Bartosz Pokrywka
Usefull info and commands for eJPT cert exam
- Telnet
The CLI version of Wireshark is good for target specific use. Good for automation.
Protocol Hierarchy Statistic:
-z io,phs -q
Display filter:
- -Y
Examples of filters names:
- ip.src == IP && ip.dest == IP
- http
- http.request.method == GET
Set the format of the output when viewing decoded packet data:
- -T
fields The values of fields specified with the -e option, in a form specified by the -E option:
> -Y 'http.request.method == GET' -T fields -e frame.time -e ip.src -e http.request.full_uri
Plain text passwords in http:
> -Y 'http contains password'
If you want to find something specific to the site:
> -Y 'http.request.method == GET && http.host == www.nytimes.com' -T fields -e ip.dst
Http Cookie:
> -Y 'ip contains amazon.in && ip.src == IP' -T fields -e ip.src -e http.cookie
What browser user utilize:
> -Y 'ip.src == IP && http' -T fields -e http.user_agent
Enable IP forwarding (your machine then works as a gateway):
> echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
arpspoof [-i interface] [-c own|host|both] [-t target] [-r] host
-i interface
-t target
-r poison both hosts (in conjuntion with -t)
> arpspoof -i interface -t targetIP -r hostIP
Use wireshark...
Wireshark filters:
- wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0008 (beacon frame)
- wlan.wfa.ie.wpa.version == 1 (WPA ver. 1)
- wlan.tag.number==48 (enterprise network tag)
- wlan.ta == macaddress (how many packets are transmitted)
- wlan.ra == macaddress (how many packets are received)
- wlan.bssid (mac address of device)
- wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0020 (what mac addresses are talking with each other)
- wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x0001 (association response)
> -Y 'wlan'
> -Y 'wlan.fc.type_subtype == 0x000c' (deauth packets)
> -Y 'eapol' (handshake packets)
> -Y 'wlan.fc.type_subtype == 8' -T fields -e wlan.ssid -e wlan.bssid (show only ssid and bssid)
> -Y 'wlan.ssid==WiFI_Name' -T fields -e wlan.bssid
> -Y 'wlan.ssid==WiFI_Name' -T fields -e wlan_radio.channel
> -Y 'wlan.ta==macaddress && http' -T fields -e http.user_agent (look for the user agent)