Releases: djotaku/ELDonationTracker
v7.4.2 🌈 Trying to fix dependency issues
Sorry for the extra releases today, need to fix dependencies.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
v7.4.1 🌈 Just a few refactors.
No User-Facing Changes
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
v7.4.0 🌈 Activity Endpoints Added
I've added new output files for the Activity Endpoints if you're like to use those for your OBS or XSplit overlays. Also a few little fixes here and there in the code that should make things run a little more smoothly.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
🚀 Features
🧰 Maintenance
🧔🏽 User Facing
v7.3.0 🌈 Updating Dependencies
This shouldn't be necessary to upgrade, but may be worth checking to make sure the new dependencies don't cause you any issues. Also trying a new release generator template that will collage all the changes at the end rather than me having to keep track. It means I'll be making better pull request titles and descriptions since they'll form the basis for the changelog.
For some reason Windows 10 was convinced it was some malware until I allowed it. You may have to do the same.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
🚀 Features
v7.2.0 Log GUI
Users can now go to File -> Show Logs and get a window with the log output. Clicking on "Copy to Clipboard" can allow you to copy and paste them into a Github issue (or wherever you'd like). Especially useful since it's not always easy to copy/paste from the terminal.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
Release Notes
User-Facing Changes
- Added a GUI with log output.
Developer-Facing or API Changes
- Nothing, really
v7.1.0 Updates for a new year without any donations
This was the first year where I didn't even make an opening $25 donation so I realized some files were not being recreated if you were starting up from scratch without any donations whatsoever. Fixed that, so this should be a more pleasant experience for anyone who has a similar situation.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
Release Notes
User-Facing Changes
- Text file creation should work better now on a new year where there haven't been any donations yet.
Developer-Facing or API Changes
- Updated to DonorDrivePython 1.3.0 which should provide even better error reporting.
v7.0.2 Making the JSON error a bit more verbose
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
Release Notes
User-Facing Changes
- Nothing has changed for the user
Developer-Facing or API Changes
- Updated to DonorDrivePython 1.2.0 which should provide better error reporting.
v7.0.1 Update for bad JSON coming back
This should keep the program running for you if you can't reach the URL for a while instead of crashing.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
Release Notes
User-Facing Changes
- Nothing has changed for the user
Developer-Facing or API Changes
- Updated to DonorDrivePython 1.1.1 which should prevent a crash if the JSON comes had a decoder error.
v7.0.0 API Pulled out
If you're not helping develop on the project or interested in the internals, then nothing should have changed for you. I did a bunch of testing and things should be working as they were in the 6.x series. If anything has broken for you, please file a bug so that I can fix it.
The main purpose was the pull out the Donor Drive generic API code into DonorDrivePython so that anyone can use it to create a program for the Donor Drive API, not just for Extra Life. This code repository is now the Extra Life-specific code as well as the user interface code.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
Release Notes
User-Facing Changes
- Nothing has changed for the user
Developer-Facing or API Changes
- moved most of the API code to DonorDrivePython to abstract it away from Extra Life so it can be used by others using the DonorDrive API.
v6.2.2 Cleaning up Some Bugs
Particularly the code around Top Donors. It had become messed up due to the API pegging code. That is cleaned up now. Also some folks noted a crash if they had $1000 or more in donations. That is now fixed as well. As usual, updates to the Docker/Podman containers will arrive shortly after this release goes live.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions:
Usage Instructions:
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.
Release Notes
User-Facing Changes
- API pegging code had messed up Top Donor code that is now fixed
- Fix bug upon loading if user has > $999.99 in donations
Developer-Facing or API Changes
- cleaned up logging code in utils.extralifeio