This example implements the one-dimensional Reduced-Order model based on MeshGraphNet presented in the paper Learning Reduced-Order Models for Cardiovascular Simulations with Graph Neural Networks (Pegolotti et al, 2023).
The main contributor for this work is Luca Pegolotti who was part of the Cardiovascular Biomechanics Computation Lab at Stanford University.
Three-dimensional simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations are the gold standard when it comes to modeling blood flow in arteries. However, these simulations are typically expensive, and a common way to alleviate the computational burden of evaluating physiological quantities of interest (e.g., pressure and flow rate) is using Reduced-Order models. For example, one-dimensional Reduced-Order models approximate the geometry of arteries as a composition of segments, the centerlines of the vessels, and the pressure and flow rate along the centerlines are found by solving special one-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). These models are sometimes inaccurate due to their simplyfing assumptions.
We developed a one-dimensional Reduced-Order model able to mimic three-dimensional simulations accurately. The model is based on MeshGraphNet and trained on simulation of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations. As shown in the original reference, the model outperforms one-dimensional models in complex patient-specific cases featuring many junctions and/or pathological conditions.
The dataset is composed of 310 simulations obtained on 8 different
patient-specific models available in the Vascular Model Repository.
Each simulation is stored as a .vtp
file containing pressure and flow rate information
at points located in the centerlines of the models and at different timesteps.
The three-dimensional simulations were set up using SimVascular,
an open-software software package for cardiovascular modeling and simulation, and
run on 128 dual-socket AMD(R) EPYC 7742 cores of the San Diego Super Computing
Center (SDSC) Expanse cluster. The simulations were obtained by varying inflow
and outflow boundary conditions of each patient-specific model randomly.
The base architecture is MeshGraphNet (see references for details). The node features of the graph neural network are:
- pressure and flow rate at a particular timestep
- cross-sectional area
- tangent to the centerline
- node type
- cardiac cycle period in seconds
- diastolic pressure
- systolic pressure
- RCR boundary condition parameters (only for outlet nodes)
- loading variable (used to differentiate between an initial loading stage and the actual simulation phase)
The edge features are:
- relative position of two nodes (in 3D)
- distance between two nodes
- edge type
The output of MeshGraphNet is the update in pressure and flow rate to get to the next timestep.
In order to deal with one-dimensional data, we made some modification to the original MeshGraphNet implementation. Most notably, we added special edges that connect boundary nodes to the interior one, to speed up the boundary condition information transfer.
Note: the default configuration for the architecture specified in config.yaml
defines 64 as the dimension for hidden layers and outputs of encoder, processor
and decoder. The results in the original paper were obtained by using 64 neurons
in the hiddenl layers of each part of the network, and 16 neurons for the output
layers of encoder and processor. This slight change in architecture does not
influences the performance of the network dramatically.
To download the dataset (the vtp simulation files):
pip install gdown
cd raw_dataset
After downloading the dataset, an intermediate step necessary to run MeshGraphNet is converting the simulation files into graphs compatible with DGL. This can be done with:
cd ..
This will create a new graphs
folder in raw_dataset
. To train the model:
We currently support cpu and single-gpu training. The training parameters can be
modified in config.yaml
. An important parameter is training.geometries
which can take the values healthy
, pathological
, mixed
Here, healthy
and pathological
refer to the geometries used in
Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the paper; mixed
considers all geometries.
To perform inference on a given model:
The name of the model needs to be specified in config.yaml
. Please refer to
the list of graphs in raw_dataset\graphs
for the possible graphs to use for
- Learning Mesh-Based Simulation with Graph Networks
- Learning Reduced-Order Models for Cardiovascular Simulations with Graph Neural Networks
The geometric data from the VMR is subject to license. See here for more information.