Below is the list of maintainers for each Quarkus extension hosted in the main repository.
If you think some information is outdated, either provide a pull request or email the quarkus-dev
mailing list.
Extension | Maintainers |
Agroal |
Amazon Alexa |
Amazon Lambda |
ArC |
Artemis (Core and JMS) |
Avro |
Azure Functions HTTP |
Cache |
Caffeine |
Cassandra-Quarkus |
Alexandre Dutra, Tomasz Lelek, Bret McGuire, Erik Merkle, Olivier Michallat |
Container Image Jib |
Container Image Docker |
Elasticsearch REST Client Common |
Elasticsearch REST Client |
Elasticsearch REST High Level Client |
Elytron Security |
Elytron Security - OAuth2 |
Elytron Security - JDBC |
Elytron Security - Properties files |
Flyway |
Funqy |
Google Cloud Functions |
gRPC |
Hibernate ORM |
Hibernate ORM with Panache |
Hibernate ORM with Panache for Kotlin |
Hibernate Search |
Hibernate Validator |
Infinispan Client |
Jackson |
JDBC - H2 |
JDBC - MariaDB |
JDBC - PostgreSQL |
JDBC - SQL Server |
Kafka Client |
Kafka Streams |
Kogito |
Kotlin |
Kubernetes |
Kubernetes Client |
Liquibase |
Mailer |
Minikube |
MongoDB client |
MongoDB with Panache |
Narayana JTA |
Narayana STM |
Neo4j |
Netty |
OIDC (OpenID Connect) |
OpenShift |
OptaPlanner |
Quartz |
Qute (Templates) |
Reactive Messaging |
Reactive MySQL Client |
Reactive PG Client |
Reactive Streams Operators |
Redis Client |
REST Client |
RESTEasy |
RESTEasy - Common |
RESTEasy - Jackson |
Scala |
Scheduler |
SmallRye Config |
SmallRye Context Propagation |
SmallRye Fault Tolerance |
SmallRye Health |
SmallRye JWT |
SmallRye Metrics |
SmallRye OpenAPI |
SmallRye GraphQL |
SmallRye GraphQL Client |
SmallRye Reactive Messaging |
SmallRye Reactive Messaging - AMQP |
SmallRye Reactive Messaging - Kafka |
SmallRye Reactive Messaging - MQTT |
Spring Boot Properties |
Spring Cache |
Spring Cloud Config Client |
Spring DI |
Spring Data JPA |
Spring Scheduled |
Spring Web |
Swagger UI |
Tika |
Undertow |
Undertow Websockets |
Vault |
Vert.x Core |
Vert.x HTTP |
Vert.x |
Vert.x Web |
Websockets Next |