var sack = require( 'sack.vfs' );
var udp = sack.Network.UDP( "localhost:5555", (msg,rinfo)=>{ console.log( "got message:", msg ) } );
var udp2 = sack.Network.UDP( {port:5556, address:"localhost", toAddress:"localhost:5555" }, (msg,rinfo)=>{ console.log( "got message:", msg ) } );
var udp3 = sack.Network.UDP( {port:5557, address:"localhost", toAddress:"localhost", toPort:5555, message:(msg,rinfo)=>{ console.log( "got message:", msg ) } );
udp2.send( "Hello World" );
Construction examples | |
() | not valid, requires either a string, or option object. |
( "localhost:1234" ) | creates a UDP socket bound to localhost port 1234 |
( { address: "localhost", port:1234} ) |
creates a UDP socket bound to localhost port 1234 |
( { address: "localhost", port:1234}, (msg,rinfo)=>{} ) |
creates a UDP socket bound to localhost port 1234, and specifies a message handler callback |
can pass a string address to listen on. "IP[:port]" format. IPv6 IP should be enclosed in brackets; [::1]:80
if address is not passed, an object with socket options must be specified.
final parameter can optionally be a callback which is used as the on('message') event callback.
UDP Socket options | |
port | <number> specify the port to listen on |
address | <string>; specify the address to listen on (defaults to [::]). Optional port notation can be used (specified with a colon followed by a number (or name if under linux?)) If the port is specified here, it overrides the port option. |
family | <string> either 'IPv4' or 'IPv6' which controls the default address; otherwise address string will determine the family |
toPort | <number> specify the port to send to if not specified in send call |
toAddress | <string> specify the address to send to if not specified in send call. Optional port notation can be used (specified with a colon followed by a number (or name if under linux?)) If the port is specified here, it overrides the toPort option. |
broadcast | <bool> if true enable receiving/sending broadcast UDP messages |
readStrings | <bool> if true messages passed to message callback will be given as text format, otherwise will be a TypedArray |
reuseAddress | <bool> if true set reuse address socket option |
reusePort | <bool> if true set reuse port socket option (linux option, not applicable for windows) |
UDP Socket Methods | Arguments | Description |
send | (message [,address]) | Send a message, message can be an ArrayBuffer or string, if second parameter is passed it should be an sack.Network.Address object. |
close | () | Close the socket. |
on | (eventName, callback) | Set message or close callbacks on the socket. |
setBroadcast | (bool) | enable broadcast messages |
readStrings | setter true/false | controls whether the next read is text or a byte buffer |
UDP Events | ||
message | (msg, remoteAddress) | called when a message is received. msg parameter is either a string if socket was opened with readStrings or a TypedArray. Second parameter is a Network.Socket object representing the source address of the message |
close | () | Socket has been closed. |
See Also testudp.js for example usage.