- Sultan Al-Maari (@MrSltun)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- feat: adding new arrow back icon #59 (@JanaeHijaz)
- Janae Hijaz Edwards (@JanaeHijaz)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- fix: do not remove fill attributes for credit card icons #56 (@starsirius)
- Chung-Yi Chi (@starsirius)
- fix: correct file name for Cartes Bancaires icon #55 (@starsirius)
- Chung-Yi Chi (@starsirius)
- feat: update and add new credit card icons #54 (@starsirius)
- Chung-Yi Chi (@starsirius)
- feat: add bag filled icon #53 (@rquartararo)
- Rachel Quartararo (@rquartararo)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- chore(version): Publish 1.9.0 (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- chore: rename
- Dima Tretyak (@dimatretyak)
- feat: add
#28 (@dimatretyak)
- Bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 #25 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /docs #26 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump luxon from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 in /docs #27 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Dima Tretyak (@dimatretyak)
- chore: removes absolute path preference (@dzucconi)
- style: [WP-123] prettify files and export #23 (@patrinoua)
- Angela Patrinou (@patrinoua)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/artsy/icons (@patrinoua)
- revert (@patrinoua)
- Angela Patrinou (@patrinoua)
- icon with color ? (@patrinoua)
- Angela Patrinou (@patrinoua)
- feat: add PaperClip icon #21 (@lean8086)
- docs: Update README.md #20 (@patrinoua)
- Angela Patrinou (@patrinoua)
- Leandro Linares (@lean8086)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- Update README.md (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Damon (@dzucconi)
- kick ci (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- chore(ci): Test icon publishing pipeline #6 (@damassi)
- Theoretically configures CI for publishing #1 (@dzucconi)
- chore(publish): bump version to get on track #7 (@damassi)
- Removes redundant steps #5 (@dzucconi)
- Attempts to connect to workspace #4 (@dzucconi)
- Attempts to build before release #3 (@dzucconi)
- [CI] Requires build #2 (@dzucconi)