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File metadata and controls

159 lines (127 loc) · 10.7 KB


Task interface for launching and monitoring tasks. Windows tasks are launched first by name, as processes, then as a shell execute (runs things like shortcut .lnk files), and then as a cmd.exe /c ... command to run batch files. Linux processes are attempted first to exec by the name directly, and then try for each path set in PATH.

Pipes are connected to a task's stdin/stdout/stderr inputs if a output callback is specified. The standard IO pipes are left untouched otherwise. If task options define overridden input() and errorInput() handlers, then inheritance on the the default standard IO handles is disabled. If there are no input handlers, and it's a new console, and noClose the standard IO handle inheritance is also disabled. There is also an option to just prevent standard IO handle inheritance. (Many handles created by SACK have inheritance disabled by default).

| Task Static Methods | description | | loadLibrary( libname ) | Load external shared library. ex: sack.Task.loadLibrary( "xxx" ); | | processId() | returns the current processes ID | | parentId() | returns the parent processes ID | | getProcessList( partial name) | gets a list of processes that the program name matches the optional partial name parameter; if no parameter or null is specified, then all processes are returned| | getDisplays() | (Windows) returns an array of information about displays. | | getStyles( processId ) | (Windows) returns an object with window, windowEx and class members that are the style values| | setStyles( processId, window, windowEx, class ) | (Windows) Sets the style of a window associated with the process ID, -1 does not set any bits | | getTitle( processId ) | (Windows) returns the title of the window associated with a process. | getPosition( processId ) | (Windows) returns an object with the current window x,y, width, height | | setPosition( processId, { x,y,width,height} ) | (Windows) Set the position of a window associated with the process ID. | | modulePath | where sack-[vfs/gui].node loaded from | | dataPath | where shared data is for the module | | commonDataPath| global common data? like ProgramData on home, ~/.freedom Collective on linus | | programDataPath| Program specific datapath? | | programPath | The path of the program that is running | | programName | the name (minus.exe) of the program that is running | | kill(id) | attempt to kill a task by process ID (sigterm or TerminateProcess) | | stop(id) | attempt to stop a task by process ID (sigint or WM_QUIT/Ctrl-C/EndProcess) | | onEnd(id, cb(exitCode) ) | monitor a process ID to exit, when it does exit, send exit code to callback cb; if (exitCode === null) process with ID was not found; has already exited, callback happens before function returns.|

import {sack} from "sack.vfs"

console.log( "Program:", sack.Task.programName );
console.log( "Program Path:", sack.Task.programPath );
console.log( "Program Data:", sack.Task.programDataPath );
console.log( "Common(global) Data:", sack.Task.commonDataPath );
console.log( "Module Path:", sack.Task.modulePath );
console.log( "Data Path:", sack.Task.dataPath );

/***** OUTPUT *****
Program: node
Program Path: C:\Users\d3x0r\AppData\Local\nvs\default
Program Data: C:\ProgramData\Freedom Collective\node
Common(global) Data: C:\ProgramData\Freedom Collective
Module Path: M:\javascript\vfs\native\build\RelWithDebInfo
Data Path: C:\Users\d3x0r\AppData\Local\nvs

Having created a task instance with sack.Task( {...} ); the following methods are available to interact with the process.

Task methods Description
end() attempt to cause a task to exit. It will first dispatch ctrl-c, ctrl-break, post a WM_QUIT message, and if the program does not end soon enough, terminates the process. (closing pipes to task could also be implemented?)
terminate() Terminates the task. Terminates the process.
write(buf) Writes data to the task's stdin.
isRunning() Tests if the process is till running.
send(buf) Writes data to the task's stdin.
exitCode After/during the end callback, this may be queried to get the return code of the task
moveWindow(object) (Windows only) Move the task's primary window to the specifed location. See Move options below.
refreshWindow() (Windows only) Refresh the internal handle for the window. (Set for moveWindow, and used later for moveWindow() or end())
windowTitle() (Windows only) Gets the current title of the window associated with the task.
getPosition() (Windows only) Gets the current position of the window associated with a task.
getStyles() (Windows only) Gets the current style of a window associated with a task.
setStyles(window,windowEx,class) (Windows only) Sets the specified style bits of window associated with a task.

Task Option object may contain these options to control how the task is spawned.

Task options Type Description
work string specify the directory the task will be started in
bin string program to run
args string or [ string [, string]...] an argument or array of arguments to pass to the program
firstArgIsArg bool If false, first argument in args is program name and not an argument (POSIX exec); default is true, and the first argument in args is the first argument
firstArgIsArg bool Specified if the first argument in the array or string is the first argument or is the program name. If it the first element is the program name, set to false. If it is the first argument set true. Default: true
env object key:value pairs to write to the environment before launching the process
binary bool if true, buffer to input callback will be an ArrayBuffer else it will be a string
input callback(buffer) A callback function which will receive output from the task. This only receives, and, when specified, redirects the stdoutput stream.
errorInput callback(buffer) A callback, which if specified, redirects stderr to this callback function; otherwise stderr is not captured.
end callback() This callback will be triggered when the task exits.
impersonate bool (Needs work;updated compatibility... this is for a service to launch a task as a user which is now impossible(?))
hidden bool set windows UI flags such that the next process is created with a hidden window. Default: false
newGroup bool (Windows)create task as a new task group instead of a child of this group. Default: false
newConsole bool (Windows)create a new console for the new task; instead of ineriting the existing console, default false
suspend bool create task suspended. Default: false
useBreak bool set task to use ctrl-break instead of ctrl-c; if it's a window generates WM_CLOSE regardless. default: false
useSignal bool set task to use exit signal instead of ctrl-c or ctrl-break. default: false
noKill bool allow task to continue running after the parent exits. default: false (kills children at exit)
noWait bool Allow waiting for tasks that don't have an end() or input() callback specified. default: true (don't wait if no callbacks)
detach bool (Windows) option to create a detached console process (like newConsole, but no Console is created). default: false
moveTo object (Windows)After the task is started, move its window to the specified location. (See Move options below)
noInheritStdio bool prevents task from inheriting stdio pipes
style object (Windows)After the task is started, set window style bits, then, if specified, move the window
usePty bool enable using pty on linux; no additional task interface(yet)
admin bool (Windows)Run as administrator

Task Move Options

Move options are applied after styles are set.

Move options Type Description
timeout number specifies milliseconds to wait for window to exist. If no task window is found, status is false. Default is 500.
x number specifies the x/left position of the window. Default is 0.
y number specifies the y/top position of the window. Default is 0.
width number specifies the width position of the window. Default is 1920.
height number specifies the height position of the window. Default is 1080.
display number specifies the display number to move the display to. 0 is the primary display, 1-N are displays by ID number. If display option is specified, then x,y,width, and height options are ignored. Default is -1.
cb function callback function which receives true/false parameter indicating the result of the move operation. false results if the display number is invalid, or if the timeout occurs before finding the window.

Task Style Object Options

Styles defined for the window of a task are applied first, and then any move options specified (otherwise the border of the window may disappear, and the client area of the window would result smaller than the position information specified).

Move options Type Description
timeout number specifies milliseconds to wait for window to exist. If no task window is found, status is false. Default is 500.
window number Specifies bits to set in window style. If -1 or undefined, option is ignored.
windowEx number Specifies bits to set in window Ex style. If -1 or undefined, option is ignored.
class number Specifies bits to set in window's class style. If -1 or undefined, option is ignored.
cb function callback function which receives 0-7 parameter indicating the result of the move operation. 0 results if the display number is invalid, or if the timeout occurs before finding the window.

Style Values

There is a 'style' object on Task ( which contains window, windowEx and class objects which have the names of the bits defined by windows for window and class styles. These values may be used to create the integer values associated with a task; for example|

var sack = require( "sack.vfs");

// don't redirect/capture input/output
var task1 = sack.Task( {bin:"echo", args:"hello, World"});

// send tasks's output to console.log...
var task2 = sack.Task( {bin:"echo", args:"hello, World", input:console.log });

sack.Task( { bin: "notepad.exe", args:"test.txt" } );
// default tasks exit when node does... or when garbage collected... 
// unless end and or input event handlers are attached...
setTimeout( ()=>{ }, 5000 );