All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning
- Fixed error when "Properties to ignore" field is empty or contains empty lines
- Edit warning regarding "Fetch namespace prefixes from" parameter
- Parameter to specify the label of the shapes graph. If no label is given for a new graph, a label is generated. If the shapes graph exists, its label can be overwritten or kept.
- Add
dcterms:source [data graph IRI]
to the shapes graph - Option to add plugin provenance to the shapes graph
- Also count node shapes for the execution report
- New icon
- Replaced the bool parameter "Overwrite Shape Catalog" with the parameter "Handle existing output graph" with the options:
- replace the graph
- add the result shapes to the graph
- stop the workflow if the specified output graph already exists
- Allow custom entries for Input data graph parameter
- Recheck if graph exists before importing created shapes graph
- Add dcterms:created datetime for new/replaced output graphs or dcterms:modified datetime for updated output graphs
- Fixed issue with prefixes from not used correctly
- initial version