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thrift-nicejson: A Nice JSON protocol for Thrift

This library provides a "nice" JSON wire-protocol for Thrift. That means you can define data-types/messages in Thrift, turn a crank, and get out de/marshallers and a protocol stack that talk all of Thrift’s protocols, and also talk idiomatic JSON.

For example, the (comes with) Thrift Calculator tutorial example has an i32 add(1:i32 num1, 2:i32 num2) method, which the client invokes as add(1, 1). With this library, you can do that with POST:

% POST -c 'application/x-thrift' http://localhost:9090/
Please enter content (application/x-thrift) to be POSTed:

replies with


The implementation is in C++, and via FFI it can be made available to other Thrift languages, e.g. currently Python and Ocaml.


This library requires:

  • a relatively recent Thrift installation (version 0.10.0 or newer)

  • a Thrift source-tree (for access to a few files from the compiler)

  • a googletest source or install-tree (for C++ unit-tests)

I’ve only tested the build against Thrift source that matches the binary Thrift installation, but perhaps it’ll work if there’s a mismatch.

Build/install is straightforward, and is fully autotool-ized. By default, only C++ support is built, but Python and Ocaml can be enabled easily (once prereqs have been installed):

% ./configure --with-thrift-srcdir=<thrift-source-dir-here> --with-googletest-dir=<path-to-gtetdir-here>
% make all check
% make install

Of course, if you wish to install, it’s probably wise to pick a nonstandard location, e.g. $HOME/tmp/thrift-nicejson via

% ./configure <other-args> --prefix=$HOME/tmp/thrift-nicejson

The adapted Thrift Tutorial example, as well as tests, for C\++, Python, and Ocaml, can be found in src/{examples,test}/{cpp,python,ocaml}. In particular, src/test/cpp demonstrates most of the capabilities of the library. All the tests can be automatically built and run with make check.

Instructions for building other languages (Python and Ocaml) are available. The TL;DR (if all prereqs are already installed) is

% ./configure <other-args> --with-python=yes --with-ocaml=yes

A Tutorial for using this library can be found here, and a FAQ can be found here.

Why does Thrift need "nice JSON" serialization?

I’m a big fan of Apache Thrift, for many reasons:

  1. modular, so you can modify bits of the underlying infrastructure without forking the entire thing. I’ve

    • ported (C++) Thrift to run on Infiniband ibverbs

    • modified the way server- and client-side wrappers are initialized, so that a connection established from process P1 to process P2, can be used by process P2 to send RPCs to process P1

    • and so that the connection was initially established using socketpair(2) and not connect(2).

  2. Supports my favorite programming language (Objective Caml)

But there’s one big, big missing feature (for me): Thrift doesn’t have a human-readable wire-protocol:

  1. like Protocol Buffers' "Compact Text Format", or (with Protocol Buffers 3) JSON.

  2. if you have a (binary) serialized thrift message, there’s no quick, simple way to dump it in a human-readable format where all the fields are there (again, protobufs has this)

  3. and where the format is one that can be re-marshaled back into Thrift’s binary serialized format.

  4. And of course, we want this not just for "data at rest" but also for our RPCs. So we can use other JSON RPC tooling to talk to Thrift.

In short, Thrift needs a human-readable wire-protocol, a "type library" facility so that one can use to "disassemble" binary-serialized messages to that format, and full RPC stack support (client & server) for that protocol.

This library provides those facilities.

What this library does not do

This library supports de/serializing Thrift objects to JSON, in a format that is strictly determined by the IDL. So there’s no flexibility of naming fields, nor of data-types (though one might imagine adding that).


All files are governed by the Apache license (included herein in file LICENSE) except for json.hpp, which is governed by the MIT License, and a number of GNU autotools files, which are all governed by their own licenses, typically GPL.

Credits and Thanks

First, this code is descended by modification from code and examples found in Apache Thrift. In many files I’ve left the copyright headers as-is, b/c as far as I’m concerned, I’m happy to cede ownership of this code to Apache, with the following exceptions:

  • The file "json.hpp" was copied with permission from JSON for Modern C++ created by Neils Lohmann, and he continues to own it. He licenses that file under the MIT license (included in the source). This thing is a bloody lovely marvel. * And of course, there are a bunch of GNU files, owned by their respective owners.