This document lists known external dependencies for the CMS. Official points of contact for each service are listed. Other points of contact for some services are listed on DSVA Slack.
Service | Content | Mode | Monitoring | Escalation Contact | Notes |
GovDelivery | Situation updates & alerts are sent to subscribed users via GovDelivery | Uses govdelivery_bulletins module to post data to the GovDelivery API endpoint | See Below | | |
Facility, cemetery, and health services (via Lighthouse API) | See Below | See Below | | #vsa-facilities slack channel - Adam Stinton | API paths are overridden by settings.php |
facilityForms API (nightly DB dump) | Form data (names, filenames, audiences, status) and creates/updates “VA Form” nodes | Nightly Migration | #va-forms slack channel | ||
Github Action (manual & automatically triggered content releases) | Editors can trigger a content release either manually or by editing certain content types | Calls jenkins webhook | | Ops team (use #vfs-platform-support) | |
Slack (notifications) | Post API failure alerts, Teamsite facility status failure alerts | Drupal calls Slack webhook | | ||
SSOi (must be on VA network to access doc) | CMS users are authenticated with the VA Single Sign On service (SSOi) | See README | (must be on VA network) | (must be on VA network) | |
Unbound DNS | Forwards (and caches) DNS requests from TIC to AWS Route 53 DNS servers | Facilitates access to internal services from within network, e.g. CAG access to CMS | Datadog synthetic | Ops team (use #vfs-platform-support) |
- Alerting
- Slack notifications via Sentry from Drupal errors.
- Error logs
- Internal
- External
The following services can affect the CMS's functionality or data at any time.
Operating hours, Contact information, names for all facilities (VHA facilities, vet centers, cemeteries, business offices)
- VAMC & Vet Center Facility statuses
- Cemetery statuses
- Facility health services (covid only now, all services soon)
Nightly migration pulls data from the Lighthouse API from the following periodic tasks:
Migration configs:
- migrate_plus.migration.va_node_facility_nca.yml
- migrate_plus.migration.va_node_facility_vba.yml
- migrate_plus.migration.va_node_facility_vet_centers.yml
- migrate_plus.migration.va_node_facility_vet_centers_mvc.yml
- migrate_plus.migration.va_node_facility_vet_centers_os.yml
- migrate_plus.migration.va_node_health_care_local_facility.yml
The following services can affect the deployment process' ability to fully build the CMS for testing or production deployment.
Service | Url | Status | Escalation | Notes |
Remi Repo | | none | Tweet @RemiRepository and open issue at | Remi Repo is used to pull in the PHP 7.3 libraries and dependencies in our AMI builds. This won't be used when we switch from Amazon Linux 1 to Amazon Linux 2 when we move to containers on ArgoKube |
Drupal packages | | @drupal_infra on Twitter | Drupal packages is used to download Drupal contrib modules | |
Packagist | | Tweet at @packagist. It is used by thousands of sites so highly likely that someone knows about any issues before we do and that it will be resolved quickly. | Packagist is used to install our PHP dependencies that are required by Drupal custom and contrib modules. | |
Github | | Use the #github_information channel in DSVA slack | The codebase is stored in github, and the deployment process depends on it to pull code and push status and code quality messages to our pull requests. | |
ZenHub | | ZenHub is a project management layer on top of GitHub Issues that we use. | ||
Docker Hub | | Contact [email protected] and/or tweet @Docker | We use Docker Hub to pull down container images for our CI environments in Tugboat. |
There are a number of services that Composer uses to download and install dependencies. These services are used during the build process and are not required for runtime.
We are currently aliasing several packages because of lingering dependencies on Drupal 9. We are working to remove these aliases.