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Diagnostic models in Modulus (precipitation)

This example contains code for training diagnostic models (models predicting an additional variable from the atmospheric state) using Modulus. It shows how to use Modulus to train a diagnostic model predicting precipitation from ERA-5 data.


Installing Modulus

You need Modulus installed on your Python environment, installed with the launch extras. If installing from the Modulus repository, install Modulus by running:

pip install .[launch]

in the Modulus directory.

Preparing the data files

The settings for the precipitation model training are in the config/diagnostic_precip.yaml file. The ERA5 atmospheric state data is loaded from the directory indicated in sources.state_params.data_dir and the target (precipitation) data from sources.diag_params.data_dir. Both directories are assumed contain the subdirectories train/ (for training data) and test/ (for validation data). These should contain yearly data files:

├── data_dir
    ├── train
    │   ├── 1980.h5
    │   ├── 1981.h5
    │   ├── 1982.h5
    │   ├── ...
    │   └── 2016.h5
    ├── test
    │   ├── 2017.h5
    ├── out_of_sample
    │   ├── 2018.h5

Alphabetical order is used to determine the order of the files. The years you put in train/, test/ and out_of_sample respectively can differ from the example above, but you should make sure that they are consistent between the state data and target data. The training code does perform some sanity checks to ensure that the inputs are consistent in time, but these should not be assumed to be foolproof.

Additionally, to use geopotential (effectively the terrain height) and the land-sea mask (LSM) as predictors, you can set datapipe.geopotential_filename and datapipe.lsm_filename, respectively. Alternatively you can delete these lines from the configuration file, which will lead to the model being trained without these variables as inputs.

Determining the input channels

The diagnostic_precip.yaml configuration file assumes an HDF5-format ERA5 training dataset constructed at NVIDIA, containing the variables specified in sources.state_params.variables. You can modify this parameter to specify different inputs.

You should also set the number of input channels in model.in_channels. This should be equal to the length of sources.state_params.variables plus all the additional channels:

  • if sources.state_params.use_cos_zenith == True, add 1
  • if datapipe.geopotential_filename is set, add 1
  • if datapipe.lsm_filename is set, add 1
  • if datapipe.use_latlon == True, add 4


Start training from scratch

To start training of the model, go to the scripts directory and run


You can modify and add configuration settings from the command line using the Hydra syntax.

Continue training from checkpoint

This will continue training from the latest checkpoint:

python +training.load_epoch=latest

Alternatively, you can specify the epoch number instead of "latest". The checkpoint directory is defined in training.checkpoint_dir in the configuration file.

Multi-GPU training

Multiple GPUs will be detected automatically. You can start training using multiple GPUs using:

mpirun -np <NUM_GPUS> python --config-name="diagnostic_precip.yaml"

where NUM_GPUS is the number of GPUs you're training on. Pass also the --allow-run-as-root parameter to mpirun if running in a container as the root user.


You can evaluate the model using out-of-sample data with the script that uses the same config file as the training:

python +training.load_epoch=latest

This performs the testing with the data in the out_of_sample directory. It computes the root-mean-square error for each point on the grid and saves the result in scripts/results/rmse.npy. You can add more metrics by following the example of RMSECallback in