Google.Analytics.Admin.V1Alpha |
Analytics Admin |
Google.Analytics.Admin.V1Beta |
Google Analytics Admin |
Google.Analytics.Data.V1Beta |
Google Analytics Data |
Google.Apps.Script.Type |
Version-agnostic types for Apps Script APIs |
Google.Area120.Tables.V1Alpha1 |
Google Area 120 Tables |
Google.Cloud.AccessApproval.V1 |
Access Approval |
Google.Cloud.AdvisoryNotifications.V1 |
Advisory Notifications |
Google.Cloud.AlloyDb.V1 |
AlloyDB (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.AlloyDb.V1Alpha |
AlloyDB (V1Alpha API) |
Google.Cloud.AlloyDb.V1Beta |
AlloyDB (V1Beta API) |
Google.Cloud.ApiGateway.V1 |
API Gateway |
Google.Cloud.AIPlatform.V1 |
Cloud AI Platform |
Google.Cloud.ApiKeys.V2 |
API Keys |
Google.Cloud.ApigeeConnect.V1 |
Apigee Connect |
Google.Cloud.ApigeeRegistry.V1 |
Apigee Registry |
Google.Cloud.AppEngine.Logging.V1 |
App Engine Logging Data |
Google.Cloud.AppEngine.V1 |
App Engine |
Google.Cloud.ArtifactRegistry.V1 |
Artifact Registry (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.ArtifactRegistry.V1Beta2 |
Artifact Registry (V1Beta2 API) |
Google.Cloud.Asset.V1 |
Google Cloud Asset Inventory |
Google.Cloud.AssuredWorkloads.V1 |
Assured Workloads (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.AssuredWorkloads.V1Beta1 |
Assured Workloads (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Audit |
Google Cloud Audit |
Google.Cloud.AutoML.V1 |
Google AutoML |
Google.Cloud.BareMetalSolution.V2 |
Bare Metal Solution |
Google.Cloud.Batch.V1 |
Batch (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Batch.V1Alpha |
Batch (V1Alpha API) |
Google.Cloud.BeyondCorp.AppConnections.V1 |
BeyondCorp AppConnections |
Google.Cloud.BeyondCorp.AppConnectors.V1 |
BeyondCorp AppConnectors |
Google.Cloud.BeyondCorp.AppGateways.V1 |
BeyondCorp AppGateways |
Google.Cloud.BeyondCorp.ClientGateways.V1 |
BeyondCorp Client Gateways |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.AnalyticsHub.V1 |
Analytics Hub (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.Connection.V1 |
BigQuery Connection |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.DataExchange.V1Beta1 |
Analytics Hub (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.DataPolicies.V1 |
BigQuery Data Policy (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.DataPolicies.V1Beta1 |
BigQuery Data Policy (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.DataTransfer.V1 |
Google BigQuery Data Transfer |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.Logging.V1 |
BigQuery Audit Data Logging |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.Migration.V2 |
BigQuery Migration |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.Reservation.V1 |
BigQuery Reservation |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.V2 |
Google BigQuery |
Google.Cloud.BigQuery.Storage.V1 |
Google BigQuery Storage |
Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Admin.V2 |
Google Cloud Bigtable Administration |
Google.Cloud.Bigtable.Common.V2 |
Common code used by Bigtable V2 APIs |
Google.Cloud.Bigtable.V2 |
Google Bigtable |
Google.Cloud.Billing.Budgets.V1 |
Cloud Billing Budget (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Billing.Budgets.V1Beta1 |
Cloud Billing Budget (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Billing.V1 |
Google Cloud Billing |
Google.Cloud.BinaryAuthorization.V1 |
Binary Authorization (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.BinaryAuthorization.V1Beta1 |
Binary Authorization (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.CertificateManager.V1 |
Certificate Manager |
Google.Cloud.Channel.V1 |
Cloud Channel |
Google.Cloud.CloudBuild.V1 |
Cloud Build (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.CloudBuild.V2 |
Cloud Build |
Google.Cloud.CloudDms.V1 |
Database Migration |
Google.Cloud.Commerce.Consumer.Procurement.V1 |
Cloud Commerce Consumer Procurement |
Google.Cloud.Common |
Common protos for Cloud APIs |
Google.Cloud.Compute.V1 |
Compute Engine |
Google.Cloud.ConfidentialComputing.V1 |
Confidential Computing (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.ConfidentialComputing.V1Alpha1 |
Confidential Computing (V1Alpha1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Config.V1 |
Infrastructure Manager |
Google.Cloud.Connectors.V1 |
Integration Connectors |
Google.Cloud.ContactCenterInsights.V1 |
Contact Center AI Insights |
Google.Cloud.Container.V1 |
Google Kubernetes Engine |
Google.Cloud.DataCatalog.Lineage.V1 |
Data Lineage |
Google.Cloud.DataCatalog.V1 |
Data Catalog |
Google.Cloud.DataFusion.V1 |
Cloud Data Fusion |
Google.Cloud.DataLabeling.V1Beta1 |
Data Labeling |
Google.Cloud.DataQnA.V1Alpha |
Data QnA |
Google.Cloud.Dataflow.V1Beta3 |
Dataflow |
Google.Cloud.Dataform.V1Beta1 |
Dataform |
Google.Cloud.Dataplex.V1 |
Cloud Dataplex |
Google.Cloud.Dataproc.V1 |
Google Cloud Dataproc |
Google.Cloud.Datastore.Admin.V1 |
Cloud Datastore |
Google.Cloud.Datastore.V1 |
Google Cloud Datastore |
Google.Cloud.Datastream.V1 |
DataStream (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Datastream.V1Alpha1 |
DataStream (V1Alpha1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Deploy.V1 |
Google Cloud Deploy |
Google.Cloud.DevTools.Common |
Common Protocol Buffer messages for Google Cloud Developer Tools APIs |
Google.Cloud.DevTools.ContainerAnalysis.V1 |
Google Container Analysis |
Google.Cloud.Diagnostics.AspNetCore3 |
Google Cloud Logging, Trace and Error Reporting Instrumentation Libraries for ASP.NET Core 3 |
Google.Cloud.Diagnostics.Common |
Google Cloud Logging, Trace and Error Reporting Instrumentation Libraries Common Components |
Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.Cx.V3 |
Dialogflow |
Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2 |
Google Cloud Dialogflow (V2 API) |
Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2Beta1 |
Google Cloud Dialogflow (V2Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.DiscoveryEngine.V1 |
Discovery Engine (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.DiscoveryEngine.V1Beta |
Discovery Engine (V1Beta API) |
Google.Cloud.Dlp.V2 |
Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention |
Google.Cloud.DocumentAI.V1 |
Cloud Document AI (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.DocumentAI.V1Beta3 |
Cloud Document AI (V1Beta3 API) |
Google.Cloud.Domains.V1 |
Cloud Domains (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Domains.V1Beta1 |
Cloud Domains (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.EnterpriseKnowledgeGraph.V1 |
Enterprise Knowledge Graph |
Google.Cloud.ErrorReporting.V1Beta1 |
Google Cloud Error Reporting |
Google.Cloud.EssentialContacts.V1 |
Essential Contacts |
Google.Cloud.Eventarc.Publishing.V1 |
Eventarc Publishing |
Google.Cloud.Eventarc.V1 |
Eventarc |
Google.Cloud.Filestore.V1 |
Cloud Filestore |
Google.Cloud.Firestore.Admin.V1 |
Firestore Administration (e.g. index management) |
Google.Cloud.Firestore |
Firestore high-level library |
Google.Cloud.Firestore.V1 |
Firestore low-level API access |
Google.Cloud.Functions.V1 |
Cloud Functions (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Functions.V2 |
Cloud Functions (V2 API) |
Google.Cloud.Functions.V2Beta |
Cloud Functions (V2Beta API) |
Google.Cloud.GSuiteAddOns.V1 |
Google Workspace Add-ons |
Google.Cloud.GkeBackup.V1 |
Backup for GKE |
Google.Cloud.GkeConnect.Gateway.V1Beta1 |
Connect Gateway |
Google.Cloud.GkeHub.V1Beta1 |
GKE Hub (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.GkeHub.V1 |
GKE Hub (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.GkeMultiCloud.V1 |
Anthos Multi-Cloud |
Google.Cloud.Iam.Admin.V1 |
Identity and Access Management (IAM) |
Google.Cloud.Iam.Credentials.V1 |
IAM Service Account Credentials |
Google.Cloud.Iam.V1 |
Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Iam.V2 |
Google Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) (V2 API) |
Google.Cloud.Iap.V1 |
Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy |
Google.Cloud.Ids.V1 |
Cloud IDS |
Google.Cloud.Kms.Inventory.V1 |
KMS Inventory |
Google.Cloud.Kms.V1 |
Google Cloud Key Management Service |
Google.Cloud.Language.V1 |
Google Cloud Natural Language |
Google.Cloud.Language.V2 |
Cloud Natural Language |
Google.Cloud.LifeSciences.V2Beta |
Cloud Life Sciences |
Google.Cloud.Location |
Support for the Google Cloud Locations mix-in API pattern |
Google.Cloud.Logging.Log4Net |
Log4Net client library for the Google Cloud Logging API |
Google.Cloud.Logging.Console |
ConsoleFormatter for Google Cloud Logging |
Google.Cloud.Logging.NLog |
NLog target for the Google Cloud Logging API |
Google.Cloud.Logging.Type |
Version-agnostic types for the Google Cloud Logging API |
Google.Cloud.Logging.V2 |
Google Cloud Logging |
Google.Cloud.ManagedIdentities.V1 |
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory |
Google.Cloud.MediaTranslation.V1Beta1 |
Media Translation |
Google.Cloud.Memcache.V1 |
Cloud Memorystore for Memcached |
Google.Cloud.Memcache.V1Beta2 |
Google Cloud Memorystore for Memcache |
Google.Cloud.Metastore.V1 |
Dataproc Metastore (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Metastore.V1Alpha |
Dataproc Metastore (V1Alpha API) |
Google.Cloud.Metastore.V1Beta |
Dataproc Metastore (V1Beta API) |
Google.Cloud.MigrationCenter.V1 |
Migration Center |
Google.Cloud.Monitoring.V3 |
Google Cloud Monitoring |
Google.Cloud.NetApp.V1 |
NetApp |
Google.Cloud.NetworkConnectivity.V1 |
Network Connectivity (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.NetworkConnectivity.V1Alpha1 |
Network Connectivity (V1Alpha1 API) |
Google.Cloud.NetworkManagement.V1 |
Network Management |
Google.Cloud.NetworkSecurity.V1Beta1 |
Network Security |
Google.Cloud.Notebooks.V1 |
AI Platform Notebooks (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Notebooks.V1Beta1 |
AI Platform Notebooks (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Notebooks.V2 |
Notebooks |
Google.Cloud.Optimization.V1 |
Cloud Optimization |
Google.Cloud.Orchestration.Airflow.Service.V1 |
Cloud Composer |
Google.Cloud.OrgPolicy.V1 |
OrgPolicy API messages |
Google.Cloud.OrgPolicy.V2 |
Organization Policy |
Google.Cloud.OsConfig.V1 |
Google Cloud OS Config (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.OsConfig.V1Alpha |
Google Cloud OS Config (V1Alpha API) |
Google.Cloud.OsLogin.Common |
Version-agnostic types for the Google OS Login API |
Google.Cloud.OsLogin.V1 |
Google Cloud OS Login (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.OsLogin.V1Beta |
Google Cloud OS Login (V1Beta API) |
Google.Cloud.PhishingProtection.V1Beta1 |
Cloud Phishing Protection |
Google.Cloud.PolicySimulator.V1 |
Policy Simulator |
Google.Cloud.PolicyTroubleshooter.Iam.V3 |
Policy Troubleshooter (V3 API) |
Google.Cloud.PolicyTroubleshooter.V1 |
Policy Troubleshooter (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.PrivateCatalog.V1Beta1 |
Cloud Private Catalog |
Google.Cloud.Profiler.V2 |
Cloud Profiler |
Google.Cloud.PubSub.V1 |
Cloud Pub/Sub |
Google.Cloud.RapidMigrationAssessment.V1 |
Rapid Migration Assessment |
Google.Cloud.RecaptchaEnterprise.V1 |
Google Cloud reCAPTCHA Enterprise (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.RecaptchaEnterprise.V1Beta1 |
Google Cloud reCAPTCHA Enterprise (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.RecommendationEngine.V1Beta1 |
Recommendations AI |
Google.Cloud.Recommender.V1 |
Google Cloud Recommender |
Google.Cloud.Redis.V1 |
Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Redis.V1Beta1 |
Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.ResourceManager.V3 |
Cloud Resource Manager |
Google.Cloud.ResourceSettings.V1 |
Resource Settings |
Google.Cloud.Retail.V2 |
Retail |
Google.Cloud.Run.V2 |
Cloud Run Admin |
Google.Cloud.Scheduler.V1 |
Google Cloud Scheduler |
Google.Cloud.SecretManager.V1 |
Secret Manager (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.SecretManager.V1Beta1 |
Secret Manager (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Security.PrivateCA.V1 |
Certificate Authority |
Google.Cloud.Security.PublicCA.V1Beta1 |
Public Certificate Authority |
Google.Cloud.SecurityCenter.Settings.V1Beta1 |
Google Cloud Security Command Center Settings |
Google.Cloud.SecurityCenter.V1 |
Google Cloud Security Command Center (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.SecurityCenter.V1P1Beta1 |
Google Cloud Security Command Center (V1P1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.ServiceControl.V1 |
Service Control |
Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1 |
Service Directory (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.ServiceDirectory.V1Beta1 |
Service Directory (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.ServiceManagement.V1 |
Service Management |
Google.Cloud.ServiceUsage.V1 |
Service Usage |
Google.Cloud.Shell.V1 |
Cloud Shell |
Google.Cloud.Spanner.Admin.Database.V1 |
Google Cloud Spanner Database Administration |
Google.Cloud.Spanner.Admin.Instance.V1 |
Google Cloud Spanner Instance Administration |
Google.Cloud.Spanner.Data |
Google ADO.NET Provider for Google Cloud Spanner |
Google.Cloud.Spanner.Common.V1 |
Common resource names used by all Spanner V1 APIs |
Google.Cloud.Spanner.V1 |
Google Cloud Spanner |
Google.Cloud.Speech.V1 |
Google Cloud Speech (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Speech.V1P1Beta1 |
Google Cloud Speech (V1P1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Speech.V2 |
Cloud Speech-to-Text |
Google.Cloud.Storage.V1 |
Google Cloud Storage |
Google.Cloud.StorageInsights.V1 |
Google Cloud Storage Insights |
Google.Cloud.StorageTransfer.V1 |
Storage Transfer |
Google.Cloud.Support.V2 |
Google Cloud Support |
Google.Cloud.Talent.V4 |
Google Cloud Talent Solution (V4 API) |
Google.Cloud.Talent.V4Beta1 |
Google Cloud Talent Solution (V4Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Tasks.V2 |
Google Cloud Tasks (V2 API) |
Google.Cloud.Tasks.V2Beta3 |
Google Cloud Tasks (V2Beta3 API) |
Google.Cloud.TextToSpeech.V1 |
Google Cloud Text-to-Speech (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.TextToSpeech.V1Beta1 |
Google Cloud Text-to-Speech (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Tpu.V1 |
Cloud TPU |
Google.Cloud.Trace.V1 |
Google Cloud Trace (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Trace.V2 |
Google Cloud Trace (V2 API) |
Google.Cloud.Translate.V3 |
Google Cloud Translation (V3 API) |
Google.Cloud.Translation.V2 |
Google Cloud Translation (V2 API) |
Google.Cloud.VMMigration.V1 |
VM Migration |
Google.Cloud.Video.LiveStream.V1 |
Live Stream |
Google.Cloud.Video.Stitcher.V1 |
Video Stitcher |
Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1 |
Transcoder |
Google.Cloud.VideoIntelligence.V1 |
Google Cloud Video Intelligence |
Google.Cloud.Vision.V1 |
Google Cloud Vision |
Google.Cloud.VmwareEngine.V1 |
VMware Engine |
Google.Cloud.VpcAccess.V1 |
Serverless VPC Access |
Google.Cloud.WebRisk.V1 |
Google Cloud Web Risk (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.WebRisk.V1Beta1 |
Google Cloud Web Risk (V1Beta1 API) |
Google.Cloud.WebSecurityScanner.V1 |
Web Security Scanner |
Google.Cloud.Workflows.Common.V1 |
Common resource names used by all Workflows V1 APIs |
Google.Cloud.Workflows.Common.V1Beta |
Common resource names used by all Workflows V1Beta APIs |
Google.Cloud.Workflows.Executions.V1 |
Workflow Executions (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Workflows.Executions.V1Beta |
Workflow Executions (V1Beta API) |
Google.Cloud.Workflows.V1 |
Workflows (V1 API) |
Google.Cloud.Workflows.V1Beta |
Workflows (V1Beta API) |
Google.Cloud.Workstations.V1 |
Cloud Workstations |
Google.Geo.Type |
Version-agnostic types for Geo APIs |
Google.Identity.AccessContextManager.Type |
Version-agnostic types for the Google Identity Access Context Manager API |
Google.Identity.AccessContextManager.V1 |
Identity Access Context Manager |
Google.LongRunning |
Support for the Long-Running Operations API pattern |
Google.Maps.AddressValidation.V1 |
Address Validation |
Google.Maps.MapsPlatformDatasets.V1 |
Maps Platform Datasets (V1 API) |
Google.Maps.MapsPlatformDatasets.V1Alpha |
Maps Platform Datasets (V1Alpha API) |
Google.Maps.Routing.V2 |
Maps Routing |
Google.Shopping.Merchant.Inventories.V1Beta |
Merchant Inventories |
Google.Shopping.Type |
Version-agnostic types for Shopping APIs |
Grafeas.V1 |
Grafeas |