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Code structure

Yoom Lam edited this page Oct 20, 2022 · 15 revisions

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Initial things to review

Gradle Subproject Dependencies

Based on build.gradle files in each directory, here's the rough subproject dependencies (based on PR #50):

  • app - main @SpringBootApplication
    • api - annotated API, used to populate OpenAPI doc; defines request and response POJOs
    • controller - defines @RestController classes (which implement api classes) and @Mapper classes (which convert service.model objects from/to request/response POJOs)
      • api
      • service:provider
      • service:spi
    • persistence:model - defines DB @Entity classes and DB query methods (the implementation of which is in persistence:impl)
    • persistence:impl - implements DB Repository interfaces
      • persistence:model
    • service:provider - implements service:spi; persists service.model objects to/from DB using @Entity classes
      • persistence:model
      • service:spi - used by controllers
      • tests-data-factory - provides factories used in tests
    • service:spi

service-ruby subproject

UPDATE: has since been removed

Added in PR #63 as a separate container for Ruby services from the RRD prototype. Contains the code for the abd_vro-service-ruby package (container image).

Gradle projects

List the microservices (which each have an associated Gradle project):

  • 2 python assessors
  • 1 python pdf generator
  • 1 Java client for LH API svc-lighthouse-api
  • 1 Java client for MAS API svc-mas-api (in development)

Since the Python microservices have common code, it is extracted into a shared library:

  • service-python/

And we have our big services:

  • Postgres + db-init
  • RabbitMQ
  • Redis

Plus we have our MVC layers initially set up by LH Starterkit:

  • api defining VRO's API
  • controller for the API
  • persistence:model defining DB Entity classes
  • service:db for DB interactions
  • service:spi containing Java interface and model definitions
  • service:provider containing Camel configurations

A shared folder where code for common (Java) libraries can be placed (so that the top-level directory isn't more cluttered):

MVC layers

There are tests in LayeredArchitectureTest to check for undesirable dependencies:

Rule 'Layered architecture consisting of
layer 'API' ('')
layer 'API-Requests' ('')
layer 'API-Responses' ('')
layer 'Controllers' ('')
layer 'SPI' ('')
layer 'Services' ('')
layer 'Persistence' ('')
where layer 'API' may only be accessed by layers ['Controllers']
where layer 'API-Requests' may only be accessed by layers ['Controllers', 'API']
where layer 'API-Responses' may only be accessed by layers ['Controllers', 'API']
where layer 'Controllers' may not be accessed by any layer
where layer 'SPI' may only be accessed by layers ['Controllers', 'Services']
where layer 'Persistence' may only be accessed by layers ['Services']'

For more description, check out LHDI's doc on project structure.

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