Currently, it is possible to create a multisig wallet using Dash Core only.
Although there is already a brief explanation about the multisig in the Descriptors documentation, this tutorial proposes to use the testnet (instead of regtest), bringing the reader closer to a real environment and explaining some functions in more detail.
This tutorial uses jq JSON processor to process the results from RPC and stores the relevant values in bash variables. This makes the tutorial reproducible and easier to follow step by step.
Before starting this tutorial, start the dash node on the testnet network.
./src/dashd -testnet -daemon
This tutorial also uses the default PKH derivation path to get the xpubs and does conform to BIP 45 or BIP 87.
At the time of writing, there is no way to extract a specific path from wallets in Dash Core. For this, an external signer/xpub can be used.
PR #22341, which is still under development, introduces a new wallet RPC getxpub
. It takes a BIP32 path as an argument and returns the xpub, along with the master key fingerprint.
For a 2-of-3 multisig, create 3 descriptor wallets. It is important that they are of the descriptor type in order to retrieve the wallet descriptors. These wallets contain HD seed and private keys, which will be used to sign the PSBTs and derive the xpub.
These three wallets should not be used directly for privacy reasons (public key reuse). They should only be used to sign transactions for the (watch-only) multisig wallet.
for ((n=1;n<=3;n++))
./src/dash-cli -testnet -named createwallet wallet_name="participant_${n}" descriptors=true
Extract the xpub of each wallet. To do this, the listdescriptors
RPC is used. By default, Dash Core single-sig wallets are created using path m/44'/1'/0'/
for PKH based accounts. Each of them uses the chain 0 for external addresses and chain 1 for internal ones, as shown in the example below.
The suffix (after #) is the checksum. Descriptors can optionally be suffixed with a checksum to protect against typos or copy-paste errors. All RPCs in Dash Core will include the checksum in their output.
declare -A xpubs
for ((n=1;n<=3;n++))
xpubs["internal_xpub_${n}"]=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="participant_${n}" listdescriptors | jq '.descriptors | [.[] | select(.desc | startswith("pkh") and contains("/1/*"))][0] | .desc' | grep -Po '(?<=\().*(?=\))')
xpubs["external_xpub_${n}"]=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="participant_${n}" listdescriptors | jq '.descriptors | [.[] | select(.desc | startswith("pkh") and contains("/0/*") )][0] | .desc' | grep -Po '(?<=\().*(?=\))')
is used to extract the xpub from the pkh
The following command can be used to verify if the xpub was generated correctly.
for x in "${!xpubs[@]}"; do printf "[%s]=%s\n" "$x" "${xpubs[$x]}" ; done
Define the external and internal multisig descriptors, add the checksum and then, join both in a JSON array.
external_desc_sum=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet getdescriptorinfo $external_desc | jq '.descriptor')
internal_desc_sum=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet getdescriptorinfo $internal_desc | jq '.descriptor')
multisig_ext_desc="{\"desc\": $external_desc_sum, \"active\": true, \"internal\": false, \"timestamp\": \"now\"}"
multisig_int_desc="{\"desc\": $internal_desc_sum, \"active\": true, \"internal\": true, \"timestamp\": \"now\"}"
multisig_desc="[$multisig_ext_desc, $multisig_int_desc]"
and internal_desc
specify the output type (wsh
, in this case) and the xpubs involved. They also use BIP 67 (sortedmulti
), so the wallet can be recreated without worrying about the order of xpubs. Conceptually, descriptors describe a list of scriptPubKey (along with information for spending from it) [source].
Note that at least two descriptors are usually used, one for internal derivation paths and external ones. There are discussions about eliminating this redundancy, as can been seen in the issue #17190.
After creating the descriptors, it is necessary to add the checksum, which is required by the importdescriptors
The checksum for a descriptor without one can be computed using the getdescriptorinfo
RPC. The response has the descriptor
field, which is the descriptor with the checksum added.
There are other fields that can be added to the descriptors:
: Sets the descriptor to be the active one for the corresponding output type (wsh
, in this case).internal
: Indicates whether matching outputs should be treated as something other than incoming payments (e.g. change).timestamp
: Sets the time from which to start rescanning the blockchain for the descriptor, in UNIX epoch time.
Documentation for these and other parameters can be found by typing ./src/dash-cli help importdescriptors
concatenates external and internal descriptors in a JSON array and then it will be used to create the multisig wallet.
To create the multisig wallet, first create an empty one (no keys, HD seed and private keys disabled).
Then import the descriptors created in the previous step using the importdescriptors
After that, getwalletinfo
can be used to check if the wallet was created successfully.
./src/dash-cli -testnet -named createwallet wallet_name="multisig_wallet_01" disable_private_keys=true blank=true descriptors=true
./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="multisig_wallet_01" importdescriptors "$multisig_desc"
./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="multisig_wallet_01" getwalletinfo
Once the wallets have already been created and this tutorial needs to be repeated or resumed, it is not necessary to recreate them, just load them with the command below:
for ((n=1;n<=3;n++)); do ./src/dash-cli -testnet loadwallet "participant_${n}"; done
The wallet can receive testnet coins by generating a new address and passing it as parameters to
This script will print a captcha in dot-matrix to the terminal, using unicode Braille characters. After solving the captcha, the coins will be sent directly to the address or wallet (according to the parameters).
The url used by the script can also be accessed directly. At time of writing, the url is
Coins received by the wallet must have at least 1 confirmation before they can be spent. It is necessary to wait for a new block to be mined before continuing.
receiving_address=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="multisig_wallet_01" getnewaddress)
./contrib/testnet/ -c ./src/dash-cli -a $receiving_address
To copy the receiving address onto the clipboard, use the following command. This can be useful when getting coins via the testnet faucet mentioned above.
echo -n "$receiving_address" | xclip -sel clip
The getbalances
RPC may be used to check the balance. Coins with trusted
status can be spent.
./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="multisig_wallet_01" getbalances
Unlike singlesig wallets, multisig wallets cannot create and sign transactions directly because they require the signatures of the co-signers. Instead they create a Partially Signed Blockchain Transaction (PSBT).
PSBT is a data format that allows wallets and other tools to exchange information about a Dash transaction and the signatures necessary to complete it. [source]
The current PSBT version (v0) is defined in BIP 174.
For simplicity, the destination address is taken from the participant_1
wallet in the code above, but it can be any valid dash address.
The walletcreatefundedpsbt
RPC is used to create and fund a transaction in the PSBT format. It is the first step in creating the PSBT.
balance=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="multisig_wallet_01" getbalance)
amount=$(echo "$balance * 0.8" | bc -l | sed -e 's/^\./0./' -e 's/^-\./-0./')
destination_addr=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="participant_1" getnewaddress)
funded_psbt=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -named -rpcwallet="multisig_wallet_01" walletcreatefundedpsbt outputs="{\"$destination_addr\": $amount}" | jq -r '.psbt')
There is also the createpsbt
RPC, which serves the same purpose, but it has no access to the wallet or to the UTXO set. It is functionally the same as createrawtransaction
and just drops the raw transaction into an otherwise blank PSBT. [source] In most cases, walletcreatefundedpsbt
solves the problem.
The send
RPC can also return a PSBT if more signatures are needed to sign the transaction.
Optionally, the PSBT can be decoded to a JSON format using decodepsbt
The analyzepsbt
RPC analyzes and provides information about the current status of a PSBT and its inputs, e.g. missing signatures.
./src/dash-cli -testnet decodepsbt $funded_psbt
./src/dash-cli -testnet analyzepsbt $funded_psbt
In the code above, two PSBTs are created. One signed by participant_1
wallet and other, by the participant_2
The walletprocesspsbt
is used by the wallet to sign a PSBT.
psbt_1=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="participant_1" walletprocesspsbt $funded_psbt | jq '.psbt')
psbt_2=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="participant_2" walletprocesspsbt $funded_psbt | jq '.psbt')
The PSBT, if signed separately by the co-signers, must be combined into one transaction before being finalized. This is done by combinepsbt
combined_psbt=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet combinepsbt "[$psbt_1, $psbt_2]")
There is an RPC called joinpsbts
, but it has a different purpose than combinepsbt
. joinpsbts
joins the inputs from multiple distinct PSBTs into one PSBT.
In the example above, the PSBTs are the same, but signed by different participants. If the user tries to merge them using joinpsbts
, the error Input txid:pos exists in multiple PSBTs
is returned. To be able to merge different PSBTs into one, they must have different inputs and outputs.
The finalizepsbt
RPC is used to produce a network serialized transaction which can be broadcast with sendrawtransaction
It checks that all inputs have complete scriptSigs and scriptWitnesses and, if so, encodes them into network serialized transactions.
finalized_psbt_hex=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet finalizepsbt $combined_psbt | jq -r '.hex')
./src/dash-cli -testnet sendrawtransaction $finalized_psbt_hex
Instead of each wallet signing the original PSBT and combining them later, the wallets can also sign the PSBTs sequentially. This is less scalable than the previously presented parallel workflow, but it works.
After that, the rest of the process is the same: the PSBT is finalized and transmitted to the network.
psbt_1=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="participant_1" walletprocesspsbt $funded_psbt | jq -r '.psbt')
psbt_2=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet -rpcwallet="participant_2" walletprocesspsbt $psbt_1 | jq -r '.psbt')
finalized_psbt_hex=$(./src/dash-cli -testnet finalizepsbt $psbt_2 | jq -r '.hex')
./src/dash-cli -testnet sendrawtransaction $finalized_psbt_hex