How to create devonfw sample application Jump-The-Queue
The Architecture of the application.
More information about Jump The Queue on https://github.com/devonfw/jump-the-queue
restoreDevonfwIde(["java", "mvn", "node", "ng", "npm"])
Note: Setup script can take some time for setup.
First, clone the Jump-The-Queue Repository.
cloneRepository("", "https://github.com/devonfw/jump-the-queue.git")
buildJava("jump-the-queue/java/jtqj", true) runServerJava("jump-the-queue/java/jtqj/server", { "startupTime": 40, "port": 8081, "path": "jumpthequeue" })
Now the Java Server should be running.
Install dependencies before you build and run frontend server.
Now build and run the Angular Server. The following two steps are only needed in this tutorial.
Normally you can simply execute "ng serve", open the https://localhost:4200/ and start using the app.
In the next step you need to change the Base URL for the REST Services.
changeFile("jump-the-queue/angular/src/environments/environment.ts", {"content": "https://-8081-.environments.katacoda.com/jumpthequeue/services/rest", "placeholder": "http://localhost:8081/jumpthequeue/services/rest"}) runClientNg("jump-the-queue/angular", { "startupTime": 200, "port": 4200, "path": "" })
Now the Angular Frontend Server should be running.
You have successfully created a Jump the Queue application. You can now proceed with development of another sample application.
For more information related to Jump The Queue sample application visit on https://github.com/devonfw/jump-the-queue/wiki