Bartosz Pokrywka
Usefull info and commands for eJPT cert exam
- OSI Model
- Ping Sweeps
- Nmap Host Discovery
- Port Scanning with Nmap
- Service Version & OS Detection
- Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)
- Nmap Shortcuts
- Nmap Firewall Detection & IDS Evasion
- Optimizing Nmap Scans
- Nmap Output Formats
- Pros: ICMP ping is widely supported and quick
- Cons: Some host or firewalls may be configured to block ICMP traffic, limiting its effectiveness. ICMP ping can also be easily detected
> ping www.site.test
> fping www.site.test
Address Resolution Protocol Scanning, only on local network
> arp-scan -l
- Pros: TCP SYN ping is stealthier than ICMP and may bypass firewalls that allows outbound connections
- Cons: Some host may not respond to TCP SYN requests, and the result can be affected by firewalls and security devices
- -sn target (no port scan)
- --send-ip (if we are on local network)
- -iL target list
- -PS TCP SYN Ping (-PS1-1000) <- Most Effective
command example:
> nmap -sn -PS1-1000 target
- Pros: It can be used to detect hosts that block SYN packets or ICMP echo requests
- Cons: In certain cases networks enviroments or systems may be configured to block ACK flag set
- -PA
> -PE (if on local network add *--send-ip*) target
> -PU target
> nmap -sn -v -T4 target
> nmap -sn -v -PS21,22,25,80,445,3389,8080 -PU137,138 -T4 target
Host discovery and scan of 1000 most common ports
Command: nmap target
Nmap sends SYN request and waits for a SYN-ACK response from the target. When it receives it, sends RST to close connection. If the port is closed Nmap receives only RST response. If port is filtered, it means that Nmap hasn't received any response from the target system. That kind of scan is much faster than 3-way handshake
> nmap -Pn target (SYN flag when sudo)
> nmap -F target
> nmap -Pn -p 80 target
> nmap -Pn -p 80,445,3389,8080 target
> nmap -Pn -p1-100 target (not really usefull)
> nmap -Pn -p- -T4 target
> nmap -Pn -sS target
Completes a 3-way handshake Much more reliable, but loud on the network (detectable)
> nmap -Pn -sT target
> nmap -Pn -sU target
> nmap -sV target
Version Intesity command:
> nmap -sV --version-intensity 0-9 target
> nmap -O target
Aggressive OS Guess command:
> nmap -O --osscan-guess target
Default script scan:
> nmap -sS -sV -sC target (default scripts non intrusive, safe to run)
Run custom script or multiple scripts:
> nmap -sS -sV --script=scriptName target
> nmap -sS -sV --script=scriptName1,scriptName2,etc target
> nmap -sS -sV --script=scriptCategory-* (run all scripts from a category, for instance: ftp-*)
To provide for example credentials to a script, use --script-args and then arguments:
> nmap -p445 --script smb-enum --script-args smbusername=username,smbpassword=supersecretpassword target
Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning and traceroute:
> nmap -v -A target
To detect the firewall or fitering mechanism use:
> nmap -Pn -sA -p someport target
You can use packet fragmentation:
> nmap -Pn -sS -sV -f target
> nmap -Pn -sS -sV -f --mtu 8 target (mtu - minimum transmision units *size*)
Decoy IP method:
> nmap -Pn -sS -sV -f --data-lenght 200 -D IP,IP,MY-IP target (custom data lenght)
> nmap -Pn -sS -sV -f --data-lenght 200 -g 53 -D IP,IP,MY-IP target (custom source port *-g*)
Usefull for IDS Evasion, also for older systems to prevent them from crashing.
Some hosts simply take a long time to scan. This may be due to poorly performing or unreliable networking hardware or software, packet rate limiting, or a restrictive firewall. Specify --host-timeout with the maximum amount of time you are willing to wait.
- --host-timeout value+s/m (use carefully)
This option causes Nmap to wait at least the given amount of time between each probe it sends to a given host.
- --scan-delay value
paranoid (0), sneaky (1), polite (2), normal (3), aggressive (4), and insane (5)
- -T<0-5> (T3 is default)
Normal: -oN
XML: -oX (good for metasploit)
Grepable: -oG
Output in three major formats at once: -oA