1 | 1 | Package: shinyGovstyle
2 | 2 | Title: Custom Gov Style Inputs for Shiny
3 |
| -Version: 0.0.8 |
4 |
| -Authors@R: person( |
5 |
| - given = "Ross", |
6 |
| - family = "Wyatt", |
7 |
| - |
8 |
| - role = c("aut", "cre")) |
9 |
| -Description: Collection of 'shiny' application styling that are the based on |
10 |
| - the GOV.UK Design System. See |
11 |
| - <https://design-system.service.gov.uk/components/> for details. |
12 |
| -Depends: R (>= 3.1.0) |
| 3 | +Version: 0.1.0 |
| 4 | +Authors@R: c( |
| 5 | + person("Ross", "Wyatt", , " [email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre")), |
| 6 | + person("Cameron", "Race", , " [email protected]", role = "ctb"), |
| 7 | + person("Sarah", "Wong", role = "ctb"), |
| 8 | + person("Richard", "Bielby", , " [email protected]", role = "ctb"), |
| 9 | + person("Charlotte", "Foster", , " [email protected]", role = "ctb"), |
| 10 | + person("Jeni", "Martin", role = "ctb") |
| 11 | + ) |
| 12 | +Description: Collection of 'shiny' application styling that are the based |
| 13 | + on the GOV.UK Design System. See |
| 14 | + <https://design-system.service.gov.uk/components/> for details. |
13 | 15 | License: GPL-3
14 |
| -Encoding: UTF-8 |
15 |
| -RoxygenNote: 7.1.2 |
16 | 16 | URL: https://github.com/moj-analytical-services/shinyGovstyle
17 |
| -BugReports: https://github.com/moj-analytical-services/shinyGovstyle/issues |
| 17 | +BugReports: |
| 18 | + https://github.com/moj-analytical-services/shinyGovstyle/issues |
| 19 | +Depends: |
| 20 | + R (>= 3.1.0) |
18 | 21 | Imports:
19 |
| - shiny (>= 0.14), |
20 | 22 | htmltools,
| 23 | + jsonlite, |
| 24 | + magrittr, |
| 25 | + purrr, |
| 26 | + shiny (>= 0.14), |
21 | 27 | shinyjs,
22 |
| - jsonlite |
| 28 | + stringr |
23 | 29 | Suggests:
24 | 30 | testthat
| 31 | +Encoding: UTF-8 |
| 32 | +RoxygenNote: 7.3.2 |
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