Releases: danimart1991/pvpc-hourly-pricing-card
Releases · danimart1991/pvpc-hourly-pricing-card
Add Card visual editor. Minor fixes
Add 23:00-24:00 step to graph
- Add 23:00-24:00 step to graph
- Minor fixes
Current Hour + Improve Graph
Card refactor, Detail and Info sections and breaking changes
- Card refactor to LitElement.
- title and entity_id params are now name and entity respectively.
- Add Detail and Info sections. Minor Fixes. Section selection.
- Move files to dist folder in order to add more files in future releases.
Minor Fixes
- Fix Issue #2: Fijar 5 decimales a mostrar
Initial Stable Release
Initial Stable Release including:
- Compatible with all rates.
- Actual price close-up.
- Graph with the prices of the current day.
- Graph with the prices of the next day when you are available.
- Minimum and maximum of the current and next day.
- Icon indicating the current pricing period (Valley, Peak, Super-Valley).
- Added documentation