- #16 Add missing shared: false on tasks
- #6 Update services according to Symfony best practices.
Services should not use autowiring or autoconfiguration. Instead, all services should be defined explicitly.
Services must be prefixed with the bundle alias instead of using fully qualified class names =>
- #5 Bump "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "^2.5" according to Symfony versions supported by
- #4 Allow installing "doctrine/orm": ^3.0 using at least require "doctrine/orm": "^2.9 || ^3.0". Forbid "doctrine/dbal" 4 for now (as on "symfony/orm-pack" - symfony/orm-pack@266bae0#diff-d2ab9925cad7eac58e0ff4cc0d251a937ecf49e4b6bf57f8b95aab76648a9d34R7 ) using "doctrine/dbal": "^2.9 || ^3.0". Add "doctrine/common": "^3.0" and "doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle": "^3.2"
- #4 Remove DoctrineWriterTask option
due to removing partially flush ability ondoctrine/orm
3.* - #12 Remove PurgeDoctrineCacheTask
- #3 Add Makefile & .docker for local standalone usage
- #3 Add rector, phpstan & php-cs-fixer configurations & apply it
- Miscellaneous changes, show full diff : https://github.com/cleverage/doctrine-process-bundle/compare/v1.0.6...v2.0-RC1
- Removing
- Fixing services.yaml after refactoring
- Fixed dependencies after removing
from the base process bundle
- Fixed OptionsResolver needing "null" instead of "NULL"
- Fixed backward compatibility break after protected function removal
- Fixing update task and allowing to input params properly to both reader and updater tasks
- Add DoctrineRefresherTask
- Add "doctrine/doctrine-bundle": "~2.0" dependency
- Initial release