Welcome to my ICAP server
This server has been written as a semester project by Fabian Franz. It is fully written in ruby, so it should run on any implementation of ruby in any version >= 2.0.0.
It is really easy to use it and create your own ICAP service and make it available for your proxy.
First of all you need an instance of ICAPrb::Server::ICAPServer, which does not need any parameters but can take a hostname and a port, as well as some options which are requred for setting up logging or TLS. The default is localhost on port 1344 which usually results in a binding of [::1]:1344 as IPv6 is preferred on modern systems.
When you created your server, you will have to add some services
by writing an instance of them in the services property of the server, with the name as key.
When all your services are added to the server, you can simply start it by calling the “run” method. Note, that run will block
the process and will run until the process is interrupted (for example by pressing ctrl + c).
You can write your own services by extending the ServiceBase class which is in ICAPrb::Server::Services. Please look at the documentation of this class or just copy the EchoService and use it as a base for your own service.
Note: ICAP is a mighty tool and it can do good and evil things. It could be illegal to use this kind of software in your country. You are encuraged to check if this software and the services running on it are legal and don’t use this software in case it is not.
If you want to know more about ICAP, you should read the RFC 3507.