- updates to the behavior of the job lists tree
- refreshes automatically after a job run finishes
- if the last-run job had an error, it expands the item
- shows the filename the job was run from (note: this only caches the mapping for your current session)
- added a new sidebar view that shows an overview of the study template, listing the queries and analyses available, allowing for quickly navigating between them, and running them
- add new 'wizards' for adding new datasets, queries, and analyses to the study config, that can be triggered as commands or from code lenses
- fix autocomplete breaking if a snippet file path failed to load
- now automatically updates the study-config.json (and jobs.json) if files are moved/renamed via the Explorer UI
- study-config.json now immediately triggers a diagnostic recheck whenever files are renamed
- improved rendering of hovers for output variables
- now infers and displays in hovers the type of a call as the called function's return type
- improved debugging support for CFG generation
- fixed bug with codelense on CSV files in processor tags
- fixes issues with hovers on variables that used type inference
- fixes bug #45 - dont autocomplete Boa code if inside a comment
- better support for hovers - now when you hover types and variables, it provides information/documentation about it
- improved auto-completion support for enum types
- improved auto-completion support for tuple types
- improved symbols support for enum types
- improved symbols support for tuple types
- better code lens tooltips for study template (shows the make command)
- renamed 'gen dupes' code lens to more generic 'run processor'
- fixed the 'run processor' code lens using bad processor path
- fixed issue with code lens/links not knowing if a Python file was an analysis or processor
- update Boa API to 0.2.1
- better handling of Boa terms & conditions prompts
- jobs lists now sorts based on job number
- better handling of login error messages, specifically if the user needs to agree to T&C
- now when switching between Boa API endpoints, cleans up the cache and resets the job list
- fixed some crashes in the document formatter
- fixed a bug with symbol matching grabbing too much, which caused renaming symbols to rename too much
- document formatting now respects the documents EOL and indentation settings
- added the ability to view any arbitrary job (by giving the job number)
- added ability to only format selected text
- improved document formatting for visit statements, traversals, and fixp functions
- fixed a bug with opening processor files from the study config file
- fixed a bug in document formatting of output variables with aggregator parameters
- fixed a bug in document formatting of output variables with weights
- now only updates the jobs list if there is already a list shown
- fixes bug #32 - code suggest the names of variables
- added code completion for 'input.'
- fix some code breaking if certain tabs (like PDF previews) are open
- improved document formatting for functions, enums, and tuples
- syntax highlight the 'type' keyword
- fixes bug #33 - switch cases did not allow variable declarations
- added missing documentation for CodeRepository/Revision attributes
- improved code completion support
- several bug fixes
- initial support for document formatting
- adds diagnostics and quick fixes for bad template tags
- updated built-in function documentation
- better UDF support for signature helpers, including showing their return type
- improved the refactoring support to ensure unique names
- menu items now hide if the relevant job does not support that action
- improved error messages
- more permissive parsing for bad template tags
- fixes bug with renaming template tags in dirty editors
- extension is no longer considered a preview
- better support for method signature helpers, including user-defined functions
- ability to rename template tags
- added a rudimentary extract refactoring to make code snippet files
- very rudimentary extract method support
- added documentation for the traverse() function
- template live previews now have errors synchronized to the preview
- better handling of some syntax error messages
- switched to using ASTs to process queries
- added syntax error marking as you type
- added ability to rename identifiers
- added ability to view symbols in the file
- added ability to look up references/definition of an identifier
- word highlighting now uses references, when available
- support for built-in functions, including: code completions, signature helpers, and function doc hovers
- add ability to stop running jobs
- better handling of changing usernames/passwords
- provides diagnostics for study-config.json
- fixed a bug with live preview of templated queries
- connections to the Boa API are reused for better performance
- better error handling of bad connections to the API
- templated query previews now update live
- better window management, closes windows after deleting jobs
- add ability to download outputs (vs just viewing them)
- add way to more easiliy change API endpoints
- add way to preview fully-substituted template queries
- first beta release of extension
- now uses webpack for faster installs and loading
- code completions for template substutitions were improved
- somewhat better handling when there is no internet
- clicking to view a job's public URL marks the job as public first (if needed)
- use newer Boa API and fix import issues breaking most features
- Initial release of Boa VS Code extension