diff --git a/PowerShell/ScubaGear/Modules/CreateReport/CreateReport.psm1 b/PowerShell/ScubaGear/Modules/CreateReport/CreateReport.psm1
index f572f22ab9..218dc4bded 100644
--- a/PowerShell/ScubaGear/Modules/CreateReport/CreateReport.psm1
+++ b/PowerShell/ScubaGear/Modules/CreateReport/CreateReport.psm1
@@ -1,5 +1,70 @@
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "..\Utility")
+function Get-TestResult {
+ <#
+ .Description
+ Given the Rego output for a specific test, determine the result (e.g. "Pass"/"Fail").
+ .Functionality
+ Internal
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param (
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [object]
+ $Test,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [AllowNull()]
+ [array]
+ $MissingCommands,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]
+ [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
+ [object]
+ $Control
+ )
+ $Result = @{}
+ if ($Control.MalformedDescription) {
+ $Result.DisplayString = "Error"
+ $Result.SummaryKey = "Errors"
+ $Result.Details = "Report issue on GitHub"
+ }
+ elseif ($Control.Deleted) {
+ $Result.DisplayString = "-"
+ $Result.SummaryKey = "-"
+ $Result.Details = "-"
+ }
+ elseif ($MissingCommands.Count -gt 0) {
+ $Result.DisplayString = "Error"
+ $Result.SummaryKey = "Errors"
+ $MissingString = $MissingCommands -Join ", "
+ $Result.Details = "This test depends on the following command(s) which did not execute successfully: $($MissingString). See terminal output for more details."
+ }
+ elseif ($Test.RequirementMet) {
+ $Result.DisplayString = "Pass"
+ $Result.SummaryKey = "Passes"
+ $Result.Details = $Test.ReportDetails
+ }
+ elseif ($Test.Criticality -eq "Should") {
+ $Result.DisplayString = "Warning"
+ $Result.SummaryKey = "Warnings"
+ $Result.Details = $Test.ReportDetails
+ }
+ elseif ($Test.Criticality.EndsWith('3rd Party') -or $Test.Criticality.EndsWith('Not-Implemented')) {
+ $Result.DisplayString = "N/A"
+ $Result.SummaryKey = "Manual"
+ $Result.Details = $Test.ReportDetails
+ }
+ else {
+ $Result.DisplayString = "Fail"
+ $Result.SummaryKey = "Failures"
+ $Result.Details = $Test.ReportDetails
+ }
+ $Result
function New-Report {
@@ -104,6 +169,9 @@ function New-Report {
$Test = $TestResults | Where-Object -Property PolicyId -eq $Control.Id
if ($null -ne $Test){
+ $MissingCommands = $Test.Commandlet | Where-Object {$SettingsExport."$($BaselineName)_successful_commands" -notcontains $_}
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
# Check if the config file indicates the control should be omitted
$Config = $SettingsExport.scuba_config
$Omit = Get-OmissionState $Config $Control.Id
@@ -123,61 +191,26 @@ function New-Report {
"Result"= "Omitted"
"Criticality"= $Test.Criticality
"Details"= "Test omitted by user. $($OmitRationale)"
+ "OmittedEvaluationResult"=$Result.DisplayString
+ "OmittedEvaluationDetails"=$Result.Details
- $MissingCommands = $Test.Commandlet | Where-Object {$SettingsExport."$($BaselineName)_successful_commands" -notcontains $_}
- if ($MissingCommands.Count -gt 0) {
- $Result = "Error"
- $ReportSummary.Errors += 1
- $MissingString = $MissingCommands -Join ", "
- $Test.ReportDetails = "This test depends on the following command(s) which did not execute successfully: $($MissingString). See terminal output for more details."
- }
- elseif ($Test.RequirementMet) {
- $Result = "Pass"
- $ReportSummary.Passes += 1
- }
- elseif ($Test.Criticality -eq "Should") {
- $Result = "Warning"
- $ReportSummary.Warnings += 1
- }
- elseif ($Test.Criticality.EndsWith('3rd Party') -or $test.Criticality.EndsWith('Not-Implemented')) {
- $Result = "N/A"
- $ReportSummary.Manual += 1
- }
- else {
- $Result = "Fail"
- $ReportSummary.Failures += 1
- }
+ # This is the typical case, the test result is not missing or omitted
+ $ReportSummary[$Result.SummaryKey] += 1
$Fragment += [pscustomobject]@{
"Control ID"=$Control.Id
- "Result"= if ($Control.Deleted) {
- "-"
- }
- elseif ($Control.MalformedDescription) {
- $ReportSummary.Errors += 1
- "Error"
- }
- else {
- $Result
- }
+ "Result"= $Result.DisplayString
"Criticality"=if ($Control.Deleted -or $Control.MalformedDescription) {"-"} else {$Test.Criticality}
- "Details"=if ($Control.Deleted) {
- "-"
- }
- elseif ($Control.MalformedDescription){
- "Report issue on GitHub"
- }
- else {
- $Test.ReportDetails
- }
+ "Details"= $Result.Details
+ "OmittedEvaluationResult"="N/A"
+ "OmittedEvaluationDetails"="N/A"
else {
+ # The test result is missing
$ReportSummary.Errors += 1
$Fragment += [pscustomobject]@{
"Control ID"=$Control.Id
@@ -185,6 +218,8 @@ function New-Report {
"Result"= "Error - Test results missing"
"Criticality"= "-"
"Details"= "Report issue on GitHub"
+ "OmittedEvaluationResult"="N/A"
+ "OmittedEvaluationDetails"="N/A"
Write-Warning -Message "WARNING: No test results found for Control Id $($Control.Id)"
@@ -197,7 +232,16 @@ function New-Report {
$GroupAnchor = New-MarkdownAnchor -GroupNumber $BaselineGroup.GroupNumber -GroupName $BaselineGroup.GroupName
$GroupReferenceURL = "$($ScubaGitHubUrl)/blob/v$($SettingsExport.module_version)/PowerShell/ScubaGear/baselines/$($BaselineName.ToLower()).md$GroupAnchor"
$MarkdownLink = "$Name"
- $Fragments += $Fragment | ConvertTo-Html -PreContent "
$Number $MarkdownLink
" -Fragment
+ # Create a version of the object without the omitted evaluation keys, otherwise they
+ # would show up as columns on the HTML report.
+ $FragmentWithoutOmitted = $Fragment | ForEach-Object -Process {[pscustomobject]@{
+ "Control ID" = $_."Control ID";
+ "Requirement" = $_."Requirement";
+ "Result" = $_."Result";
+ "Criticality" = $_."Criticality";
+ "Details" = $_."Details";
+ }}
+ $Fragments += $FragmentWithoutOmitted | ConvertTo-Html -PreContent "$Number $MarkdownLink
" -Fragment
# Package Assessment Report into Report JSON by Policy Group
$ReportJson.Results += [pscustomobject]@{
diff --git a/PowerShell/ScubaGear/Testing/Unit/PowerShell/CreateReport/Get-TestResult.Tests.ps1 b/PowerShell/ScubaGear/Testing/Unit/PowerShell/CreateReport/Get-TestResult.Tests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6831a564ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PowerShell/ScubaGear/Testing/Unit/PowerShell/CreateReport/Get-TestResult.Tests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '../../../../Modules/CreateReport') `
+ -Function 'Get-TestResult' -Force
+InModuleScope CreateReport {
+ Describe -Tag CreateReport -Name 'Get-TestResult' {
+ Context "When the control is valid" {
+ BeforeAll {
+ # PS Script Analyzer doesn't play well with Pester scoping and can't tell that
+ # these variables *are* used. Using the script scope is the suggested workaround.
+ # See https://github.com/PowerShell/PSScriptAnalyzer/issues/946.
+ $script:ExampleReportDetails = "Example details"
+ $script:NormalControl = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ MalformedDescription=$false;
+ Deleted=$false;
+ }
+ }
+ Context "When the control is implemented" {
+ It 'Returns pass if the test passed for SHALLs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$true;
+ Criticality="Shall";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "Pass"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Passes"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ It 'Returns pass if the test passed for SHOULDs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$true;
+ Criticality="Should";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "Pass"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Passes"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ It 'Returns fail for failed SHALLs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$false;
+ Criticality="Shall";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "Fail"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Failures"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ It 'Returns warning for failed SHOULDs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$false;
+ Criticality="Should";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "Warning"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Warnings"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ }
+ Context "When the control is not implemented" {
+ It 'Returns N/A for not implemented SHALLs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$false;
+ Criticality="Shall/Not-Implemented";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "N/A"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Manual"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ It 'Returns N/A for not implemented SHOULDs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$false;
+ Criticality="Should/Not-Implemented";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "N/A"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Manual"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ It 'Returns N/A for third-party SHALLs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$false;
+ Criticality="Shall/3rd Party";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "N/A"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Manual"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ It 'Returns N/A for third-party SHOULDs' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$false;
+ Criticality="Should/3rd Party";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = $null
+ $Control = $NormalControl
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "N/A"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Manual"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleReportDetails
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Context "When the control/test has errors" {
+ BeforeAll {
+ $script:ScubaGitHubUrl = "https://github.com/cisagov/ScubaGear"
+ $script:ExampleMissingCommand1 = "Get-Example1"
+ $script:ExampleMissingCommand2 = "Get-Example2"
+ $script:ExampleMissingDetails = @("This test depends on the following command(s) which did not execute ",
+ "successfully: Get-Example1, Get-Example2. See terminal output for more details.") -Join ""
+ }
+ It 'When the test has missing commands and passed' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$true;
+ Criticality="Should";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = @($ExampleMissingCommand1, $ExampleMissingCommand2)
+ $Control = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ MalformedDescription=$false;
+ Deleted=$false;
+ }
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "Error"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Errors"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleMissingDetails
+ }
+ It 'When the test has missing commands and failed' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$true;
+ Criticality="Should";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = @($ExampleMissingCommand1, $ExampleMissingCommand2)
+ $Control = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ MalformedDescription=$false;
+ Deleted=$false;
+ }
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "Error"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Errors"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be $ExampleMissingDetails
+ }
+ It 'When the control has been deleted' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$true;
+ Criticality="Should";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = @($ExampleMissingCommand1, $ExampleMissingCommand2)
+ $Control = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ MalformedDescription=$false;
+ Deleted=$true;
+ }
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "-"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "-"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be "-"
+ }
+ It 'When the control description is malformed' {
+ $Test = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ RequirementMet=$true;
+ Criticality="Should";
+ ReportDetails=$ExampleReportDetails;
+ }
+ $MissingCommands = @($ExampleMissingCommand1, $ExampleMissingCommand2)
+ $Control = [PSCustomObject]@{
+ MalformedDescription=$true;
+ Deleted=$true;
+ }
+ $Result = Get-TestResult $Test $MissingCommands $Control
+ $Result.DisplayString | Should -Be "Error"
+ $Result.SummaryKey | Should -Be "Errors"
+ $Result.Details | Should -Be "Report issue on GitHub"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ Remove-Module CreateReport -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ }