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Installation using the packages

(get the packages from here:

tl;dr: use the command line


$ sudo dpkg -i opensnitch*.deb python3-opensnitch-ui*.deb; sudo apt -f install


$ sudo yum localinstall opensnitch-1*.rpm; sudo yum localinstall opensnitch-ui*.rpm


This packages are provided to you in the aim of being useful and ease the installation. They have some no-no's (like calling pip on post install scripts), and apart from that don't expect them to be bug free or lintian errors/warnings free.


  • LinuxMint <= 19: see: #16 or apt-get install g++ python3-dev python3-wheel python3-slugify
  • MXLinux >= 19.x: You need to install additional packages: apt-get install python3-dev python3-wheel
  • Pop!_ OS: if you find that opensnitch is not behaving correctly (it slowdowns your system for some reason), reinstall it using the one-liner above from the command line. It seems that there're troubles installing it using the graphical installer eddy.
  • Fedora >= 3x: You can install python3-grpcio instead of the pip package.
  • Ubuntu 16.04.x: Do not install the dependencies when the installer ask you to do so. After installing the package execute: sudo pip3 install grpcio==1.16.1 protobuf

The reason for installing some dependencies using pip is that they are not always packaged in all distributions and all versions (python3-grpcio on Ubuntu is only available from >= 19.x). Moreover, Ubuntu 20.04 python3-grpcio (version 1.16.1) differs from official 1.16.x that causes some working problems.

Besides, grpc packages distributed with some distributions (python3-grpcio, OpenSuse) do not work.

If you still don't want to install those pip packages, you'll need to install the following packages:

$ sudo apt install python3-grpcio python3-protobuf python3-slugify
  • On Ubuntu you may need to add universe repositories.
  • If you install them using a graphical installer and fails, launch a terminal and type the above commands. See the common errors for more information.

You can download them from the release section.

Note: Select the right package for your architecture: $(uname -m) == x86_64 -> opensnitch*...amd64.deb, $(uname -m) == armhf -> opensnitch*...arhmf.deb, etc.

These packages have been (briefly) tested on:

  • Daemon (v1.3.6):

    • RedHat Enterprise >= 7.0
    • CentOS 8.x
    • Fedora >= 24
    • Debian >= 8
    • LinuxMint >= 18
    • Ubuntu >= 16 (works also on 14.04, but it lacks upstart service file. dpkg must be at least .1.17.x)
    • OpenSuse
    • Pop!_OS
    • MX Linux 19.x
    • PureOS (Librem5)
  • UI (v1.3.6):

    • Debian >= 9
    • Ubuntu >= 16.x
    • Fedora >= 29
    • OpenSuse Tumbleweed
    • LinuxMint >= 18
    • MX Linux 19.x
    • Pop!_OS
    • PureOS (Librem5)
  • Window Managers:

Note: You can install the UI from the sources, using pip3, and it'll work in some more distributions. Not in Fedora <= 29 due to lack of PyQt5 libraries.

Upgrading opensnitch

Use the installation commands mentioned above. The package managers will take care of the upgrading process. (you don't need to uninstall previous version in order to install a new one).

Uninstalling opensnitch

This steps will remove opensnitch from your system. That includes the rules and the configuration.

Note: If you're installing a new version, you don't need to uninstall the old one first. Just install the new version, and it'll be upgraded.

deb packages:

Remove the package, keeping the configuration and rules:

  • apt remove opensnitch python3-opensnitch-ui

Remove the packages + rules + configuration:

  • apt remove --purge opensnitch python3-opensnitch-ui

rpm packages

  • yum remove opensnitch opensnitch-ui or zypper remove opensnitch opensnitch-ui

If you installed pip packages:

  • pip3 uninstall grpcio-tools unicode_slugify pyinotify
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