Releases: aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-cli
Releases · aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-cli
What's New
types can now target resource types with wildcard target names which are matched to hook target types during invocation.
For example, the target name AWS::S3*::Bucket*
would resolve and be invoked by the following resource types:
What's Changed
- fix(schema) - Use ASCII characters for \w in pattern regex by @kddejong in #931
- fix(contract): added regex for JSON string formats date-time, date, time, and email by @mmaeng in #930
- chore(CD): Update pypi GHA to new syntax by @mmaeng in #937
- fix(core) - Ignore timestamp issues when creating a ZipFile on py3.8 and greater by @kddejong in #927
for conditionalCreateOnlyProperties by @PatMyron in #740- Add support for Wildcard Hook Targets by @Brianwithay21 in #945
- version bump v0.2.27 by @Brianwithay21 in #946
Full Changelog: v0.2.26...v0.2.27
What's Changed
- add deletionPolicy and replacepolicy for managedUploadinfra stack by @AkifRafique in #881
- Add auto-generated docs for Hooks Type by @akshayrane in #886
- add pre-commit hook for modules by @jaymccon in #887
- Update example hook schema to target real resource types by @Brianwithay21 in #884
- Add custom property arrayType by @gsurbhi in #902
- fix(test) - Pin importlib-metadata for bandit tests by @kddejong in #908
- fix(core) - Remove runtime checks and leave it to the plugin by @kddejong in #909
- fix(test) - Remove dependency on ~/.aws/config and credentials by @kddejong in #910
- chore(python) - Add support for python 3.9 and 3.10 by @kddejong in #911
- Enforce SecureTransport policy on AccessLogsBucket by @PatMyron in #863
- fix(tests) - clean up docker random hook failures by @kddejong in #922
- CloudFormation Resource Provider Definition MetaSchema update by @github-actions in #789
- Doc: Fix broken links and typo in by @BourgoisMickael in #896
- chore(documentation): Add clarification in subproperty and hook docs that it is min/max Length not value by @mmaeng in #915
- chore(documentation): fix tests for pr#885 by @mmaeng in #916
- fix(test) - increasing default handler timeout for cfn test by @PatMyron in #554
- fix(cli):
cfn test
broken on Windows - NamedTemporaryFile issue by @mmaeng in #924 - chore(CI): Update github actions to latest versions by @mmaeng in #933
- Chore(precommit): update precommit versions to latest that supports Python 3.6 by @mmaeng in #932
New Contributors
- @AkifRafique made their first contribution in #881
- @akshayrane made their first contribution in #886
- @gsurbhi made their first contribution in #902
- @kddejong made their first contribution in #908
- @BourgoisMickael made their first contribution in #896
- @mmaeng made their first contribution in #915
Full Changelog: v0.2.25...v0.2.26
What's Changed
- Updated hook contract tests to prune target schema properties by @Brianwithay21 in #871
- Setup Hook target schema strategy only if no input is provided for contract tests by @Brianwithay21 in #872
Full Changelog: v0.2.24...v0.2.25
Following change is released in this version:
- Initialize a Hook project with cfn init --artifact-type HOOK --type-name
* For example: cfn init --artifact-type HOOK --type-name My::Test::Example - Using cfn init without parameters will now first ask if you want to create a resource, module, or a hook. If you choose to create a hook,
you will be asked to choose a language plugin - Use cfn validate to validate your hook before submitting
- Use cfn submit to register your hook, making it available for use by CloudFormation in your AWS account