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126 lines (106 loc) · 3.94 KB

File metadata and controls

126 lines (106 loc) · 3.94 KB


This repos documents the everyday unix functions that I use.

Using brace expansion to create directory structure

mkdir -p directory/{src,bin,lib,man}

After this is run, the directory structure will be as below

$ find . | grep directory

Super simple gff to bed creator.

This assumes the chromosome name is field 1 of the GFF file.

  • Step 1: Pull fields 1, 4 and 5 (Name, Left and Right respectively)
  • Step 2: Get rid of comment lines
  • Step 3: Sort first by chromosome, then numerically by the left position
cut -f1,4,5 Ncbi_Gff_File.gff | grep -v '^#' | sort -k1,1 -k2n,2

Super simple fastq to fasta in awk.

awk '{if(NR%4==1) {printf(">%s\n",substr($0,2));} else if(NR%4==2) print;}' file1.fastq > file1.fasta

Simple command to compare the sizes of two files.

bc -l <<< `stat -c "%s" file1`/`stat -c "%s" file2`

Easiest bz2 to gzip conversion.

bunzip2 -c file.bz2 | gzip > file.gz

Report only the highest scoring hmmsearch tblout results.

grep -v "^#" results.tbl | awk '{print $1"\t"$4"\t"$5}' | sort -k1,1 -k3g | awk '$1!=h {print} {h=$1}'

Break fasta at first space.

awk '{if ($1 ~ />/){print $1} else {print $0}}' file1.fasta > file2.fasta

Find the average sequence length in a fastq file.

awk '(NR%4==2){l+=length; i+=1} END {print l/i}' file.fastq

Convert fasta to know, as one always does.*

echo '"name","sequence"' && cat file.fna | cut -f1 -d" " | awk '{if ($1 ~ ">") {if(h != ""){print "\""h"\",\""s"\""}; s="";h=substr($1,2);} else{s=s$1}} END {print "\""h"\",\""s"\""}'

Find all the .fna files added today and gzip them.

find ./*.fna -mtime -1 -type f -exec gzip {} \;

Alternatively the last task can be done in parallel. Major time savings (sometimes).

find ./*.fna -mtime -1 -type f -print0 | parallel -q0 gzip

Find repeat regions in the same genome, using blast.

Set up the database

makeblastdb -in sequence.fa -out sequence -dbtype nucl

Query the database for all self-hits that aren't that aren't the same region

blastn -query sequence.fa -db sequence -outfmt 6 | awk '($1==$2)&&(($7!=$9)||($8!=$10)){print $0}'

If the sequence.fa file is large, you can gain serious speedups by parallelizing

cat sequence.fa | parallel --block 50k --recstart '>' --pipe blastn -outfmt 6 -db sequence -query - | awk '($1==$2)&&(($7!=$9)||($8!=$10)){print $0}'

Grep a list of hmms from an hmm database (this may be too simple).

hmmfetch -f list_of_pfams Pfam-A.hmm > shortened_pfams.hmm

Find all files larger than 5gb and sort the output by size.

find . -type f -size +5G -exec ls -lShr {} \;

Gzip all fq files in a directory.

parallel --gnu gzip  ::: *.fq

Concatenate a file into an already compressed file.

gzip -c file.fq >> compress_file.fq.gz

List only the files in the current directory that are currently being written.

lsof | grep `pwd` | grep '1w' | awk '{print $9}' | xargs -r ls -l

A job is running...I want to start a new job as soon as it stops.

This will print "Waiting..." to the screen until the job is done and everything is ready.

echo Waiting...; while ps -p $PID > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done; nohup &

Delete all files in directory but one.

find . -type f -not -name "NC_000913.fna" | xargs rm

Parallellize prodigal.

cat output.fna | parallel --block 50k --recstart '>' --pipe ~/Desktop/Job/Sandia/software/Prodigal/prodigal -a /dev/stdout -d /dev/stderr -q -p meta -o output_test.gff -f gff 1>>out.faa 2>>out.ffn