VRO is deployed to the LHDI platform. To deploy to LHDI, Docker images for deployment must exist in the GHCR (GitHub Container Registry). We have migrated GitHub Actions to [ArgoCD](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/va-abd-rrd-argocd-applications-vault) for deployments. ## Deployments Detailed instructions [here](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/abd-vro/wiki/On-Call-Runbooks). To perform a deployment: 1. Confirm that the [SecRel workflow](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/abd-vro-internal/wiki/SecRel-Processing-Guide) (Snyk & Aqua gate check) scan passes and that the new Docker image has been published. (only applies to `sandbox`, `prod-test`, `prod` deployments) 2. Navigate to the [ArgoCD repo's deployment folder](https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/va-abd-rrd-argocd-applications-vault/tree/main/deploy) 3. Find the service you want to deploy (e.g. `svc-bie-kafka`) 4. Update the image tag hash in the relevant yaml file(s) corresponding to the target environment(s) (e.g., `dev.yaml` for the development environment) and update the image tag hash in the file. 5. Creating a PR and merging it into the main branch will trigger the deployment