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Velum-Sail is a command handler for Velum, which in turn is a wrapper for the Eludris API. It expands on velum by adding shell-like text-based commands, a command handler that can hook into a velum.GatewayClient, and extensions to keep your files organised (coming soonTM).

Please keep in mind that this library is still in its infancy, and some much needed features such as documentation are coming in the nearTM future.


Python 3.10 or higher is required.

To install the library, currently the only option is to install it off of this very github page.

python3 -m pip install -U git+


import asyncio
import typing

import velum
import sail

bot = velum.GatewayClient()
manager = sail.CommandManager.with_prefix("!")

async def my_command(ctx: sail.Context, x: typing.List[bool]) -> None:
    await"{} sent in {len(x)} bools, {sum(x)} of which were True!")

For more in-depth examples, please see the examples directory.