This guide is for creating the ability to use a custom reporter that works on your machine.
For figuring out how to make a more robust custom reporter, that you might want to submit back to us as a Pull Request, check out How to Submit a New Reporter to ApprovalTests.
Let's say that you really enjoy using Sublime Merge, and on your system it's located in "/Applications/Sublime"
If you were to run this the command line, the full command would look this this:
"/Applications/Sublime" mergetool --no-wait "test.received.txt" "test.approved.txt" -o "test.approved.txt" &
You can do this simply by creating a Reporter using:
auto path =
auto arguments = "mergetool --no-wait {Received} {Approved} -o {Approved}";
auto reporter = CustomReporter::create(path, arguments);
By default, this will run in the background. Most of the time this is what you want.
On Windows, you can specify a search path for the installed location of a program with {ProgramFiles}
auto path = "{ProgramFiles}Beyond Compare 4\\BCompare.exe";
auto reporter = CustomReporter::create(path);
See Registering a default reporter for wiring up this reporter as default, or you can dereference it and pass it in to individual verify("text", *reporter)
method calls...