Created all necessary page routes using Flask. -
Chose SQLite3 as the database for the project.
Implemented Mistune Markdown to HTML converter for displaying posts. -
Enabled users to write posts in Markdown format.
Implement user authentication using Flask-Login amd gogle auth2.0. -
Create route for user registration. - Design user profile page displaying user information.
- Allow users to modify their profile details.
- Display all posts made by the user on their profile page.
Set up SQLite database using Flask-sqlite3. -
model for storing user information. -
model for storing post content. - ~~ Implement monthly archiving or table creation for posts.~~
Set up automatic database management for new month's posts.
Create route for creating posts. -
Implement functionality to generate unique post IDs. -
Develop routes for updating and deleting posts. -
Design home page to display latest posts. - Implement sorting options by date and tags.
Enable users to add tags to posts for categorization. - Implement filtering functionality by tags on the home page.
- Test all functionalities including user authentication and post management.
- Debug any issues and ensure smooth deployment to production environment.
- add a futurstic bg on home and complete website use
base.html and styles.css
in static folder to do that - create a
for website - create
for users - create
so the author could be visible along with their badges and other posts can be viewd from their
posts imgae fix size. - add a good backgorund.
username instead of login and singup button that open profile. -
add ceate post button on profile page. - add a button type ui to tags on create post.
- also add the logout btn and username instead of login and singup in mobile view
add another table that store deleted users and you can approve them later -
moving them back to pending_users table - add a section where all the tech event will be displayed only
add a badge section on profile for registered users give them some badges like gihub
design the user-profile on clicking their username
display their deleted posts on their profile and they can ask the admin to repost.
V2 Feature
edit function for their posts.
- give them star on the basis of their posting performance
- user should fill a g form for deleting their account
- seperate button to display the pending_user and registerd users.
- on clicking registerd user it should open user profile where i can see all the posts and user detaails.
- on admin page add a button to view all the post and delete the post.
- account verification using email link.
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