Releases: eclipse-ditto/ditto
This release fixes a security issue in the Ditto Web-UI: CVE-2024-5165
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.4.4...3.4.5
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.5.4...3.5.5
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.5.3...3.5.4
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.5.2...3.5.3
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.5.1...3.5.2
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.5.0...3.5.1
Release notes can be found here:
What's Changed
- disable reduced pom generation by @alstanchev in #1779
- #1780 fix update headers of ConnectionClosed event by @alstanchev in #1781
- Bump com.rabbitmq:amqp-client from 5.14.3 to 5.18.0 in /bom by @dependabot in #1784
- bump swagger-ui version to resolve security issues by @thjaeckle in #1783
- fix that ThingFieldSelector did not allow specific paths of "_metadata" by @thjaeckle in #1782
- Move x-ditto-pre-authenticated and X-Forwarded-User to ingress.api.annotations by @mladBlum in #1787
- fix preserving DittoHeaders when encountering a JsonParseException by @thjaeckle in #1792
- fix regression introduced in #1792 by @thjaeckle in #1796
- #1748 Add honoTenantId configuration for HonoConnection. by @calohmn in #1788
- fix that JsonObjectBuilder.remove removes to much in certain cases by @thjaeckle in #1798
- fix search query mutiple sort option by @alstanchev in #1799
- provide Ditto 3.4.1 release notes by @thjaeckle in #1800
- Add piggyback commands to ui by @vvasilevbosch in #1791
- #1801 Add trusted certificates configuration for HonoConnection. by @calohmn in #1802
- Fix set command from template to command editor by @vvasilevbosch in #1808
- UI policy imports by @thfries in #1793
- UI - Allow editors in full screen mode by @thfries in #1805
- enhance "Incoming Thing Updates" in UI to provide more information at a glance by @thjaeckle in #1813
- display attributes in UI in an aceEditor instead of a simple inputfield by @thjaeckle in #1812
- fix that non-successful message responses were not displayed in ACE editor by @thjaeckle in #1810
- removed X-Original-URI by @kalinkostashki in #1823
- UI - fix operations new empty logger by @thfries in #1817
- preserve maxPid in journal aggregation by @alstanchev in #1824
- Fix handling MQTT messages sent while ditto offline by @dimabarbul in #1794
- UI - fix for #1821 (401 on startup) by @thfries in #1822
- #1826 fix JsonFieldSelectorTrie logic for objects and parts of those objects both being included in selected fields by @thjaeckle in #1828
- fix that a "wrong" JsonPointer in a search RQL query lead to ERRORs by @thjaeckle in #1816
- #1806 Provide configurable search count metrics to be exposed via Prometheus by @thjaeckle in #1807
- #1883 return pre-authenticated configuration to location-snippet by @RockyMM in #1834
- Added 50m log limit to all docker containers by @marioverhaeg in #1831
- update logback 1.2 to mitigate CVE by @thjaeckle in #1835
- #1699 made building the Ditto UI image optional and configurable in by @thjaeckle in #1837
- #1844 fix resolving revision or timestamp from the future was not directly denied by @thjaeckle in #1845
- benchmark tool improvements by @vvasilevbosch in #1849
- fixed that "condition" query param could not be provided as form field by @thjaeckle in #1848
- prepare Ditto 3.4.4 release notes by @thjaeckle in #1853
- Declare connectionStatusError variable by @vvasilevbosch in #1855
- Enhance WoT skeleton creation with more options by @thjaeckle in #1847
- #1854 enhance time:now* placeholders to calculate plus and minus from now by @thjaeckle in #1856
- #1583 apply RQL based filtering when streaming "historical" thing events by @thjaeckle in #1815
- Fix enrichment of ThingCreated events with _policy by @alstanchev in #1863
- Provide same behavior for filtering in arrays via search's "filter" for specified "condition" by @thjaeckle in #1860
- Provide option to provide negative numbers to historical event streaming by @thjaeckle in #1866
- Enhance things search slot by displaying the amount of matching things by @thjaeckle in #1864
- Add subsystem health check to liveness checks by @dimabarbul in #1867
- migrate logging to SLF4J 2.0.x and Logback 1.4.x by @thjaeckle in #1832
- #1521: Configure which fields are indexed in the Ditto search index per namespace pattern by @an1310 in #1870
- #1869 use cache in order to load imported policies when policies are … by @thjaeckle in #1872
- Fix helm chart open shift identation by @mladBlum in #1875
- UI - Add filter for tables by @thfries in #1862
- #1839: introduce script to Helm chart updating pod-deletion-cost by @thjaeckle in #1871
- prepare Ditto 3.5.0 release notes by @thjaeckle in #1876
New Contributors
- @mladBlum made their first contribution in #1787
- @marioverhaeg made their first contribution in #1831
- @an1310 made their first contribution in #1870
Full Changelog: 3.4.0...3.5.0
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.4.3...3.4.4
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.4.2...3.4.3
Release notes can be found here:
Full Changelog: 3.4.1...3.4.2