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OpenSnitch displays too many dialogs to allow/deny connections

Yes, it does. But only the first time it is used. Once you configure which processes/connections you want to allow/deny, you won't notice that it's running. Really.

In the future, maybe we can add an option to queue events, and allow/deny them from the GUI: applying the default configured action until further interaction from the user.

Why Qt and not GTK?

I tried, but for very fast updates it failed bad on my configuration (failed bad = SIGSEGV), moreover I find Qt5 layout system superior and easier to use.

Why gRPC and not DBUS?

The UI service is able to use a TCP listener instead of a UNIX socket, that means the UI service itself can be executed on any operating system, while receiving messages from a single local daemon instance or multiple instances from remote computers in the network, therefore DBUS would have made the protocol and logic uselessly GNU/Linux specific.


Status is Not Running

Be sure that the daemon is running: pgrep opensnitchd

If it's not running, you may need to enable and start it:

$ sudo systemctl enable opensnitchd
$ sudo systemctl start opensnitchd.service 

Why is WireGuard/Mullvad/etc not working with OpenSnitch?

The common reason is because the eBPF module is not installed or not working.

If you are using the packages from AUR, you need to install the additional package

Another reason could be , that the eBPF module insertion failed or the debugfs is not mounted. In both cases, execute the following command:

$ sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/kprobe_event

If the output is empty or it fails, then you can try mounting it: # mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug then restart opensnitch: sudo service opensnitch restart

If it still doesn't work, you can enable [x] Debug invalid connections under Preferences->Nodes.

Which connections does OpenSnitch intercept?

We currently (>= v1.0.0-rc4) only intercept new connections (iptables/conntrack state NEW) of TCP, UDP and UDPLITE protocols, to/from any port.


What does the "Debug invalid connections" configuration option mean?

When a process establishes a new connection, we first receive the connection information (src/dst IP, src/dst port, but no PID, nor process command line/path). Thus, we try to get who created the connection.

Sometimes we fail to discover the PID of the process, or the path of the PID, thus in these cases if you check this option, a pop-up will appear to allow or deny an "unknown connection".

What's the behaviour of daemon's default action "deny"

The daemon option "default_action" "deny" will block ALL traffic (as of version 1.0.0rc10) that is intercepted by iptables and is not answered or configured by the user. If an outgoing connection timeouts while waiting for user action, then it'll apply the default action.

But not only that, because as we don't intercept ICMP, IGMP or SCTP (among others), they'll also be blocked. We'll add an option to configure this behaviour in the near future.

If you need to allow this kind of traffic, you can add a rule directly to iptables/nftables:

iptables -t mangle -I OUTPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT


In which order does opensnitch check configured rules?

Since version 1.2.0, rules are checked in alphabetical order. There's also a new field to mark a rule as Important.

So if you want to prioritize some rules over others:

  1. Name the rule as 000-max-priority, 001-notsomax-priority, 002-less-preiority, not-priority
  2. Priority field checked (Action: allow)
  3. OR Action: deny (not need to check the Priority field in these rules)

If I allow program A, and it launches another program B, will it be also allowed?

No. You only allow program A to access the net. Any other program launched by program A will be stopped until you allow or deny it.

See some examples:

Read more about best practices:

Appimages confuse the firewall

Appimages create a random directory under /tmp/ from where they're executed, so if you allow or deny an appimage by path or command line when the pop-up appears, the next time the app is executed, the path to the binary will be different and OpenSnitch will prompt you again to deny or allow it.

You need to use regular expressions to match the directory by editing the rule:

[x] From this executable: ^(/tmp/.mount_Archiv[0-9A-Za-z]+/.*)$

See this issue for context and more information: #408


Do I need to turn off or uninstall other firewalling (firewalld, ufw, gufw) before installing OpenSnitch ? Will the OpenSnitch install or app turn them off automatically ?

No, you don't need to turn off or uninstall other firewalling. OpenSnitch doesn't turn them off, nor delete their rules.

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