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compiled to pure javascript using Emscripten. This is a collection of cryptolibraries and functions useful for working with Cardano cryptocurrency, eliminating the need for many dependencies.



var lib = require('cardano-crypto.js')

var mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme'
var walletSecret = await lib.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1)
var msg = new Buffer('hello there')
var sig = lib.sign(msg, walletSecret)

deriving child keys (hardened derivation, you can choose either derivation scheme 1 or 2)

var lib = require('cardano-crypto.js')

var mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme'
var parentWalletSecret = lib.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1)
var childWalletSecret = lib.derivePrivate(parentWalletSecret, 0x80000001, 1)

deriving child public keys (nonhardened derivation, you can choose either derivation scheme 1 or 2)

var lib = require('cardano-crypto.js')

var mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme'
var parentWalletSecret = lib.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1)
var parentWalletPublicKey = parentWalletSecret.slice(64, 128)
var childWalletSecret = lib.derivePublic(parentWalletPublicKey, 1, 1)

available functions

  • Buffer sign(Buffer msg, Buffer walletSecret)
  • Bool verify(Buffer msg, Buffer publicKey, Buffer sig)
  • async Buffer mnemonicToRootKeypair(String mnemonic, int derivationScheme)
  • Buffer derivePrivate(Buffer parentKey, int index, int derivationScheme)
  • Buffer derivePublic(Buffer parentExtPubKey, int index, int derivationScheme)
  • Buffer toPublic(Buffer privateKey)
  • Buffer decodePaperWalletMnemonic(string paperWalletMnemonic)
  • Buffer xpubToHdPassphrase(Buffer xpub)
  • string packAddress(Array[int] derivationPath, Buffer xpub, Buffer hdPassphrase, int derivationScheme)
  • string unpackAddress(string address, Buffer hdPassphrase)
  • Bool isValidAddress(string address)
  • Buffer blake2b(Buffer input, outputLen)
  • Buffer cardanoMemoryCombine(Buffer input, String password)
  • [base58](
  • [scrypt](

We encourage you to take a look at test/index.js to see how the functions above should be used.


  • Install emscripten, recommended version is 1.38.8
  • run npm install
  • run npm run build


  • run npm run test