR)
while (i<n){
i = i + 1
- Check if your code runs properly and complies to the style requirements
- Check if MetaInfo is complete and that you have sufficient keywords from the keyword list
Example's of correctly formatted Quantlets with all required meta-information