1 |
| -See the [v.x.y.z milestone](https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.cpp/milestone/4?closed=1) for the full list of changes. |
| 1 | +<!-- See the [v.x.y.z milestone](https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.cpp/milestone/__MILESTONE_NUMBER__?closed=1) for the full list of changes. --> |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | * **Breaking changes**
4 |
| - * We have fully standardised the way that Approval Tests looks for 3rd-party headers, so users should no longer need to modify their search paths for include directories. This means that: |
5 |
| - * If you are using Catch (#62), and you get build failures, you'll need to change your `#include` lines like this: |
6 |
| - ```diff |
7 |
| - -#include <catch.hpp> |
8 |
| - +#include <catch2/catch.hpp> |
9 |
| - ``` |
10 |
| - * If you are using doctest (#68), and you get build failures, you'll need to change your `#include` lines like this: |
11 |
| - ```diff |
12 |
| - -#include <doctest.h> |
13 |
| - +#include <doctest/doctest.h> |
14 |
| - ``` |
15 |
| - * If you are using \[Boost\].UT (#65), and you get build failures, you'll need to change your `#include` lines like this: |
16 |
| - ```diff |
17 |
| - -#include <ut.hpp> |
18 |
| - +#include <boost/ut.hpp> |
19 |
| - ``` |
20 |
| - * In order for this to work with our third_party directory, our copies of these header files are now in: |
21 |
| - * `third_party/catch2/include/catch2/` |
22 |
| - * `third_party/doctest/include/doctest` |
23 |
| - * `third_party/ut/include/boost` |
24 |
| - * Catch1 is no longer supported as a test framework, in order to better support more CMake build layouts. (#64) |
25 |
| - * Catch2 remains fully supported. |
26 |
| - * Catch1's main benefit was that it supported pre-C++11 compilers, but as ApprovalTests.cpp requires C++11 or newer, this wasn't useful in practice |
| 4 | + * None |
27 | 5 | * **New features**
28 |
| - * Greatly improved and documented [CMake Integration](/doc/CMakeIntegration.md#top) (#69): |
29 |
| - * Approval Tests can now be added to other projects with any of CMake's `add_subdirectory()`, `FetchContent` and `ExternalProject`. (#62, #65, #68, #75, #70, #88, #89) |
30 |
| - * Created wrapper [ApprovalTests.hpp](https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.cpp/blob/master/ApprovalTests/ApprovalTests.hpp) |
31 |
| - so that code can work interchangeably with the single header and via CMake integration (#89) |
32 |
| - * Made CMake targets for targets in third_party consistent with those of the original projects, adding `Catch2::Catch2`, `doctest::doctest` and `boost.ut` (#70) |
33 |
| - * Created a namespaced CMake target for ApprovalTests `ApprovalTests::ApprovalTests` (#75) |
34 |
| - * Don't create third_party targets if they have been created already (#88) |
| 6 | + * None |
35 | 7 | * **Bug fixes**
36 |
| - * Significant effort to improve behaviour with the Ninja build tool: |
37 |
| - * Understood, work-around and documented issues with the Ninja generator. See [Troubleshooting Misconfigured Build](/doc/TroubleshootingMisconfiguredBuild.md#top) if you have test failures in your Ninja builds. (#74 - thanks @jwillikers) |
38 |
| - * Added compile-time checks for GoogleTest, Catch2 and doctest, to detect problems with `__FILE__` macro caused by the Ninja generator on all platforms (#79 - thanks @jwillikers). |
39 |
| - * Added option to disable the `__FILE__` compile-time check (#86) |
40 |
| - * Project now works with [Unity builds](http://onqtam.com/programming/2018-07-07-unity-builds/) (#86) |
| 8 | + * None |
41 | 9 | * **Other changes**
42 |
| - * Updated \[Boost\].UT integration to work with [a change](https://github.com/boost-experimental/ut/commit/94220e8c95b323349bfd94ef30b2568916fb1421#diff-04c6e90faac2675aa89e2176d2eec7d8) made for the v1.1.5 release of that library. (#66 - thanks @krzysztof-jusiak) |
43 |
| - * Code now formatted with clang-format (#39 - thanks @dheater and @alastairUK) |
44 |
| - * See [Formatting Code](/doc/Contributing.md#formatting-code) to configure your editor to use the [.clang-format](https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.cpp/blob/master/.clang-format) file automatically. |
45 |
| - * Added CI build for clang-cl (#30 - thanks @alastairUK)) |
46 |
| - * Added [CI builds for mingw/MSYS and CygWin](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/isidore/approvaltests-cpp/history) (#79) |
47 |
| - * Added CI builds for Ninja generator (#74) |
48 |
| - * The help text for problem misconfigured `main()` functions now links straight to the [relevant help page](https://github.com/approvals/ApprovalTests.cpp/blob/master/doc/TroubleshootingMisconfiguredMain.md#top). (#84) |
| 10 | + * None |
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