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Installation using the packages

(get the packages from here:

tl;dr: use the command line


$ sudo dpkg -i opensnitch*.deb python3-opensnitch-ui*.deb; sudo apt -f install


$ sudo yum localinstall opensnitch-1*.rpm; sudo yum localinstall opensnitch-ui*.rpm


This packages are provided to you in the aim of being useful and ease the installation. They have some no-no's (like calling pip on post install scripts), and apart from that don't expect them to be bug free or lintian errors/warnings free.


  • LinuxMint <= 19: see: #16 or apt-get install g++ python3-dev python3-wheel python3-slugify
  • MXLinux >= 19.x: You need to install additional packages: apt-get install python3-dev python3-wheel
  • Pop!_ OS: if you find that opensnitch is not behaving correctly (it slowdowns your system for some reason), reinstall it using the one-liner above from the command line. It seems that there're troubles installing it using the graphical installer eddy.
  • Fedora >= 3x: You can install python3-grpcio instead of the pip package.
  • Ubuntu 16.04.x: Do not install the dependencies when the installer ask you to do so. After installing the package execute: sudo pip3 install grpcio==1.16.1 protobuf

The reason for installing some dependencies using pip is that they are not always packaged in all distributions and all versions (python3-grpcio on Ubuntu is only available from >= 19.x). Moreover, Ubuntu 20.04 python3-grpcio (version 1.16.1) differs from official 1.16.x that causes some working problems.

Besides, grpc packages distributed with some distributions (python3-grpcio, OpenSuse) do not work.

If you still don't want to install those pip packages, you'll need to install the following packages:

$ sudo apt install python3-grpcio python3-protobuf python3-slugify
  • On Ubuntu you may need to add universe repositories.
  • If you install them using a graphical installer and fails, launch a terminal and type the above commands. See the common errors for more information.

You can download them from the release section.

Note: Select the right package for your architecture: $(uname -m) == x86_64 -> opensnitch*...amd64.deb, $(uname -m) == armhf -> opensnitch*...arhmf.deb, etc.

These packages have been (briefly) tested on:

  • Daemon (v1.3.6):

    • RedHat Enterprise >= 7.0
    • CentOS 8.x
    • Fedora >= 24
    • Debian >= 8
    • LinuxMint >= 18
    • Ubuntu >= 16 (works also on 14.04, but it lacks upstart service file. dpkg must be at least .1.17.x)
    • OpenSuse
    • Pop!_OS
    • MX Linux 19.x
    • PureOS (Librem5)
  • UI (v1.3.6):

    • Debian >= 9
    • Ubuntu >= 16.x
    • Fedora >= 29
    • OpenSuse Tumbleweed
    • LinuxMint >= 18
    • MX Linux 19.x
    • Pop!_OS
    • PureOS (Librem5)
  • Window Managers:

Note: You can install the UI from the sources, using pip3, and it'll work in some more distributions. Not in Fedora <= 29 due to lack of PyQt5 libraries.

Uninstalling opensnitch

deb packages:

  • apt remove opensnitch python3-opensnitch-ui
    • remove /etc/opensnitchd/ after that: rm -rf /etc/opensnitchd/


  • yum remove opensnitch opensnitch-ui or zypper remove opensnitch opensnitch-ui
  • pip3 uninstall grpcio-tools unicode_slugify pyinotify
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