2.3.10 (2024-06-11)
- add missing type attribute for buttons (ca8c2bf)
- avatar: correct text display in alive dropdown (71c7cb4), closes #483
- collapse: cannot controll panels via expanded prop (9ba993a)
- masker: correctly emit mask click event (2323f86), closes #485
2.3.9 (2024-05-16)
2.3.8 (2024-05-16)
2.3.7 (2024-05-15)
- hooks: add pickToRefs method (623bf63)
- improve form control components a11y (#470) (b9b0805)
- select: add list slot (61ce433)
- table: add min-height prop (b21e99a)
- carousel: use resize observer to observe size changed (c62d3e6), closes #472
- cascader: cannot clear value when using merge-tags (df1d9ba), closes #474
- correct clear button type attribute (01b1bd4)
- form: calculate label width when firstly displayed (61010c4)
- layout: should toggle root class name if default dark (3c00c61), closes #466
- masker: unexpectedly prevent wheel event of content (8722a77)
- tree: incorrect expanding transition when virtaul false (414e415)
2.3.6 (2024-04-24)
- calendar: improve a11y of panel (af828e1)
- modal: support ractive loading when using hook (0a97e86)
- utils: add ordinalNumber method (652c807)
- utils: add toAttrValue method (d8c6603)
- calendar: improve week value style (2a4810a)
- date-picker: should limit week value length (6fee8b2)
- form: effective default value prop (8a6e00f), closes #467
- number-input: correctly process emitted value when sync (ad27649), closes #468
2.3.5 (2024-03-27)
- captcha: invisible trigger icon in dark mode (298db53)
- input: improve style when using action slots (dd6e7ba)
- more scalable theme variables config (7228cdd)
2.3.4 (2024-03-05)
- image: add viewer-props prop (aac2ef2)
- radio: add extra slot (61a30b9)
- utils: add count methods (31523dc)
- avoid hydration warning for elements which have id attribute (0c580c2), closes #463
- upload: cannot select file when click to upload (bd8437a), closes #464
2.3.3 (2024-02-18)
- add French locale config (#460) (3115e5d)
- input: max-length support pass infinity value (04caf23)
- textarea: max-length support pass infinity value (a2fddf7)
- input: should reset count record when clear (075627f)
- masker: unexpected show event emitting when mounted (e68fd51), closes #461
2.3.2 (2024-02-01)
- slider: add sync prop (5458305)
- utils: deepClone support clone Date, Set and Map (cfee561)
- viewer: add center-scale prop (1458e41)
- color-picker: marker content overflow when using border-radius (722c17a)
- hooks: correctly process global full screen element state (c9dab29)
- input: improve border radius style when using before/after slots (738a5e5)
- input: more accurate scope for before/after actions (6e8de9a)
- scripts: support specify path of ending with package.json (ebe2f09)
- tooltip: correct theme style scope (739928c)
- utils: improve toKebabCase implementation (702398c)
- utils: normalize variable name of date constants (9c547b4)
- utils: improve declaration of isDefined return (eca0709)
- viewer: support custom layout of action buttons (5cb208b)
2.3.1 (2024-01-19)
- table: add row-tree-expand event (54b657f)
- table: add selectRow and treeExpandRow methods (dd78f5e)
- utils: decide method add beforeMatchAny option (facbc6e)
2.3.0 (2024-01-17)
- alert: separate info type and add primary type (b31d239)
- captcha: add Captcha component (#295) (9dfafb6)
- captcha: add hollow-shape prop (#458) (21e675e)
- message: separate info type and add primary type (5ac3055)
- notice: separate info type and add primary type (0bce250)
- result: separate info type and add primary type (7845ce2)
- timeline: separate info type and rename default type to primary type (84d0b85)
- utils: add random method (c73e76f)
- v-resize: add
directive (#457) (7a0571e) - video: add Video component (#426) (17f02cd), closes #433 #434 #435 #436 #437 #438 #439
- calendar: correct the range for header inputs (d84d264)
- config: support validate required props (46a0f88)
- input: improve attributes hydration in Nuxt (a640f13)
- v-loading: auto create component on updated if not mounted (3867db7)
- v-loading: improve type definition for binding.value (45728d9)
2.2.24 (2024-01-08)
- config: add Arabic(ar-EG) locale config (#455) (2a5c8e7)
- number-input: keep step changing when holding actions (46e6b04)
- utils: add decide method (87f2f06)
- hooks: useFullScreen improve global full state subscription (a7e91b1)
- utils: dom util methods consider whether is client (81c0ce3)
- all icon props support function component (385f257)
- All icon props no longer support render function. Now a function value will be parsed as function component, you need to use icon slot or upper content slot instead of render function passed in icon props.
2.2.23 (2023-12-27)
- config: improve size and state props definition (9e31d91)
- alert: support custom color (8bf1b1e), closes #449
- number-input: add sync-step prop (c526a5a)
- progress: add state prop (d0b2d9a)
- utils: callIfFunc support provide extra function parameters (6653ff7)
- input: should keep focus after click clear button (2e684d0)
- number-input: should support scientific notation (8112c1a)
- utils: isValidNumber should consider scientific notation (72edf02)
- utils: rename transformListToMap to listToMap (cc40220)
2.2.22 (2023-12-20)
- table: unexpected column group index error (d61276d)
2.2.21 (2023-12-20)
- not self colorful components should inherit its color (e928f65)
- table: correct row height computation when paged (0756d7b)
- image: rename srcs prop to src-list for viewer (620d0a7)
2.2.20 (2023-12-19)
- scripts: incorrect bin file name (1787579)
- select: should spread control width and has control min-width (556f05f)
- table: shallower watch columns and summaries changes (c3b736f)
- compatibility for lower version browsers (8b4949f)
2.2.19 (2023-12-07)
- table: correctly set expand height with virtual (eb53003)
2.2.18 (2023-12-07)
- date-picker: add shortcuts-placement prop (1af3924)
- date-picker: support format start and end value respectively (311d358)
- table: add update:data event to retrun data after dragging (c187f91)
- table: support responsively resize column (b2b3683)
- number-input: stop propagation when action keys down (8c4f7dc)
- select: ensure long label don't overflow (3db5f3d), closes #443
- select: hide placeholder when composing filter input (4baca9b)
- select: wrong parameters of
slot (0f55ec7), closes #445 - table: correct row-drag-end allData payload (e71ddf2)
- table: should not flat tree data if disable tree (248244d)
- tree: correct computation for link line index (281d45e), closes #442
- tree: improve expand and reduce process logic (f42161a)
- utils: mapTree may clear children field by default (965103f)
- utils: throttle and debounce adapt delay 0 (a6046e5)
- utils: throttle and debounce incorrect parameters passed (305467d)
- utils: improve generics for is... methods (4302ca5)
2.2.17 (2023-12-01)
- correct disabled and readonly of form control components (0ef5c2a), closes #438
- overflow: correct rest count when using suffix (d68750b)
- select: ensure selected slot work with filter (70de365), closes #439
- table: correct compute and refresh cell height when using tree (7cb363f)
2.2.16 (2023-11-29)
- table: add ellipsis prop (64cb716)
- table: correct tree render when using virtual (#437) (3ad7781)
- table: rename helper methods by more accurate names (df36191)
2.2.15 (2023-11-29)
- scrollbar: remove overused throttle for move process (9a80bb5)
- table: improve performance of virtual scrolling (#436) (9b1b8f5)
- table: improve table cell span computation (2ccfd45)
- confirm: add transferTo method (539849a)
- contextmenu: support target option (be31fb9)
- full-screen: provide inner place for transfer elements (205ac2e)
- loading: add transferTo method (be7ae92)
- message: add transferTo method (a0ff8c3)
- native-scroll: async refresh and ensureInView methods (a4971c9)
- notice: add transferTo method (7352daf)
- scroll: async api methods (55f45ee)
- table: add no-transition prop (33d9124)
- table: support inherit provided config when using columns and summaries props (bb7ecc5)
- toast: add transferTo method (68e9736)
- utils: async debounceMinor and debounceFrame (1e53baf)
- confirm: ensure api method work (c181d7d)
- hooks: useVirtual support wrapper changed (6ab1558)
- native-scroll: no emit event when sync scroll position (5ecab8b)
- table: correct flatted structure after drop (9ee20bf)
- tree: rename empty-tip prop to empty-text (7f8615e)
- tree: unexcepted expanding state changed (a483857)
2.2.14 (2023-11-23)
- hooks: add watchPauseable util method (183eb73)
- table: add data-filter prop (6d8f9a3)
- table: add refreshData api method (27360d6)
- tree: add getTreeData and getFlattedData api methods (df9f28c)
- tree: support only filter leaf nodes (17612c2)
- utils: add filterTree method (77954c8)
- utils: add isIterable and mapTree methods (2582af3)
- utils: flatTree add buildId option (8ecbf1c)
- utils: walkTree callabck add parent parameter (b4962bf)
- normalize component inherit class name (1d9f29c)
- normalize input-base components composition events (0839421)
- table: ensure correct row span for head cell when refresh (4fb0180)
- table: incorrect treeExpanded initialization of rows (811ca10)
- tree: avoid invade data when parsing by tree structure (3319ae9)
2.2.13 (2023-11-21)
- table: add formatter prop for column (c804a1a)
- select: correct composition behavior for filter input (2f951b4)
- table: ensure tree table work with virtual (94755a5)
2.2.12 (2023-11-20)
- tooltip: dynamically render popper element (478c857)
- confirm: support customize position to appear (bd33ef1)
- ellipsis: add tip-shift prop (1eac0c0)
- full-screen: add onToggle event (8c89cde)
- auto-complete: correct behavior when directly input (7b47c9b), closes #434
- button: correct border style of last button in group (c3b6b79)
- button: ensure border hidden when using text button in group (0cf7e8d)
- hooks: improve useFullScreen methods return (20cec1b)
- menu: correctly watch active label change (34bac23)
- portal: implement via original teleport props (baa8f2a)
- table: corrent cell content alignment (11e17e1)
- timeline: correct line inset style (69be52d)
2.2.11 (2023-11-12)
- export all config api methods (8b19a1c)
- icon: support custom renderer (ca8f54b)
- message: add liveOnEnter option (157626b), closes #422
- notice: add liveOnEnter option (5958537)
- slider: add tip-props prop to custom inner tooltip (4b712c8)
- config: remove arrow series icons and transfer to angle series (d24e9bb)
- modal: add x-offset and y-offset props (bdcf120)
- support globally config hover delay, defaults to 100ms (b409d01)
- upload: transfer file preset icons into config (e3caf85)
2.2.10 (2023-11-06)
- divider: add margin prop (1fcc9cd)
- slider: add filler slot (3581c00)
- utils: add toCssSize method (79941f5)
- menu: incorrect horizontal inside popper style (35523fa)
- slider: improve filler radius style (45cfb64)
2.2.9 (2023-11-03)
- add German locale config (#406) (e90ba63)
- bem-helper: distinguished generating css variable methods (17395bd)
- cli: support generate types.d.ts with custom prefix (982ac80)
- hooks: add hook to observe current theme (709c943)
- slider: add trigger-fade prop (d91eb0b)
- slider: support array type markers prop (9ba017f)
- tooltip: add hover-focus trigger type (08b71d8)
- tooltip: support limit tip inside visible area (a65ff70)
- utils: add leaveNumber method (2764872)
- utils: add runParallel method (e7d20a5)
- utils: formatByteSize support specify precision (e158702)
- config: force vxp namespace for css variables (814fd2c)
- export all locale configs in root package (8f7c3d4)
- layout: improve footer hydrations in Nuxt (cd1f126)
- layout: improve hydrations in Nuxt (8fd400c)
- layout: media query matched default false in SSR (0cd3473), closes #427
- menu: ensure menu popper shifted (972b4af)
- timeline: improve padding style (0a3f224)
- utils: improve toCamelCase logic for all capital case (c5fa815)
- utils: improve toKebabCase logic for all capital case (7347675)
- full-screen: support custom tag and improve exposed state (b1c361d)
- slider: add flip-marker prop and improve slots (07c24b8)
2.2.8 (2023-10-27)
- plugins: add fullStyle option for unplugin resolver (c06e9b0)
- resize-observer: add disabled prop (fc80708)
- slider: adjust tip default behavior and add tip-hover prop (29d1766)
- utils: add forceInject option for flatTree method (49e7b9a)
- utils: add writeClipboard method (41dce09)
- bubble: isolate style effect when nested itself (0d8c88f)
- config: incorrect default value for value(s)Prop (db750d3)
- ensure track options change for Select, Cascader and Transfer (f906701)
- slider: add container to improve scalability (04b721e)
- table: add missing style dependencies (6229631)
- table: duplicate from
after drag in tree (3871bbd) - tooltip: isolate style effect when nested itself (5b566b3)
- tree: add missing style dependencies (0efb472)
- radio: add shape prop to replace border, button props (6d3121d)
- table: responsive cells and rows height (94cc2eb)
2.2.7 (2023-10-20)
- auto-complete: add prepend and append slots (37543ce)
- layout: add no-header prop (7bb9822)
- select: add prepend and append slots (6eb864f)
- table: add drag-over and dragging class names for rows (bdfe133)
- tooltip: support custom delay for hover trigger (f46901c)
- utils: add methods to random prefer color (1976c92)
- utils: add padStartZeros method (666bfcd)
- form: ensure validate work after executing reset (fdea9d5), closes #415
- popup: ensure items' z-index effective (01b71fb), closes #414
- table: correctly process row data when drag tree (7b6174f)
- tree: improve toggling of drag-over class name (35f98af)
- typography: improve keyboard type text style (93a8411)
- uncontrollable mask-close behavior of Drawer and Modal (2285f9d)
- utils: add unexpectedly removed toCamelCase (b3a9e53)
- utils: correct color methods returns type (9cfe584)
- dev: adjust layout of devlopment page (fa227ca)
- transfer some components to setup script (84dca6d)
- utils: rename digitLength to decimalLength (8120e3f)
2.2.6 (2023-10-12)
- confirm: support disbale cancel button (34d0dea)
- drawer: support custom type and size of action buttons (df2d8cf)
- modal: add undivided prop (8269ea2)
- modal: support custom type and size of action buttons (fd35dcd)
- table: add getData api method (ef6b470)
- table: support specify indented column for tree (ca08c37)
- virtual-list: add autoplay prop (8910727)
- auto-complete: correct initial hitting behavior (942a0c8), closes #413
- layout: improve height calculation in Nuxt (5c91e98)
- modal: add dragging and resizing into slot params (a81c4f7)
- scroll: ensure emit scroll event when auto scroll (fa6b437)
- table: correct precess for dragging row in tree table (00550d7)
- table: row disappear when drop to head via using dragger (533184c)
- drawer: add undivided prop (e486c10)
2.2.5 (2023-10-08)
- checkbox: support custom major color (0d08bfd)
- icon: add color prop (c912fb7)
- icon: add rotate prop (a049fa7)
- icon: add size prop (7abd26f)
- select: support custom selected label (c34df8d)
- tree: add block-effect prop (eb2a559)
- tree: support custom arrow icon via prop or slot (3ad3f02)
- tree: support prefix and suffix slots (12bbb3f), closes #409
- utils: add isValidNumber method (6462cf1)
- auto-complete: correct popper behavior with show-empty false (49a7a04), closes #411
- form: improve top align label style (cb2743c)
- layout: prioritize using customize primary color variable (2ed6d2c), closes #410
- tree: correctly update visible nodes' element (0a5e97a)
- tree: After this change, node effect class names no longer
apply to the label element (except
). Also the effect style structure changed.
2.2.4 (2023-09-22)
- color-picker: support show and custom label (7bbde77)
- collapse: missing header button type (8dec9aa)
- hooks: improve createSlotRender method (70a0ce9)
- menu: ensure default slot display when includes valid content (#408) (e3466cb)
2.2.3 (2023-09-07)
- add popper-alive prop for controls with popper (e9e378e)
- modal: add hook method to create disposable modal (167d329), closes #374
- select: add count-limit prop (adbda63)
- select: add popper-alive prop (f7e90bb)
- config: cannot include default excluded props (147fab5)
- input: keep cursor position when toggle plain password (611c473)
- slider: support decimal step (3722fbc), closes #405
- utils: unexpected isElement crash process (4877ed6)
- modal: improve to provide params for slots (c296454)
- slider: support trigger slot (f1a3337), closes #405
2.2.2 (2023-09-01)
- add name prop for control components with internal input (06fcb7d)
- config: add zh-HK and zh-TW local config (a8b8191)
- form: add name prop for FormItem (fc9ebd8)
- input: add control-attrs prop (bd0a178)
- button: ensure no series span in group (56bbf19)
- config: ensure dependencies are external (c130d17)
- modal: ensure inset props are controllable (e80c2f0)
- modal: missing title when only using title slot (cb614d2)
- modal: unexpected size change when drag if using inset size (9e8ae75)
- normalize internal icons props (3734fb9)
2.2.1 (2023-08-29)
- masker: add mask-click event (d7dce5b)
- pagination: add item-count prop replace max-count (dff075b)
- tour: add mask-click event (786f3ef)
- tour: support keyboard actions (d8a4617)
- config: complete Tamil locale config (4683631)
- layout: incorrect will-change style (6373aa3)
- pagination: improve disabled effect and style (a0cb237)
- confirm: improve supporting for custom renderer (131ebba)
2.2.0 (2023-08-23)
- affix: add Affix component (#390) (ba6d6a4)
- auto-complete: support control show list if empty (34f2f1a)
- breadcrumb: support create items via Router (7e5f3fe)
- bubble: add type prop (085cb40)
- date-picker: support format value (6c71140)
- hooks: add unrefElement method (cf73f4b)
- hooks: usePopper add autoUpdate property (3157882)
- hooks: usePopper support shift property (912055f)
- hooks: usePopper supports dynamic arrow position (7cce562)
- support rtl for components (#344) (76bab50), closes #353
- tour: add Tour and TourStep components (#401) (fcfbd5f)
- utils: add compute color gray scale methods (ec9f786)
- remove deprecated features (597962d)
- auto-complete: ensure filter effective after select (7d1d6fe)
- auto-complete: list cannot show after filter to empty (e74c321)
- button: ensure block prop effective (feea73f), closes #403
- click event triggered twice if hidden input internal (#400) (d728774)
- hooks: remove toValue for Vue 3.2 compat (c219e0f)
- hooks: usePopper compat array type offset property (a5a6da4)
- hooks: usePopper correct popper element style (8412cd5)
- hooks: usePopper optional wrapper property (67456e8)
- tree: improve tree label hover background color (cf7bf6e)
- utils: constants typo (2bd3388)
- utils: throttle ensure no delay when first call (b72cec3)
- confirm: change default align and improve style (9ae5848)
- hooks: usePopper upgrade to use floating-ui (2044abe)
- pagination: support custom tags and improve slots (63cc5a9)
- utils: transfer flatVNodes to hooks package (cf7bfef)
- All features marked as deprecated have been removed, continuing to use a deprecated feature may occur errors
2.1.30 (2023-08-07)
- confirm: support custom cancel button type (#395) (e9599e5)
- masker: support mask slot (6ace609)
- playground: add global types for components (#397) (c5ff77a)
- tree: support virtual scroll and disable transition (#396) (3a9370b)
- date-picker: cannot blur after select via shourcut (28de419)
- drawer: imrpove style when mask is hidden (60cf99a)
- playground: download with correct directory structure (a87e307)
- table: effect auto refresh after resized (44601f2)
- transfer: by default should filter options by label (4e8aa63)
2.1.29 (2023-07-25)
- collapse: support use keyboard to control panel (b860f4c), closes #393
- radio: support for boolean value (4ca431b)
- select: support for boolean value (6237d08)
- slider: effect keyboard controls (fe1878e)
- utils: add walkTree function (eaeb9b4)
- utils: transformListToMap supports Map reslut (534eb5e)
- hooks: click outside event should process in capture (8d59f55)
- masker: default disable wheel event (ec35cee)
- progress: improve bar filler transform style (7d22ecf)
- radio: label content default no wrap (72227f0)
- scrollbar: bar position not update when using track (ba73c6b)
- scroll: change delta-x and delta-y default to 40 (7d8071c)
- slider: disable keyboard when disabled or loading lock (8465d6b)
- tooltip: ensure click outside effective when using virtual (0c3a697)
- upload: expose isDragOver property (f84dab3)
- utils: normalizePath should replace '' to '/' (ec4de2f)
- utils: toCapitalCase imporve borderline cases (161883b)
- create advanced types to process event listener (adfa226)
- utils: transformListToMap improve prop type inferring (31c341f)
2.1.28 (2023-07-17)
- checkbox: support disabled property of options of group (38e1667)
- hooks: useIntersection support numberish rootMargin (b7a2bb4)
- input: support composition start and end events (d67a95d)
- radio: support disabled property of options of group (c8ac73e)
- switch: support rectangular appearance (c3e5d40)
- table: add side-padding prop (d67c71d)
- table: support set various icons (8e4141d)
- timeline: support line prefix content slot (3ceb411)
- auto-complete: original value remained after composition (588cf9d)
- hooks: flatVNodes ensure support text and number nodes (7fbbb4a)
- radio and checkbox cannot be selected if input inner (edc1b39)
- table: ensure transparent prop effective (7fbd108)
- table: normalize name of scroll refs (f18778c)
- timeline: incorrect item style when horizontal and flip (a03d650)
- timeline: incorrect line alignment (e1b1cd3)
2.1.27 (2023-07-09)
- hardware acceleration for animations (1bbba34)
- improve Checkbox and Wheel loading animations (cccc5d0)
- playground: upgrade repl to v2, support Monaco editor (ab24634)
- table: incorrect row position when change data with virtual (0302ef5)
2.1.26 (2023-07-03)
- message: improve default type border style (3ef56d9)
- modal: ensure effect position calculate when hide mask (0bccd9b)
- notice: improve default type border style (5e238e1)
- option: improve to without title by default, support custom (3ca9b67)
- tab-nav: marker not update when manully change active (2356a44)
- textarea: improve overflow-y to auto (5407d11)
- virtual-list: unexpected style not be merged (53c02d5)
2.1.25 (2023-06-21)
- table: improve table horizontal scroll performance (9916a44)
- auto-complete: add debounce and delay props (12ae1af)
- contextmenu: support set renderer for each menu (e29c538)
- input: support custom input throttle or debounce delay (f220e82)
- number-input: support custom input throttle or debounce delay (274f906)
- renderer: support store variables and resue them via slot (322cb6e)
- textarea: support custom input throttle or debounce delay (d0cc62c)
- utils: toFixed supports scientific notation (62485f7)
- modal: should responsive when no draggable or resizable (bf5b646)
- native-scroll: deprecated on-before-scroll prop (7e2062d)
- table: add missing foot cell style (cc7a12d)
- table: ensure refresh all horizontal scrolls (00a54a4)
- table: ensure refresh vertical scrollbar when data changed (9ffeab8)
- table: incorrect fixed columns width calculate (39e2ee3)
- table: infinite watch when dynamically render columns (d134812)
- table: missing right border when merging cells (16550b9)
- input: using control-class prop replace input-class prop (8aba1ee)
2.1.24 (2023-06-13)
- config-provider: support specify the scope theme (1f5387b), closes #380
- layout: add fit-window prop (d610f36)
- layout: add inner-classes prop (874f9a4)
- table: support add table summaries (footer) (#386) (27d0fd6)
- table: support merge cells (#384) (5ce3280)
- adjust
events emitted order (#388) (b6d826b) - anchor: effect working with window scroll (d1cb5b6)
- anchor: incorrect track-color-active variable (#378) (4e14a6a)
- drawer: remove internal --vxp-drawer-hanlder-offset variable (7c32a6a)
- enable hardware acceleration for masker, modal, drawer (2f99288)
- layout: ensure emit resize event in fit-window (b634de5)
- pagination: center page items missing title (5135a87)
- radio: normalize button and border type style (24cb6c0)
- tab-nav: incorrect active content border style (2f6d78d)
- table: rename
prop tometa
(6f03cf1) - table: simplify code and improve columns layout (#383) (48608d9)
- table: TableColumn's
prop has been deprecated, please usemeta
prop to replace it.
2.1.23 (2023-06-02)
- native-scroll: debounce resize process (ac8e61d)
- native-scroll: disable observe children resize by default (7ac1d74)
- tree: improve internal reactive variables (92ba459)
- layout: add content-resize event (0eda095)
- select: add fit-popper prop (#357) (5c2c0cd)
- table: support resize table columns' width (#343) (1a9f493)
- timeline: using alternate to replace both-sides prop (5f81887)
- utils: add getXBorder and getYBorder methods (6f360d2)
- collapse: adjust the border radius of the last panel of a card type (#366) (6e422fd)
- confirm: explicitly specify auto-remove false (c5565ea)
- hooks: useMoving incorrect delay move process (f58a173)
- input: incorrect count-color-disabled variable (#373) (3bf3204)
- layout: adjust aside class to be compatible with nested (88fc9c0)
- layout: aside main scroll not refresh (89e58e5)
- layout: subtract border width when recording height (31fb537), closes #364
- locale: confirm typo in English (#337) (e256ca9)
- normalize props export of all components (558db00)
- number-input: props.value precision lose efficacy (#365) (64650e8)
- tab-nav: add missing scroll style dependency (3d396fa)
- tab-nav: incorrect pad display (560790a)
- textarea: incorrect count-color-disabled variable (#372) (8b9ac41)
- timeline: effect alternate work correctly (ff77266)
- utils: incorrect leap year function name (#345) (1958a46)
- form: incorrect ValidatorResult type (#350) (828bd61)
- timeline: incorrect TimelineItem type (#346) (5853e99)
- tooltip: incorrect TooltipTrigger type (#348) (59864aa)
- ellipsis: switch to use Tooltip as base (f522626)
- native-scroll: NativeScroll no longer observes children resize by default,
you can add
prop to enable it. - timeline: Timeline's
prop has been deprecated, please usingalternate
prop to replace it.
2.1.22 (2023-05-25)
- dropdown: add custom prop to mark to disable nested process (f29ba14)
- exports all props definitions to support extends (0186871)
- style: use new font-family for mono (9f88146)
- cascader: should reset hitting when panel options changed (d4180f2)
- config: ensure props exec validator at once (#328) (bcdf759)
- dropdown: disable transfer for nested dropdown (1c65cfd)
- menu: improve and fix menu item style (9a780f4)
- menu: incorrect menu item style in rest (afa3e56)
- menu: missing meta payload when using options (f8bcc0d)
- menu: popper cannot disappear after quickly hover twice (d644b54)
- tooltip: radius variable typo (cb978ee)
- typography: exactly using kbd tag for keyboard text (f288ef6)
2.1.21 (2023-05-21)
- auto-complete: add focus and blur events (a5873a1)
- bem-helper: create bem-helper package (f91208e)
- hooks: useMounted support wait a tick or frame (ccd77f6)
- input: add copyValue api method (29fda06)
- normalize focus and blur methods for form components (718090c)
- select: add api focus and blur methods (638fc3c)
- time-picker: support click item to select (6f58387)
- utils: add runQueueFrame method (a376a15)
- wheel: emit item-click event (9c84084)
- date-picker: add header titles for range select datetime (dfc2401)
- layout: disable transition when not mounted (5fe7030)
- radio: ensure effective loading icon in button mode (a59eb8e)
- radio: normailze line-height in button mode (7835c93)
- text: incorrect style of thin mode (dc1ccce)
- config: use bem helper to improve namespace types (d7ca7aa)
2.1.20 (2023-05-14)
- scrollbar: incorrect style import path (5e2a8c9)
2.1.19 (2023-05-14)
- ellipsis: add tip-disabled prop (e24cd7d)
- table: add text-align prop for TableColumn (479abaa)
- table: support custom filter renderer (241d8aa)
- table: use class prop replace class-name (10b32ec)
- tooltip: provide api methods from slots (879cc0a)
- utils: enhance flatTree to support depth first and filter (c5a5728)
- card: unexpected content collapse (e063a40)
- color-picker: alpha cannot be confirmed to 0 (9921700)
- layout: correct timing of mediaQuery call in ssr (62b5443)
- layout: emit expanded change event when breakpoint changed (94f2716)
- scrollbar: remove incorrect style dependency (7213a5c)
- table: correct filter trigger style (c9fc151)
- table: correct using native scroll exposed (ef58f8a)
- table: effect re-render when column slots' content changed (ca79311)
- utils: correct flatTree filter method (94dacad)
- native-scroll: correct instance exposed types (b59e019)
- table: change default data type to any to improve infer (695b2c1)
- layout: normalize slot params and exposed (5abb6a3)
- transfer: imporve slot params and change to tsx (68f81f0)
- layout: Api methods renamed:
2.1.17 (2023-05-03)
- config-provider: support config z-index (8772bc2)
- config: support provide config via hook functions (8222299)
- hooks: add useManualRef hook (da0cd38)
- scroll: Slot parameters of Scroll (also NativeScroll) is changed to methods only, and now using the getState method to get scroll state. And the modifier class names of Scroll's wrapper are transfered to the Scroll root element.
2.1.16 (2023-04-23)
- anchor: ensure get scroll methods and element (8b9b180)
- auto-complate: ensure effect ignore-case prop (#312) (398c681)
- auto-complete: no hover effect when using filter (20d4f73)
- card: flexible height for content (dba86b6)
- form-submit: missing button style dependency (02f3f04)
- layout: ensure aside-main using y scrollbar (131573c)
- layout: incorrect main section min-height (a3c325f)
- masker: set valid z-index if default active (2d4f613)
- utils: flatTree don't set parent if parentField is empty (a1d51a5)
- menu: make meta type to any for compatibility (be948c8)
- select: make raw option type to any for compatibility (b9c27a7)
2.1.15 (2023-04-17)
- layout: fixed wrapper height when
(f47d9a6) - table: ensure ignore when row drop to its parent (3543510)
- table: ensure render indicator when using drag column (388ffec)
- table: infinitely rerender when using primitive object in TableColumn (19f5f55), closes #303
- auto-complete: improve scalability for events (4b4357c)
- breadcrumb: improve scalability for events (70b9224)
- cascader: improve scalability for events (9a67006)
- select: improve scalability for events (db88b69)
2.1.14 (2023-04-13)
- icons: upgrate font-awesome to 6.4.0 (74a47cb)
- layout: add fixed-main prop (969f512)
- utils: add normalizePath method (4411b49)
2.1.13 (2023-04-12)
- scroll: improve extra slot not render when no content (4dfccb8)
- style: topological sorting for style import (a36d606)
- config: dynamic z-index for popper-type components (#305) (2ce5cec)
- table: switch to using NativeScroll (4e10ea2)
2.1.12 (2023-04-06)
- number-input: add out of range effect for input control (078681c)
- select: support remote mode (#301) (e5da199)
- number-input: ensure emit change event in sync mode (aab42ab), closes #296
- number-input: unexpected behavior in sync mode (9c77dc3), closes #299
- select: correctly emit focus and blur events (e9ee8ce), closes #300
- specific type value for internal buttons (0a39d69), closes #297
- config:
isn't included in internal locale config no longer. Now these config are exported independently, using e.g.import { enUSLocale } from 'vexip-ui'
to import locale config that you want to use. See docs about global config for more details.
2.1.11 (2023-04-03)
- locale: internally support Tamil language (#293) (0331ec7)
- table: support add column with drag type to create handler (89df1fc)
- plugins: support vexip-ui version lower than 2.1.10 (7e747d2)
2.1.10 (2023-03-29)
- select: support dynamic preview current hitting option's label (a27ba4a)
- button: incorrect style in circle group when with tooltip (947c360), closes #289
- content shrink when body too long in Modal and Drawer (43cfd87)
- wheel: arrows not render with warning (0e7d4cd), closes #292
- The scss and css style files no longer contains dependent
styles for its component. Currently the relationship of styles are included in ts
(js) files which are use to import the styles. Change the import way of style like:
and unnecessary to import preset style manually.
2.1.9 (2023-03-23)
- config: support custom icons via config (#287) (d665f10)
- date-picker: support set week start for panel (619385e), closes #286
- config: passing default null to avoid warning (44c813b)
- form: unexpected display using with Column when hmr (fc9318d)
- number-input: incoorect suffix icon position (b759fea), closes #284
- tabs: header will shrink if content too height (cc46454)
- manual exposed should exnted ComponentPublicInstance (783a8e9)
2.1.8 (2023-03-13)
- number-input: support custom empty value type (a07b245)
- number-input: expected render vaild unit of number (e7612b3), closes #281
- prevent submit event of inner input elements (66ce737), closes #275
- scroll: incorrect extra content z-index (8bfb9f4)
2.1.7 (2023-03-11)
- native-scroll: support add extra content via slot (54de8b5)
- scroll: support add extra content via slot (931b4d1)
- tree: support post process each node when created (7292d64)
- utils: add flatVNodes method (35bd9e6)
- sapce: render nothing when no items (858a55b)
- table tree rendering async data cannot be expanded (#280) (285539b)
- table: unexpect horizontal scroll appear (84598bf), closes #278
- native-scroll: multiple define instance type (bd5a408)
- table: normalize all types start with
- table: All types of Table component currently start with
prefix, e.g.FilterOptions
2.1.6 (2023-03-08)
- table: add key-config prop (da36218)
- table: support parsing tree data (#279) (763f50b)
- tree: support create link line for nodes (ea3110a)
- tree: support more fine grained disabled options (82d4877)
- checkbox: improve signal background color in dark mode (6fbbc22)
- modal: custom position not effective (b144f9c)
- select: incorrect label color when delay set value in filter mode (68169c0)
- table: ensure fill entire table when columns total width small than table (b69cdb5)
- table: incorrect scroll width when have not fixed width column (e93bd1c), closes #278
- upload: infinite read not image file when using card type (eceb63c)
2.1.5 (2023-02-28)
- form: dynamic remove array type fields fail (5c810fe), closes #274
- select: ensure label clear when using filter in signle select (35e11c2), closes #277
- table: improve table horizontal scroll (b99aaa1), closes #273
2.1.4 (2023-02-25)
- calendar: support two way binding for year and month (f7469e9), closes #259
- native-scroll: add ensureInView api method (cb860d4)
- select: emit filter-input event (12bcfb3), closes #271
- spin: add icon-effect prop (0d9470f)
- table: support custom sorter and filter (bb0f4af), closes #269
- date-picker: cannot focus end input when in range mode (5ea7b59)
- date-picker: ensure clearable prop wroks when no passing value (68854b8), closes #258
- hooks: improve useHover using useListener (007dba8)
- input: make sync effective when under FormItem (207ef20), closes #267
- layout: improve user dropdown position (b91291b)
- radio: should not be selected when in loading and loading-lock (#260) (3d79c9f)
- select: internal filter should filter by label (bf39188), closes #265
- select: normalize space and enter key behavior (75ee99b)
- select: unexpect emit focus event when blur (3e0afca), closes #264
- table: cannot refresh row states by data directly (b9bb46d)
- table: improve column sorter and filter able default true (688dba4)
- table: improve row event payload (TableRowPayload) (07f5a30)
2.1.3 (2023-02-08)
- menu: incorrect group indent css var (45ebf73)
2.1.2 (2023-02-08)
- date-picker: support set input unit controls readonly (c55ea0d)
- menu: support custom menu item indentation (f385042), closes #252
- time-picker: support set input unit controls readonly (6eaaac0)
- calendar: reactive for week-start prop changed (bf8c9a5), closes #255
- layout: normalize layout main z-index (e4d1e1a), closes #253
- locale: corrent inject locale word space config (aee45aa)
- menu: correct selected style in horizontal mode (1e56461)
- plugins: correct css file path for dark mode (#254) (f3aa29b)
- select: correct cursor style (9e0d6a4)
2.1.1 (2023-02-07)
- layout: support manually control dark mode (04c199e), closes #245
- time-picker: add placholder prop (b5ca190)
- menu: active menu not follow router when init (75772ed), closes #246
- menu: improve group visible item style (48c7166), closes #248
- time-picker: full controllable control value via value prop (90ca68c)
2.1.0 (2023-01-30)
- full-screen: add FullScreen component (#212) (46ebb3e)
- icons: upgrade to [email protected] (a9e5950)
- Image: add Image component (#225) (e26a75e)
- input: add plain password button slot (e74cee3)
- layout: emitted toggle-theme event (e89f6c2), closes #242
- native-scroll: add scroll-attrs prop (68c4490)
- Result: add Result component (#238) (0812183)
- scroll: add scroll-attrs prop (d10d24e)
- scroll: add scroll-style prop (3a3d1b3)
- scroll: support custom scroll wrapper tag (include NativeScroll) (1182e21)
- select: add max-tag-count, no-rest-tip and tag-type props (#224) (bdc7517)
- support specify locale config via
prop (#239) (e483dea) - tab-nav: support scroll when items size large than wrapper (#234) (066a985)
- tag: support add extra content (#222) (9fb911c)
- confirm: fallback to create app when without mounted app (064cc52)
- contextmenu: should have default z-index (debaa3d)
- form: icon and loading slots for submit and reset not effective (260001c)
- form: submit loading cannot follow form loading (6bfcc69)
- input: plain-password button cannot click when clearable (ac33af5), closes #229
- layout: media query not correct when set to xs (53c0150)
- menu: menu item icon slot not effective (9c20725)
- select: cannot reset selected when passing empty value (c46805a)
- toast: fallback to create app when without mounted app (c6330a9)
- utils: using pointerdown event for touch action (e03462f)
- export exposed type for all components (#233) (dc38c14)
- imporve components prop type to show the original definition (70a17be)
- improve Object.freeze type inferring (c20c3a8)
- utils: improve toCapitalCase type inferring (#236) (de29f21)
2.0.20 (2023-01-10)
- date-picker: add outside-close and outside-cancel props (5a62a8a)
- date-picker: reset activated when set value to falsy (ea2e74e)
- locale: per page typo (bf85f8b)
- modal: close button cannot be clicked in touch mode (d0a24a4)
- switch: misalignment of signal occurs during transition (1bd5da5)
- table: column fixed effect displayed when scroll not enable (6d75dcf)
- upload: count-limit not effective in image mode (f356f11)
- input: improve change and input event types (c2ad375)
- tab-nav: improve change and close event types (cfb72b0)
2.0.19 (2022-12-19)
- overflow: add max-count prop (f982420)
- overflow: support add suffix content via slot (6754072)
- playground: support format codes via prettier (5ff663c)
- playground: support select cdn address (8d70fd6)
- cascader: ensure effective max-tag-count (4d1e6c4)
- hooks: improve intersection count record (2d2f360)
- overflow: counter not hidden when max count equals to items count (f4c3540)
- select: cannot re-select option in multiple mode (c124596)
- skeleton: attrs cannot be set (69ee0d1)
- table: height not correct when filter with row height set (ca84f12)
- virtual-list: items element height not refresh (d3c0944)
2.0.18 (2022-12-09)
- timeline: support flip item content (c605012)
- timeline: support horizontal line (210a3a5), closes #195
- input: null value will be transformed to string null (33f10e6)
- style: color should not auto inherit (e896107)
2.0.17 (2022-12-07)
- input: ensure focus when click input area (a0b7ff8)
- playground: compiler version should follow vue version (51715cd)
- select: space down should not enter the input (670a68e)
- table: should assign row data when set new data (2518203)
- support config functional default props (05b08ff)
2.0.16 (2022-12-01)
- export currentBreakPoint ref (570b6f7)
- playground: support change version and toggle ssr (#221) (065dcf3)
- scroll: support horizontal exact mode (a712cf9)
- support components to inherit parent base style (#220) (ca26d3b)
- column: cannot show when set span 0 with other brank points (b73cc5a)
- Grid: provided state should not penetrate deep (0a6b1fe), closes #219
- select: unsync input value when using filter with default value (fd5e6a0)
- upload: file list not sync when using select-to-add (50784d8)
2.0.15 (2022-11-24)
- confirm: add fast open method for using title (8f47f7e)
- confirm: support add title and set content or actions align (cb2b767)
- upload: add list-style prop (94089e7)
- table: should use wrapper width to compute when width not set (d628403)
- upload: error when passing null to file-list (b6f5df4)
- config: add default property for PropsOptions (f3e4580)
2.0.14 (2022-11-21)
- confirm: support parse content as html (6053b7b)
- date-picker: add exchange slot for range select (1166e70)
- date-picker: support min and max props to bound date (#216) (9cfd677)
- message: support parse content as html (7bd4def)
- notice: support parse title and content as html (18929a9)
- time-picker: add exchange slot for range select (2431a64)
- time-picker: support min and max props to bound time (87dfc32), closes #215
- toast: support parse content as html (2609809)
- input: correct size for before and after content (54c8bf8)
2.0.13 (2022-11-09)
- tab-nav: add placement prop (8148eb0), closes #176
- tab-nav: support built-in close button (7ef0787), closes #201
- tab-nav: support create built-in add button (f45d47c), closes #208
- tabs: add closable and show-add props (908abaa)
- tabs: add placement prop (9d35443)
- drawer: size abruptly change on resize when using percentage size (4f81bd0)
- improve input like components state style (456f6bf)
- select: label not render when value is falsy (5cbc2bf), closes #207
- modal: improve size and position props types (f5acd3d)
- table: improve helper functions type inferring (141ca48)
2.0.12 (2022-11-02)
- input: add count slot (0a27106)
- table: aad checked class for rows (0e02ac8)
- textarea: add count slot (70387be)
- input: value not clear when in sync mode (81af6c6)
- menu: cache and reset group expanded when menu reduced change (eca0dbb)
- menu: item selected not update when label change (6c97c83)
- number-input: value not clear when in sync mode (608f2b5)
- overflow: should refresh when wrapper resize (5102c40)
- tabs: panel height should follow content (e9a25ea), closes #191
- add InputExposed and UploadExposed (4ca0cbe)
2.0.11 (2022-10-28)
- hooks: add useIntersection hook (37b6147)
- layout: add theme mode config (394fa8c)
- pagination: add no-title prop (c57fb2c)
- tab-nav: support specify tab items alignment (19bf1b5), closes #190
- number-input: should emit change event when enter (83d7054)
- pagination: explicitly plugins props values (be46519)
- pagination: incorrect focus when change page with ellipsis show (8ee696e)
- upload: improve card type list style (9119dbf)
- upload: incorrct control disabled style in image mode (489f710)
- wheel: improve border style when disabled (7d305bb)
2.0.10 (2022-10-25)
- pagination: out of bounds when pages more then 4 digits (638b2fd)
- split: improve full button angles color (9c92f74)
- tab-nav: active not update when dynamic with using index as key (aacc76a)
- table: missing body bottom border style (8aaf0a3)
- upload: should show thumbnial when only non-base64 url (18c26de)
- layout: fix menu options type (e909ea3)
2.0.9 (2022-10-24)
- menu: adjust to dynamic render poppers (3805628)
- breadcrumb: support passing a function as name in options (a60c663)
- menu: support passing a function as name in options (ef240b7)
- utils: add ensureArray and callIfFunc methods (2b4e986)
- alert: incomplete content when using scroll with prefix icon (f03da86)
- upload: unexpectedly refresh router when delete file with thumbnail type (15ea453)
2.0.8 (2022-10-23)
- table: improve to precisely deep watch column props (f74c4df)
- pagination: support customize plugins position (48cd1fd)
- pagination: support page-size two way binding (16f1750)
- table: improve type columns will have default key if not define (1cdcc6f)
- upload: add image upload mode (#180) (d1e3201)
- alert: content display direction should be column (1d208c5)
- cascader: counter fails to disappear when passing empty array (2589335), closes #181
- incorrect form control components init value (24909c0)
- input: should hide native toggle plaintext button in Edge (6bc0554), closes #178
- overflow: unexpectedly render slot when items passed empty array (f3af8e2)
- pagination: sync height of plugin controls to item height (2de1fc9)
- tab-nav: not nested divider css vars (77765dc)
- table: clearFilter method fails to reset options active (865a69f), closes #183
- table: maker double-click events work (#186) (137db89)
- table: rows in table head should not highlight (ef091dc)
- upload: image thumbnail not effective (b71b5dc)
- improve to support
(#188) (5c50d3b) - layout: fix LayoutMenuProps type (cbc9191)
- props: refactor ClassType and StyleType (d54ea6f)
2.0.7 (2022-10-17)
- layout: add header-avatar slot (7574693)
- tab-nav: add options prop (d9f868f)
- tab-nav: add prefix and suffix slots (f6034cd)
- tabs: add prefix and suffix slots (db8a5ab)
- utils: add randomColor method (adc3878)
- utils: add series log once methods (c4fc460)
- config: ensure responsive variables namespace (4b334c9)
- space: items should default flex display (2b34b10)
- tab-nav: list should default no margin (4dad8da)
2.0.6 (2022-10-13)
- input: add sync prop (7dc7289), closes #169
- number-input: add sync prop (7b50304)
- plugins: add iconPrefix option for resolver (11ccffd)
- plugins: support auto resolve icon components (#167) (fef768c)
- bubble: keep consistent behavior for newline (7bb25a2), closes #164
- button: missing button badge color css var (bdb22c7)
- divider: missing text-color css var (509f932)
- form: add submit and reset style deps (a8ac3ec)
- input: not effective debounce prop (46c5d31)
- layout: add style dependencies (04edd03)
- plugins: support typography style alias (f89cfef)
- fix type errors (8b0a24d)
2.0.4 (2022-09-23)
- lazy render popper for select type components (f7b96cc)
- color-picker: incorrect inner input style (b49bb49)
- form: should not submit when form is not native (8b27f2a)
- menu: content disappears not in time when collapsing (cfd93c1), closes #162
- button: simplify css variables (d260dd9)
2.0.3 (2022-09-20)
2.0.2 (2022-09-19)
- auto-complete: add transparent prop (1111b96)
- cascader: add transparent prop (379c862)
- input: add transparent prop (cdc6e08)
- layout: add expandMenuByLabel api method (bd864b0), closes #156
- select: add transparent prop (972ca83)
- carousel: confusion when switch left or top in loop (0483eeb)
- table: incorrect bg color when transparent in dark theme (c197979)
2.0.1 (2022-09-18)
- support ssr for components (#153) (c0c4fd8)
- table: support series of class, style, attrs and events (d7291d8), closes #154
- slider: missing width when in flex layout (7506916)
2.0.0 (2022-09-16)
- add Typography components (#146) (8cca389)
- anchor: add force-active prop (ecdc9e3)
- form: add help prop for item (69e4996)
- form: add inline prop (f2db62a)
- form: support pure form item render (65d6b30)
- form: support set size for all controls under form (a332eca)
- menu: add expandItemByLabel api method (38003cd), closes #141
- slider: add reverse prop (a1ee27e), closes #142
- slider: support add markers and only-marker select (ea1be6b)
- slider: support range select mode (b5534f9), closes #77
- tree: add label-click event (61f2f7a), closes #149
- button: missing icon when has any content (26e199b)
- checkbox-group: incorrect update value from props.value (9513ad7), closes #147
- config: incorrect event prop regexp (849ac5b), closes #139
- form: correctly delete form item (4ce34e8)
- form: rename label-position to label-align (ad593bb)
- slider: incorrect judge to emit input event (f13656e)
- table: unstable row rendering (4546389)
- common/mixins rename to common/hooks (#150) (eb5605e)
- upload: all callbacks and events first param change to FileState (069edae)
- upload: Upload component all callbacks and events first param change from SourceFile to FileState, this will make the states of files inside the component controllable. This change also fix cannot init file list via urls.
- form: To better fit the description of this feature, change
name tolabel-align
2.0.0-rc.1 (2022-09-06)
- anchor: support bind url hash (797bd87)
- toast: add toast plugin (manager) (#128) (a3be410)
- viewer: add on-transition prop (689ecd0)
- Viewer: using mouse position as transform origin for zooming (#73) (2ed544e)
- breadcrumb: unexpected page reloads when item clicked (19f387e), closes #131
- ellipsis: html attributes not effective (a2b7857), closes #129
- upload: should not prevent default when keydown (b4b92f4), closes #130
2.0.0-rc.0 (2022-08-31)
- anchor: support create links via using options prop (1f712f6), closes #94
- checkbox: support quickly add control via prop (4d13ec2), closes #104
- drawer: support add footer with default action buttons (ddbc8a3), closes #117
- select: add update:label event to quickly get label (77f8372), closes #127
- button: incorrect render when loading with icon-only prop (c051bc5)
- cascader: options hitting init not in time (36df57c)
- color-picker: hide panel when disabled change to true (c152d67)
- date-picker: effect shortcut when using range select (9fbfc71), closes #105
- icon: spin and pulse not effective (11c6d69), closes #112
- option: correct selected style priority (48fd2f3)
- table: incorrect y scroll after adding any row (a597fea), closes #121
- transfer: correct params for select event (c2d0d6f)
- tree: not trigger async load when click label with floor-select (d4e63cc)
- tree: parent node will disappear when drop to its child node (e0440fd), closes #125
- tree: render empty tip when filter result is empty (3d9cfb6), closes #123
- tree: To unify the signatures of tree's function parameters,
parameters is changed from(node)
to(data, node)
. - Currently can import types from
, no longger imports will be fromvexip-ui/es/xxx
2.0.0-beta.21 (2022-08-15)
- date-picker: add focus and blur api methods (2aeca22)
- ellipsis: support multiple rows to ellipsis (#108) (5d78541)
- time-picker: add focus and blur api methods (2080779)
- checkbox: effective using control to check all (70a5bb2), closes #103
- date-picker: effect key number input value (75e1510)
- date-picker: emit change column event when open panel (1045cb4)
- modal: resize start event payload (d04ebe6)
- select: using string schema to match option value when filter (470600e)
- time-picker: minute column step is invaild (02051e6)
2.0.0-beta.20 (2022-08-04)
- button: add no-pulse and icon-only props (342655c)
- form: add built in row layout (561ff23)
- form: support responsive label width (e1ae713)
- layout: auto toggle links layout when footer resize (f5786ff)
- layout: auto toggle sign name show when header resize (bceb75d)
- scroll: add ensureInView api method (090367d)
- select: support dynamic create options (3673b83), closes #99
- select: support filter options (31d1cd8)
- select: support use backspace to delete tag (f05e8f4)
- auto-complete: correctly init input control value (99669a2)
- breadcrumb: using
as label tag (63832d2) - cascader: correct focus when mixed using mouse and keyboard (7e9535c)
- layout: auto adjust menu width when no aside (a218943)
- masker: using visibility hidden instead v-show (a0d41bd)
- textarea: missing Icon register (b04627a)
2.0.0-beta.19 (2022-08-01)
- auto-complete: support control loading state (0dc2098)
- checkbox: support control loading state (0a2b4be)
- form: support set loading for all controls under form (a43ca86)
- layout: add color and colors props (f639db3)
- layout: export header, aside and footer components (7a1bdae)
- radio: support control loading state (eefc325)
- slider: support control loading state (4c121cc)
- switch: support custom loading icon (c1aa3da)
- transfer: support control loading state (69c93f9)
- upload: support control loading state (1a289f1)
- wheel: support control loading state (3e3c517)
- fixed css vars prefix to '--vxp' (e4c1da3)
- improve input-like control styles (fb6ec62)
- layout: router menu not effective in aside (de2aec9), closes #100
- menu: improve menu focus and styles (d905e9b)
- menu:
prop has deprecated, using css vars to adjust menu styles.tooltipTheme
rename totooltipReverse
2.0.0-beta.18 (2022-07-29)
- cascader: support control loading state (18cca8e)
- color-picker: support control loading state (55ffc55)
- date-picker: support control loading state (0389a80)
- input: add custom slots to place button in before or after (6c0a1f7)
- input: support control loading state (3ec0e59)
- number-input: suport control loading state (a3ba14d)
- select: support control loading state (77083f4)
- textarea: support control loading state (a889b18)
- cascader: correct panels class name (fef30d8)
- icon: add
wrapper to isolate transform styles (4f88644) - icon: improve inner
styles (1d961f4) - input: before/after-button rename to before/after-action (a4f202b)
- improve input-like component prefix and suffix styles (8ea8ede)
2.0.0-beta.17 (2022-07-26)
- auto-complete: support group options (ee94d77)
- mixins: useVirtual add methods to ensure item in view (e77fc2c)
- select: support group options via using prop (9a37e0d)
- all transition names using injected namespace (432f0f7)
- layout: correct main size when aside reduced (1b9d350)
- mixins: useVirtual sync scroll top after item resize (fe7122e)
- select: auto scroll to active option (1e72722)
- transfer: improve panel resize (c695607)
- virtual-list: not emit resize event (17caeec)
2.0.0-beta.16 (2022-07-25)
- checkbox: add tab-index prop (7b574f2)
- form: support disable all controls under form (998c219)
- menu: support accessible keyboard (ede2772)
- native-scroll: add wrapper-tag prop (700e07d)
- scroll: add wrapper-tag prop (ad364e6)
- support accessibility for components (#97) (51d5556)
- transfer: add Transfer component (#96) (454e05b)
- utils: add dom utils (b461c9a)
- auto-complete: correct input value when enter without hitting (2e9fb90)
- collapse: infinite loop when toggle in accordion mode (973c522), closes #50
- contextmenu: adjust promise returns to array (165681b)
- mixins: useModifier support auto reset when blur (0f6a993)
- mixins: useModifier unable to read activeKeys (5c36e65)
- mixins: useVirtual implement scroll api methods (012258a)
- transfer: correct panel tab index (a27aa27)
- transfer: follow hitting option when using keyboard (75d7284)
- virtual-list: auto refresh when item count change (2860b32)
- virtual-list: expose scroll api methods (5010651)
- virtual-list: normalize items tag styles (5f8638d)
- CollapsePane and TabPane deprecated, using CollapsePanel and TabPanel instead.
2.0.0-beta.15 (2022-07-18)
- Layout: create Layout component (#88) (22c2b6d), closes #85
- menu: support auto ellipsis when horizontal mode (ad429c8)
- menu: support parse options from router (28d13f1), closes #85
- mixins: usePopper support virtual reference (da51364)
- overflow: add Overflow component (665f250)
- dropdown: sync drop stata when using hover trigger (0d8ed5e)
- menu: marker show when disabled in horizontal mode (e1b1153)
- menu: title padding error when horizontal (b834295)
- overflow: consider the padding of wrapper (ee9327d)
- overflow: support directly render children (c17c20b)
- renderer: misisng component name (b2607aa)
- tooltip: support fragment when using wrapper (68be420)
- useClickoutside directly passing a callback (ebf4842)
- mixins: fix useClickOutside target param type (76e64cd)
- auto bind when control component under FormItem (#93) (e04fc2f)
- tooltip: improve component structure, add multiple features (e44f327)
- tooltip:
prop deprecated, usereverse
prop insteadtheme="dark"
slot deprecated, currently the trigger part usetrigger
slot and the tip part use default slot. Now Tooltip will not render wrapper element by default.
2.0.0-beta.14 (2022-07-10)
- config: add global z-index config (#62) (82b90f2)
- loading: add close method (286a4a0)
- menu: support create items via options prop (927c185), closes #83
- mixins: add useModifier mixin (#75) (d90e021)
- number-input: support keyboard actions to change number (fd9bed5)
- time-age: internal prop support boolean and default to false (1918efd)
- utils: add exact number operate methods (504ffb6)
- Viewer: add zoom range props (#67) (65c4240)
- Viewer: support flip actions (#69) (b8275e5)
- calendar: using locale config for date labels (7d58232)
- improve prefix resolve when install (a418794)
- mixins: add both key and code into activeKeys for useModifier (c2593e5)
- scroll: not auto refresh when content size change (846f4f0)
- table: scroll not reset when data changed (7814b08)
- time-ago: cannot resolve locale config (b073ff8)
- utils: imrpove number operations loop (5d10739)
- wheel: cannot scroll when min or max value effectively (05198d4)
- config: imrpove ClassType and StyleType (5f42e7b)
2.0.0-beta.13 (2022-06-29)
2.0.0-beta.12 (2022-06-27)
- add auto-remove prop for Masker, Drawer and Modal (b83f150)
- mixin: add useMoving mixin (2e48731)
- mixins: add useFullScreen mixin (0c8ac3a)
- mixins: add useListener mixin (8a483b3)
- mixins: add usePointer mixin (c6c3112)
- progress: add precision prop (f51dff2)
- tree: add dragging and drop over classes (a2aca8e), closes #55
- tree: add filter and ignore-case props (df04a2e), closes #54
- tree: add node-props prop (9023743)
- tree: support using method expand node and its all upstream nodes (e9e9ede), closes #53
- Viewer: add Viewer component (#56) (f1c16af)
- avatar: ensure no shrink (d336fdc)
- cascader: init checkbox in no-cascader with single select mode (1b9ba45), closes #52
- cascader: panes display using flex (efc1cee)
- collapse: pane expanded class always exists (4271190)
- color-picker: pane transfer not effective (3e59f6b)
- confirm: will render two components when open (289d79f)
- date-picker: item range style incorrectly (c6ed7b3)
- divider: text position not effective (21da414)
- effect Scroll and Scrollbar with touch actions (6e80fd6)
- form: add not nullable locale config (6fb27c6)
- masker: disable transfer when using inner mode (351cc4d)
- mixins: add delta states and supoort capture config (b1fd988)
- mixins: useFullScreen should return the target (ecdf647)
- mixins: useMouse ensure cancelable before disable events (4aa5686)
- mixins: useMoving default prevent mouse and touch events (3cb1674)
- modal: effect drag and resize to mobile (373082a)
- modal: emitted drag events when not draggable (fa6275d)
- pagination: total and page size plugins style incorrectly (df6d556)
- scroll: pointer prop default value base on touch supported (64770b7)
- slider: effect touch actions (805c0f2)
- split: adjust using useMoving mixin to implement (cfc94d8)
- time-ago: compatibility for ios when parse string date (098228a)
- time-picker: effect touch actions (3060e18)
- upload: default 2 precision for upload progress (ccf4f5c)
- wheel: pointer prop default value base on touch supported (36ecbbb)
- drawer: resize using useMoving mixin to implement (950ebe6)
- modal: drag and resize using useMoving mixin to implement (89e7428)
2.0.0-beta.11 (2022-06-21)
- config: auto warning when validator returns false (2b7712d)
- config: support common props config (86c8fd8)
- config: support custom class namespace (#48) (da29ae3)
- ensure Modal and Drawer max sizes less then window sizes (faade51)
- ensure scope when Scroll or NativeScroll nesting (b81585d)
- menu: nesting popper padding and icon flex-shrink (4dc29ea)
- missing style to space-evenly justify (bda3704)
- number-input: range prop split to min and max props (62447a6)
- scroll: click event not be emitted (eaa5cc7)
- style: forward design to esaier modify variables (5a67967)
- support array type class and style props (317fbff)
- switch: rename to Switch, icon prop split to open-icon and close-icon (29d1e80)
- number-input: NumberInput
prop has removed, using min and max props to instead it.
2.0.0-beta.10 (2022-06-18)
- add Skeleton and SkeletonGroup components (#46) (92c011f)
- Space: add Space component (#47) (cedc5b3)
- tree: add no-cascaded prop (fa07fdd)
- tree: add suffix-checkbox prop (d82a531)
- utils: add supportFlexGap method (ff158dc)
- row: add space-evenly for justify, stretch for align (01024a4)
2.0.0-beta.9 (2022-06-16)
- button: ensure size effective when not set group size (171e9bf), closes #39
- cascader: add empty tip when options is empty (682cbec), closes #40
- cascader: no-cascaded effective in single select mode (9d17d96), closes #43
- config: support function as default value (f44047e), closes #41
- form: item field config not init (16651fc)
- modal: close icon color transition not effective (a1e7fff), closes #42
- native-scroll: bar not hide when not available (005ba93), closes #44
2.0.0-beta.8 (2022-06-15)
2.0.0-beta.7 (2022-06-15)
- config: unexpected merge global locale config (e43d8e8)
- select: ensure init value when async load options (f4e44b3), closes #38
- export config types (6bfb6a2)
2.0.0-beta.6 (2022-06-14)
- improve for loop memory (acb10d7)
- auto-complete: add key-config prop (2ff15cb)
- auto-complete: support custom value and label keys (3a7bfc8)
- button: add size and type props to ButtonGroup (1b8ca9c)
- Cascader: add Cascader component (#37) (237f3cf)
- mixins: add useSetTimeout and useSetInterval (44b63e7)
- select: support value-key and label-key props (2039f25)
- tree: add key-config prop to config key alias (2ce3ec7)
- alert: icon prop error when set unknown type (a989838)
- button: change size unit to px (5cf8421)
- cascader: option changed not trigger update (97a1aff)
- change input like size unit to px (8f566e6)
- change size unit from
(#31) (1370057) - clear internal timer when unmount (9c2f462)
- config: init config not reactive (47298a5)
- config: should exist global locale (b7a5546)
- select: ensure sync init values and labels (ae04af0), closes #36
- style: remove unnecessary padding vars (ae30e20)
- tree: improve node padding style (6db9bed)
- utils: flatTree not init id when nonexists (e298729)
- utils: change mergeObjects param type (f2b3b7b)
- select: support bind data to options, add key-config prop (39b261c)
- select:
props of Select component is deprecated and removed, usingkey-config
to instead. - tree:
props of Tree component is deprecated and removed, usingkey-config
to instead.
2.0.0-beta.5 (2022-06-08)
- calendar: index hover background color (014c904)
- correctly export style files (c33e29f)
- locale: correct calendar week locale (9e1b25b)
- masker: improve disabled style (0fc78df)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2022-06-07)
- config-provider: support partial provide config (#25) (75cbc86)
- config: support internal en-US locale (2a5b2d3)
- progress: add activated prop (38b3d7a)
- select: add static-suffix prop (862ea5a)
- spin: add transition-name prop (7014d35)
- upload: add button-label prop (5657427)
- badge: adjust defective style (d99be40)
- boolean with other type props ignore default value (5cf9b12)
- calendar: hover and selected background color (7789025)
- confrim: binding instance to installed app (bb6dc38)
- icons: mark icon components to raw (2b98f9f)
- menu: incorrect propper style (dfe9f30)
- mixins: assert type for HTMLElement refs (c4bf386)
- pagination: page size count select label (3375be5)
- pagination: total items display error (1434bc4)
- select: max-list-height not effective (bc559c7)
- select: suffix arrow no transition when drop (a90701d)
- style: adjust shadow color in dark theme (7f34bc0)
- tree: selected node label background color (3186024)
- unable to prevent mask close for Modal and Drawer (332f286)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2022-06-06)
- playground: add action to reset codes (a91d77b)
- tag: color prop custom major color, remove border-color prop (749a7a8)
- form: sync FormSubmit and FormReset props to Button (a9ab65f)
- icons: support export full icons package (a136d47)
- modal: event
rename toconfirm
(a6610a7) - native-scroll: scroll event barType to type (3dce3c7)
- number-input: autocomplete prop change type to boolean (be2f838)
- radio: group options prop to string or number array (56b2e78)
- select: label not update when value prop changed (4c61493)
- split: remove op and �ottom slots (c50515e)
- tabs: icon prop of TabPane defautl to null (a46f173)
- tabs: pane icon prop type should be object (a409731)
- tag: content default no wrap (ef5a1c0)
- tag: remove built-in transition (74af492)
- tree: controllable slot params (eb8421e)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2022-06-01)
- missing global types.d.ts (1a00515)
- style: change --vxp-border-radius-xxx to --vxp-radius-xxx (0e10b12)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2022-06-01)
- breadcrumb: add options prop to quick set items (083ed56)
- scrollbar: support custom width and track-color from props (f2a01c9)
- style: add --vxp-content-color-third var (b5b5adc)
- utils: add escapeHtml method (75ee4a9)
- utils: add formatByteSize method (0f2458a)
- adjust component internal button text type (e0fac63)
- auto-complete: can-drop refactor to drop-disabled (fd2783a)
- auto-complete: drop-disabled default to false (40469de)
- auto-complete: part of options blank when filter (01c169e)
- color-picker: incorrect marker color when change value (f63daec)
- dropdown: add border for dropdown list (c786b34)
- dropdown: trigger display default to flex (3242cb4)
- menu: adjust item padding-left when inside group (670fd33)
- select: accurately parse option props (7d8d8cf)
- table: endless loop when using page-size (e6c2337)
- utils: rename toPascalCase to toCapitalCase (b0efc84)
- utils: use color name set to check named color (6e3df86)
2.0.0-beta.0 (2022-05-28)
- add VirtualList and ResizeObserver components (db0d26c)
- alert: add manual prop (a459974)
- button: add tag and attr-type props (5e7317e)
- color: add mixColor method (8c7cdda)
- grid: add Grid and Cell components (#19) (64670fa)
- grid: add use-flex prop (01a95a0)
- icons: sync icons to [email protected] (3f0c915)
- icons: upgrade to fontawesome v6 (#23) (6770468)
- mixins: add useMounted mixin (a89cdeb)
- mixins: add useResize mixin (5d139e3)
- mixins: add useVirtual mixin (01827aa)
- playground: support runtime toggle dark theme (51c6b44)
- row: add column-flex prop (42312ec)
- style: add built in dark theme (#24) (e388387)
- style: transfer to use css vars (#20) (76bef3e)
- support virtual scroll for Select and AutoComplete (30dba08)
- table: add clearSelected method (1b3d75e)
- table: add singleSorter and singleFilter props (b477a61)
- table: emit on-row-sort event (e5306cc)
- table: export clearSort and clearFilter methods (6202825)
- table: support virtual rendering rows (5479c12)
- upload: add isDragOver prop to default slot (1a0020a)
- upload: export UploadList and UploadFile components (8b6ced2)
- upload: support upload directories and only-dary mode (042d6db)
- utils: add adjustAlpha method (107023a)
- utils: add createBITree method (dbf76b2)
- utils: add debounceFrame, nextTickOnce and nextFrameOnce (7204479)
- utils: add isBigInt function (259a990)
- button: icon only style not effective (a4d671c)
- button: use render function to effect dynamic tag (12b8c00)
- ellipsis: exactly compare width using bounding rect (194fd56)
- grid: correct cell width default behavior (23a904c)
- native-scroll: incorrectly record content offsetWidth (6cb2d19)
- scroll: autoplay cannot start when mounted (90f1934)
- scrollbar: cannot find wrapper in production mode (d903b15)
- stop propagation when dragging only for Table and Tree (7ca6f53)
- style: transition-box-shadow rename to transition-shadow (191f089)
- table: body height flicker when first render (aec5cea)
- table: incorrect head height and total rows height not reactive (03d20b3)
- table: incorrect height when using expand and fixed (b689578)
- table: stripe error when using virtual (d1b3108)
- table: thead and tbody border missing (acf1a3e)
- upload-file: decoupling the style from Upload class name (f62a417)
- utils: debounceMinor not effective (0873b28)
- utils: using string schema to process toFixed (7135f82)
- all
props adjust toonBeforeXxx
(2bee7cf) - all events adjust
(a684401) - button: support custom color (06658f7)
- icon rewrite to use component (#22) (d825637)
- style: transfer @import to @use and @forward (af597ce)
- Using
to replacebeforeXxx
props, the purpose is to support@beforeXxx
alias to bind callback. - All component events are removed the
prefix, currently using@xxx
to replace@on-xxx
, its purpose is to better bind events in t/jsx (noonOnXxx
). - button: extract text and dashed types as props from Button component, text-color prop has removed, using color prop to customize the button.
- All icons have rewrite to svg vue components, package has published to
, using<Icon>
default slot to provide the icon svg component instead of before way which import fromvexip-ui/icons/**
. - style: All scss variables in components have been removed, all preset scss variables in
have removed thevxp-
prefix and change to use scss map to define. All style imports in scss are currently using@use
, do not use@import
to import styles anymore.
1.3.1 (2022-04-19)
- tooltip: no render tip elements when disabled (6a7a50d)
- add use-bar-track prop to Scroll and NativeScroll (59c94f8)
- calendar: add header, title and week slots (340194a)
- export Hightlight and NativeScroll components (55ab1c7)
- native-scroll: refresh content size when observer callback (ff2a732)
- native-scroll: stop wheel event propagation when can scroll (d13b4d6)
- native-scroll: unable to scroll after call scroll api mathods (bca3d51)
- native-scroll: unexpected reset scroll when content style change (dabbd49)
- scrollbar: unexpected show track when use-track not true (6bf2dda)
- scrollbar: use-track should default false (d6f8e6c)
- anchor: add NativeScroll type and accurate container type (969ef5e)
1.3.0 (2022-04-18)
- calendar: add Calendar component (495e6b4)
- ellipsis: add tip-max-width prop (32254d5)
- form: add hide-label prop (08f65ff)
- form: form actions add before hook prop (2b31f25)
- form: form item add action type prop (e85baf2)
- highlight: add Highlight component (901a5ad)
- native-scroll: add NativeScroll component (68bfe20)
- playground: add vexip-ui playground (#16) (989a2c7)
- scrollbar: add appear prop (743483c)
- scrollbar: add use-track and track-speed props (2820c77)
- spin: add Spin component (784605c)
- table: add tooltip-width and column's no-ellipsis props (b95e59d)
- tree: add cache-node and root-id props (13e721e)
- tree: export parseAndTransformData method (dc5a1e3)
- auto-complete: no options rendered when null value (49af9d4)
- date-picker: cannot parse number value in date type (0b0e3a7)
- date-picker: disabled-date prop not work (6496175)
- date-picker: format should ignore content in quotations (31d7f16)
- linker: vertical align should inherit parent (9943e5e)
- modal: header slot is not effective (2af3df6)
- modal: use offset value to compute position (07d0dc6)
- number-input: should not format when inputting (0f58739)
- spin: mask add default z-index (943f3c6)
- table: disableRow should base on rendered rows (c483386)
- table: row check all event add partial param (a9cc1c5)
- table: row check all event add partial param (7d7bede)
- tree: incorrect variable usage when get id map (c94714e)
- tree: root-id prop not effective (7494291)
- tree: use id-node map when update data (8d5d843)
- utils: incorrect matching rootId in tree transform (4e9d253)
1.2.1 (2022-01-14)
- tree: incorrect expanded when using asyncLoad (31c3ba5)
1.2.0 (2022-01-07)
- add judge method for Message and Notice (cb4062b)
- add locale config (0a0ec74)
- form: support native html form submit (497c3e3)
- table: add row enter and leave events (b9fb4c2)
- config: global defaults config no effective (6eba983)
- date: limit range values starkly in modification (68cc1c8)
- install options should be optional (0934c3c)
- support Date type for ConfiguruseConfiguredProps (05607e6)
- table: no recalculate when add rows (741400e)
- common: accurately sortByProps types (c303f55)
- common: optimize transform utils types (1e8e9f5)
- table: fix type infer errors (e01fb37)
- tree: fix type infer errors (ff2cff0)
- The original install config are
no longer supported, use
attribute of the new install config instead.
1.1.3 (2021-10-20)
- ellipsis: add ellipsis component (1fefc1b)
- select: show empty text without any option (5efe942)
- table: add ellipsis tooltip for long content (270df96)
- table: show empty text without any row (ecb0ee7)
- checkbox: only use margins within group (22d3d9e)
- table: incorrect height when using height prop (d5143ac)
1.1.2 (2021-07-19)
- select: add multiple and option-check props (da2f78a)
- tag: add circle prop (f2e0cf2)
- tag: add size prop (79c5290)
- select and auto-complete no longer depend on input (4c6af54)
- select remove on-focus and on-blur events
1.1.1 (2021-07-12)
- alert: icon misplaced when no title (8fd2f7d)
- badge: title attr error when no content (5bb6a86)
- button: missing simple class name (4e91993)
- color-picker: cannot parse rgba color value (8f4c57f)
- date-picker: clear should trigger change event (1b1fec5)
- date-picker: intuitively update activated (f4c9efb)
- input: add ::placeholder color style (54ce94b)
- masker: closable not work without beforeClose (77b00c0)
- progress: progress tip display error (22eb709)
- scroll: start autoplay when mounted (5d6dfa6)
- slider: error value when step is not 1 (4c2b2b9)
- time-picker: clear should trigger change event (92e9ba7)
- checkbox: no longer support bindGroup api
1.1.0 (2021-07-08)
- scrollbar: use transform replace top and left (5a0e272)
- add contextmenu component (#13) (1571dc3)
- dropdown: add appear prop (e230054)
- loading: create global loading component (caedc67)
- tag: add build in color type (02fd360)
- tag: add simple style tag (b316888)
- time-ago: add time-ago component (b639c2e)
- dropdown: flush nested drop first item (3992b7f)
- dropdown: item position relative incorrect divider (53f1f91)
- dropdown: nested drop should not toggle select (ece9d4e)
- popper: watch wrapper and popper el change (4fb0ca5)
- table: export refresh api (f0dab34)
- table: incorrect row count of data change (7af4d5a)
1.0.3 (2021-06-26)
- progress: using transfrom to improve performance (7ba3d8d)
- input: no emit on-clear event (64ca93f)
- input: should not clearable when disabled (6b58a0c)
- number-input: support clearable and on-clear (ebb8235)
1.0.2 (2021-06-25)
- dropdown: add dropClass prop (46a9ccf)
- dropdown: set placement prop not work (9bd32e8)
- dropdown: support v-model:vivisble (cfbf2dc)
- tab-nav: card style order in using router (825c7db)
1.0.1 (2021-06-17)
- button: style order in using router (421512e)
1.0.0 (2021-06-10)
- collapse-transition: add mode and timing props (9fe1862)
- message: add property config to install options (be64ae3)
- row: transform vue file to ts file (cf46478)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2021-06-09)
- message: install global property name (af21d31)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2021-06-05)
- style: relate style for import-on-demand (194f32b)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2021-06-05)
- auto-complete: hitting wrong after filter options (7317ed6)
- masker: transfer prop has no effect (fd2173e)
1.0.0-beta.0 (2021-06-03)
- textarea: add control state style (e8d6bfc)
- checkbox-group: sync value when values porp change (1bdaa9f)
- date-picker: calendar pane focus on selected date (6a61c99)
- date-picker: incorrect item display when range select year and month (55ccf76)
- date-picker: supply labels prop, includes time picker (3cd5735)
- icon: adjust default size about 1.05x (ce90294)
- menu: menu list margin set to 0 (9ddab57)
- select: visible not to false when option v-for (7208f42)
- table: column width incorrect width multiple talbe (6fb8f65)
- tree: arrow transform act at icon svg (14b53cc)
- carousel: transform double tracks to single track (1d28bf7)
1.0.0-alpha.4 (2021-05-29)
- animation: lose spin animation (dd72b56)
- button: loading icon missing collapse transion (f713351)
- collapse-transition: appear props (46a09b5)
- menu: can not support horizontal mode (d7b9b38)
- portal: render teleport after mounted next tick (8971a9b)
- scroll: ensure wrapper and content element (6e0f0de)
- scss: themes at import use relative path (f283e68)
1.0.0-alpha.2 (2021-05-29)
- complete missing components export (cb88cf9)
1.0.0-alpha.1 (2021-05-28)
- props validator to arrow function (a0e9ec0)