Ancient VM proof of concept of the language, toolskit, virtual machine and ecosystem A VM with 50+ instructions, SIMD Vector calculation, modularity, language and compiler, cli tool and package register of modules and extensions
$ yarn global add @rune-temp/cli
$ rune install vm
OS | Version | Architectures |
Windows 10 | 1607+ | x64, ARM32 |
OSX | 10.14+ | x64 |
Linux | x64, ARM32, ARM64 |
- VM_TRACE : 1\0 - enable or disable trace logging (default 0)
- VM_ERROR : 1\0 - enable or disable error logging (default 1)
- VM_KEEP_MEMORY : 1\0 - when halt cpu disable or enable clearing memory table (default 0 - clearing)
- VM_MEM_FAST_WRITE: 1\0 - enable or disable fast-write mode to devices (see fast-mode addressing)
- C69_BIOS_HPET : 1\0 - enable using hardware hper timer (default 0)
- VM_WARMUP_DEV : 1\0 - enable warm-up devices on plug-connect (default 1)
- VM_SHUTDOWN_DEV : 1\0 - enable shutdown devices on halting processor (default 1)
- VM_SYM_ENCODING : "utf8" - set encoding of debug symbols (default "IBM037")
.ldx &(0x11) <| $(0x0) - disable trace
- 0x11 : 1\0 - enable or disable trace logging (default 0)
- 0x12 : 1\0 - enable or disable error logging (default 1)
- 0x13 : 1\0 - when halt cpu disable or enable clearing memory table (default 0 - clearing)
- 0x14 : 1\0 - enable or disable fast-write mode to devices (see fast-mode addressing)
- 0x18 : 1\0 - enable float-mode
- 0x19 : 1\0 - enable stack-forward flag
- 0x20 : 1\0 - control stack flag (north flag)
- 0x21 : 1\0 - control stack flag (east flag)
- 0x22 : 1\0 - bios read-access flag
- 0x00 - return current ticks (u32)
- 0x01 - return hpet enabled or not
- 0x02 - return memory channel
- 0xFX - private memory randge
- 0xF1 : return hpet enabled or not
- 0xF2 : return use virtual stack forwarding or not
- 0xF3 : return use forward in standalone memory sector or not
- 0xF6 : return using guarding with violation memory write or not (default bios_guard_flag has enabled)
- 0x1 : 1\0 - set hpet use or not (default value depends on the firmware)
- 0xA : reseting hpet and system timers
- 0xD : call system interrupts for N-value ms
- 0xC : call clearing RAM (need enabled bios_guard_flag, and disabled southFlag)
- 0xF : set at private memory range value (need southFlag)
Write speedUp to device memory (x12~ times), but disables the ability to write to certain sections of device memory.
Need southFlag enabled for READ\WRITE operation for private memory, otherwise will be calling CorruptedMemoryException and halting cpu
Some memory segments are not allowed to READ\WRITE operation when bios_guard_flag is enabled
todo :)
-- legend:
- cell_id - memory cell in processor cache
- value - hex number
- &() - reference cell id
- $() - value
- ![~name] - reference label define
- <| and |>- pipe operator
- ~- - when operator
// refer and jumper
// set reference current program offset to cell_id
.ref.t &(cell_id)
// read from cell_id offset program and go to
.jump.t &(cell_id)
// other jumper
.jump.e &(cell_id) ~- &(0x9) &(0x6) // if 0x9 cell value more or equal 0x6 cell value
.jump.g &(cell_id) ~- &(0x9) &(0x6) // if 0x9 cell value more 0x6 cell value
.jump.u &(cell_id) ~- &(0x9) &(0x6) // if 0x9 cell value less 0x6 cell value
.jump.y &(cell_id) ~- &(0x9) &(0x6) // if 0x9 cell value less or equal 0x6 cell value
// manage processor
.halt // halting cpu
.warm // warm-up cpu
// etc
.swap &(source) &(target) // swap value
// math instruction
.mul &(result_cell) &(cellValue1) &(cellValue2)
.add &(result_cell) &(cellValue1) &(cellValue2)
.div &(result_cell) &(cellValue1) &(cellValue2)
.sub &(result_cell) &(cellValue1) &(cellValue2)
.pow &(result_cell) &(cellValue1) &(cellValue2)
.sqrt &(result_cell) &(cellValue)
// advanced math (need float-mode) (advanced math operation send result to stack)
.abs &(cell_value)
.acos &(cell_value)
.atan &(cell_value)
.acosh &(cell_value)
.atanh &(cell_value)
.asin &(cell_value)
.asinh &(cell_value)
.cbrt &(cell_value)
.cell &(cell_value) // celling
.cos &(cell_value)
.cosh &(cell_value)
.flr &(cell_value) // floor
.exp &(cell_value) // exponent
.log &(cell_value)
.log10 &(cell_value)
.tan &(cell_value)
.tanh &(cell_value)
.sin &(cell_value)
.sinh &(cell_value)
.trc &(cell_value) // truncate
.bitd &(cell_value) // bit decrement
.biti &(cell_value) // bit increment
.atan2 &(cell_value) &(cell_value)
.min &(cell_value) &(cell_value)
.max &(cell_value) &(cell_value)
.lpstr !{"test string"} // stage to stack it string
.unlock &(0x5) str // pull from stack and stage in 0x5 cell and make 'str' type
// init evaluation stack and pulling data from normal stack
.locals init #(
[0x0] u32 // int
[0x1] u2 // bool
// call external function (see 'create external function')
call !{some_function(u32, u8)}
.prune // clear evaluation stack
// manage device and etc
.mvt &($device_id) &(action_id) <| $(value) // push raw value to device_id.action_id in bus
.mvd &($device_id) &(action_id) <| &(cell_value) // push value from cell to device_id.action_id in bus
.mvx &($device_id) &(action_id) <| &(value_ref) // encode memory and send char-data to device
// float-point
.ldx &(0x18) <| $(0x1) // set float mode
// remark: all math operation support float mode
.orb &(n) // grub next 'n'-count values and stage to stack
.val @float_t("10.4") // encode float value
.pull &(target_cell) // read from stack float value and insert to target_cell
// debugger
.brk.s // standard break - now break
.brk.n // break on next cycle execute
.brk.a // break on after next cycle execute
// other
.inc &(cell) // cell++
.dec &(cell) // cell--
// raw write instruction
.raw 0xABCDEFE0 // (warm)
.mvj &($device_id) &(action_id) <| @string_t("test string") // cast string to mvt instruction
Once i read an article on Wikipedia about writing custom VM and interpreter bytecode.
So, i wanted to give it a try.
Initially, i planned to write a 4-bit CPU emulator, afterwards i wrote it - but with the development of the source code, bit rate of instructions increased, and emulator has a programming language that is very similar to Assembler language (and CSS, yeah).
It was a wonderful experience, i faced unusual problems and came up with quite unusual solutions.
Since then, i continued to develop and improve different kinds of features in this project afterwards.
I do not pursue any goals (except of course vm speed and language usability), and i do not expect my VM to be useful - but if you have any ideas on how to improve the project I’d be happy to hear from you.