Arguments to Volume() constuctor ( mount name, filename, extra...)
. If empty parameters ()
, the native filesystem is opened specifically. If
a mount is desired to be opened, it filename must be passed as null; Volume( "mount", null )
. If the first parameter is only a string, a VFS volume
by the name is opened and the volume is mounted anonymously; Volume( "filename" )
. Similarly if the mount name is NULL, and a filename is passed as the second
parameter Volume( null, "filename" )
, the volume is also mounted anonymously, so it can be refeenced when opening sqlite databases in it.
may be optionally applied to (most) any root object. I may have gotten sloppy in some later works. Everything behaves mostly as a factory by default.
Two addditional strings may be applied to encrypt the volume using those two key parts.
The following methods exist on the resulting object.
Volume() = {
File(filename) - open a file (returns a new object)
the file to open in the volume.
dir() - returns an array of filenames in the volume.
exists(file/path name) - boolean if filename exists (as a file or a directory)
read(fileName) - read a file from a volume; return an ArrayBuffer with a toString() that returns the buffer as utf8 as a string.
readJSON(fileName, callback) - read a file from a volume; calls callback with each object decoded from the file interpreted as JSON (unimplemented)
readJSON6(fileName, callback) - read a file from a volume; calls callback with each object decoded from the file interpreted as JSON6.
readJSOX(fileName, callback) - read a file from a volume; calls callback with each object decoded from the file interpreted as JSOX.
write(fileName,arrayBuffer/string) - writes a string or arraybuffer(or typed array) to a file.
Sqlite(database) - an interface to sqlite database in this volume.
rm(file),delete(file),unlink(file) - delete a file.
mv(file,new_filename),rename(file,new_filename) - rename a file. (mostly limited to same physical device)
mkdir - utility function to make directories which might not exist before volume does; (volume auto creates directories now)
parameters - (pathname)
path to create- will created missing parent path parts too.
rekey(version,a,b) - set key for a volume.
Volume // function has these methods.
readAsString( filename ) - read a local system file as a string; used to quick-read for require( "*.[jsox/json6]")
mapFile( filename ) - return an ArrayBuffer that is the memory mapped file on the disk.
cwd - getter that results with current working directory (may later be isolate-local).
Thread : {
post( uniqueId, Volume ) - post a volume to a thread by a unique identifier.
accept( uniqueId, cb(volume) ) - registers a callback which is called with a volume thrown from some other thread.
(result from vfs.Volume().File())
File instance methods (prototype methods)
File = {
read(size[, position]) - read from the file; return an ArrayBuffer with a toString method to interpret it as utf8. Optional parameter
position may set the position to read from.
readLine( [position] ) - reads a line from a text file; optional parameter position may set the position to read from.
write(arrayBuffer/string) - write data to the file; at the current position
writeLine( line [, position] ) - output text to a file; a newline will be automatically appended to the line.
seek(pos[,whence]) - set file position to write. optional whence parameter can be vfs.File.SeekSet(0), vfs.File.SeekCurrent(1), or vfs.File.SeekEnd(2)
trunc() - set file size to the curent file position.
pos() - return the current position in the file.
... /*most other methods unimplemented*/
- rm(file)
- delete(file)
- unlink(file) - delete in the native filesystem; file may have to be closed before delete can work.
SeekSet - used in seek methods; value SEEK_SET(0)
SeekCurrent - used in seek methods; value SEEK_CUR(1)
SeekEnd - used in seek methods; value SEEK_END(2)
var sack = require( 'sack.vfs' );
var volume = sack.Volume( "MountName", "fileName.vfs" );
var file = volume.File( "filename" );
var fileString =;
var fileOut = volume.File( "filename.out" );
fileOut.write( fileString );
import {sack} from "sack.vfs";
const volume = sack.Volume( "MountName", "fileName.vfs" );
const file = volume.File( "filename" );
const fileArrayBuffer =;
const fileString = fileArrayBuffer.toString(); // added method that is utf8 conversion.
const fileOut = volume.File( "filename.out" );
fileOut.write( fileString );