// Arrays
// Make an array of length 6
const arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5];
// Look up element by Index
arr[0]; // 0, the first element
arr[1]; // 1, the second element
// Keeps track of length
arr.length // 6
// Last element is at index 5
arr[arr.length - 1] // 5
arr[6] // undefined
// Sparse array doesn't fill in all values
arr[9] = 100
arr.length // 10
arr[7] // undefined
arr // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, <3 empty items>, 100]
// Adding to beginning will move everything else over
arr[1] // 2
arr // [ -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, <3 empty items>, 100 ]
// Two new classes: Node, and LinkedList
// Nodes will hold 1 piece of information ("Data" or value)
// LinkedLists will add, remove, and look through nodes for our information
class Node {
constructor(value, next = null) {
this.value = value // Any type
this.next = next // Another Node
let node1 = new Node(3)
node1.value // 3
node1.next // null
let node2 = new Node(2)
node2.value // 2
node2.next // null
node1.next = node2
// (3) -> (2)
let node3 = new Node(10, node1)
// (10) -> (3) -> (2)
console.log(node3.next.next.value) // 2
let node4 = new Node(10, node3)
// (10) -> (10) -> (3) -> (2)
let node5 = new Node(4, node3)
// (4) -> (10) -> (3) -> (2)
// (10) -> (10) -> (3) -> (2) still exists
// we need a way to track WHERE we should be looking
class LinkedList {
// our goal is to only reference one node at a time, and then use that node to do everything else
// That node is called the "Head" of the list
constructor(head = null) {
this.head = head;
get lastValue() {
let currentHead = this.head;
// make sure head isn't null
if (currentHead === null) {
// look through the nodes contained in here
// the end of the list is the node whose `next` is null
while (currentHead.next !== null) {
currentHead = currentHead.next
// example flow:
// HEAD(a) -> (b) -> (c) -> (d)
// first, currentHead is `a`
// inside the first iteration, set currentHead to `b`
// (b) -> (c) -> (d)
// `b` has a next, so we set currentHead to `c`
// (c) -> (d)
// `c` has next, etc...
// once the currentHead is pointing to `d`, this loop wont run again, so we're at the end
return currentHead.value;
addToBeginning(value) {
let node = new Node(value)
// HEAD(b) -> (c) -> (d), I want to add f
node.next = this.head
// (f) -> HEAD(b) -> (c) -> (d)
this.head = node
// HEAD(f) -> (b) -> (c) -> (d)
sumElements() {
let sum = 0
// make sure there is a head node
if (this.head === null) {
return sum
let currentHead = this.head
while (currentHead.next !== null) {
sum = sum + currentHead.value
currentHead = currentHead.next
return sum
let list1 = new LinkedList(node5)