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Building EclipseLink

Lukas Jungmann edited this page Apr 9, 2019 · 18 revisions

How to build EclipseLink

This is a guide for new users to build EclipseLink locally

Table of Contents

!!! Under construction !!! EclipseLink 3.0+

Prerequisite steps:

Required tools:

Default developer build

mvn install

performs the build and runs tests on inmemory Apache Derby DB with server side tests on WildFly

Default Travis build

mvn install -Poss-release,mysql

performs the build including source and javadoc bundles and runs tests on local Mysql DB with server side tests on WildFly

NOTE: Every PR must pass this build before being merged to master

Oracle DB build

mvn install -Poracle

performs the build including Oracle DB specific extensions and runs tests on local Oracle DB with server side tests on WildFly

Customized build

mvn install -P<database>,<applicationServer>

where .
<database> = derby, mongo, mysql, oracle .
<applicationServer> = glassfish, weblogic, wildfly .

notable system properties: - custom database server related properties . - custom application server related properties .
-Ddb.driver.groupId=..., -Ddb.driver.artifactId=..., -Ddb.driver.version=... - Maven coordinates of custom JDBC driver .

See default property files in the repository for more details about the content of property files.

EclipseLink 2.x

build instructions for older versions can be found @

To install built artifacts into local maven repository, run full build using ant -f antbuild.xml build-distribution and then install artifacts by running:

ant -f uploadToNexus.xml -DsnapshotId=local -DsnapshotURL=file:///path/to/m2-repo \
 -Drelease.version=3.0.0 -Dbuild.type=SNAPSHOT -Dgit.hash=local \
 -Dmavenant.dir=/folder/with/maven-ant-tasks-2.1.3.jar -Dversion.string=3.0.0.qualifier
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