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84a8a71 · Mar 3, 2025


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167 lines (118 loc) · 4.99 KB

The BitBoxApp supports building on X86_64 machines. Building on 32bit systems may be possible but it is explicitly unsupported. The following platforms should be viable for development, building, and use of the BitBox Wallet application.

  • Debian: 11 bullseye or newer
  • Ubuntu: 22.04+
  • Fedora: 36+
  • MacOS: 12+
  • Windows: Windows 10+

Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora GNU/Linux with Docker

Install [Docker] (

Initialize the Docker image: make dockerinit

Enter the Docker environment: make dockerdev

Within the Docker dev environment, build the QT frontend: make qt-linux

Build artifacts:

  • frontends/qt/build/linux/bitbox-4.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm
  • frontends/qt/build/linux/bitbox_4.0.0_amd64.deb
  • frontends/qt/build/linux/BitBox-x86_64.AppImage


Install Go, Qt and create-dmg. Note that qt@6 from homebrew does not work as it is missing the rcc tool.

# Install Go. Can also use the official installer
brew install go@1.23
brew install create-dmg
# Install Qt. Can also use the official installer.
pip install aqtinstall
aqt list-qt mac desktop --arch 6.8.2
aqt install-qt mac desktop 6.8.2 --modules qtpositioning qtserialport qtwebchannel qtwebengine --outputdir ~/Qt

Make sure you have qt@6/bin, qt@6/libexec, go@1.23/bin and go/bin in your PATH, i.e. add to your .zshrc:

export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Qt/6.8.2/macos/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/Qt/6.8.2/macos/libexec"
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/opt/go@1.23/bin"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/go/bin"

Build the QT frontend for MacOS: make qt-osx

Build artifacts:

  • frontends/qt/build/osx/

Signing & Notarization

Requires Xcode 10+ and macOS 10.13.6+.

$ # Sign with hardened runtime:
$ codesign -f --deep --strict --timestamp -o runtime --entitlements frontends/qt/resources/MacOS/entitlements.plist -s CODESIGN_IDENTITY frontends/qt/build/osx/
$ # Create DMG installer
$ make osx-create-dmg
$ # Notarize
$ xcrun notarytool submit --apple-id "APPLE_ID" --team-id "TEAM_ID" --password "PASSWORD" frontends/qt/build/osx/BitBox_Installer.dmg
$ # Check notarization status
$ xcrun notarytool info --apple-id "APPLE_ID" --team-id "TEAM_ID" --password "PASSWORD" NOTARIZATION_ID

If you don't know your TEAM_ID, you can find it in your Apple dev account or with:

xcrun altool --list-providers --username "APPLE_ID" --password "PASSWORD"


The build requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, with the MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (Latest) individual component.

It also requires mingw-w64, bash (e.g. git-bash), make,go 1.23, node@20, QT 6.8.2 with qtwebengine, nsis and possibly other tools.

Some of the tools are easy to install with choco:

choco install git
choco install mingw
choco install nsis
choco install make

Add a system environment variable MINGW_BIN pointing to the bin directory of mingw (e.g. /c/MinGW/bin or /c/Program Files/Git/mingw64/bin).

Add to the system environment variable PATH:

  • Location of qmake, e.g. C:\Qt\6.8.2\msvc2022_64\bin
  • Location of nsis, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Bin

Build the QT frontend for Windows: make qt-windows

Build artifacts:

  • frontends\qt\build\windows\*

To create the installer, run the NSIS UI, then: compile NSI scripts -> frontend/qt/setup.nsi, or run makensis setup.nsi.



Enter the Docker environment: make dockerdev

Within the Docker dev environment, build the Android App: make android

To update the app icon, execute frontends/android/ The script isn't run during make android build.

Build artifacts:

  • frontends/android/BitBoxApp/app/build/outputs/apk/*


Adb is required for the deploy, on GNU/Linux install android-tools-adb

After connecting the device via USB, it is possible to verify the connection with adb devices

Inside frontends/android folder: make deploy-debug


The instructions here are preliminary, as the iOS app is still in development.

To build the app and run it in the simulator:

cd frontends/ios make prepare

Open XCode, load the project in /frontends/ios/BitBoxApp/BitBoxApp.xcodeproj.

In the menu, hit Project->Run (or ⌘R).

Deploy troubleshooting

If the apk install goes wrong, here are some Android configuration that could help:

  • Enable developer options
  • Enable install via USB
  • Enable USB debugging
  • Set USB configuration to charge when the device is connected
  • Disable MIUI optimization and restart (for Xiaomi devices)

Cross compile from GNU/Linux to Windows

It is not currently possible to cross compile the BitBox wallet for Windows. The qtwebwidgets QT module only supports native building on Windows. It is possible to cross compile library for Windows from GNU/Linux.

Enter the Docker environment: make dockerdev

Cross compile the library: cd frontends/qt/server/ && make windows-cross

Build artifacts:

  • frontends/qt/server/libserver.dll
  • frontends/qt/server/libserver.h