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Developer Guide

code This guide is for those who want to contribute code to getting-started-inner-source. This guide describes how to set up your development environment so that you can build and test getting-started-inner-source.

1. Recommended skills

In order to work with getting-started-inner-source as a developer, we recommend you:

  • Know JavaScript, since getting-started-inner-source is written in JavaScript.
  • Are familiar with Node.js, since getting-started-inner-source runs on it.
  • Feel comfortable with command-line programs.
  • Understand unit tests and why they're important.

If that sounds like you, then continue reading to get started.

2. Development software

Before you can build and test getting-started-inner-source, you must install and configure the following products on your development machine:

  1. Git and/or the GitHub app (for MacOS or Windows)


    getting-started-inner-source is hosted on GitHub and uses Git for source control. In order to obtain the source code, you must first install Git on your system. Instructions for installing and setting up Git can be found at

  2. Node.js, (version specified in the engines field of package.json)


    getting-started-inner-source uses Node.js modules to generate tables of contents, version, and publish documentation.

  3. NPM (which installs with Node.js) or Yarn


    NPM and Yarn install and update getting-started-inner-source's third-party dependencies.

3. Getting the source code

Fork and clone the getting-started-inner-source repository:

  1. Sign in to your GitHub account or sign up for a (free) GitHub account.

  2. Fork the main getting-started-inner-source repository (aka, "origin").

  3. Clone your fork of the getting-started-inner-source repository and define an upstream remote pointing back to the getting-started-inner-source repository that you forked in the first place.

    # Clone your GitHub repository:
    git clone [email protected]:<owner>/getting-started-inner-source.git
    # Go to the repository's root directory:
    cd getting-started-inner-source
    # Add the main GitHub repository as an upstream remote
    # to your repository:
    git remote add upstream

4. Installing dependencies

Next, install the JavaScript modules needed to build and test getting-started-inner-source:

# Install all project dependencies (package.json)
npm install

View all getting-started-inner-source dependencies.

Production dependencies

getting-started-inner-source requires the following dependencies to operate.

Dependency Description Version License Type
[email protected] 轻量级架构记录工具 - Command-line tools for working with Architecture Decision Records 1.0.7 MIT production
[email protected] a package manager for JavaScript 6.0.0 Artistic-2.0 production

Development dependencies

getting-started-inner-source uses the the following dependencies to build, test, or deploy:

Dependency Description Version License Type
@semantic-release/[email protected] Set of semantic-release plugins for creating or updating a changelog file 1.0.1 MIT dev
@semantic-release/[email protected] Set of semantic-release plugins to publish to a git repository 3.0.1 MIT dev
@semantic-release/[email protected] Set of semantic-release plugins to publish to a npm registry 3.0.2 MIT dev
[email protected] Another JSON Schema Validator 6.2.0 MIT dev
[email protected] Custom JSON-Schema keywords for Ajv validator 3.1.0 MIT dev
[email protected] Validates strings as commit messages 3.2.0 MIT dev
[email protected] An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript. 4.18.1 MIT dev
[email protected] umbrella config to get scanjs-like functionality from eslint 1.0.0-beta4 MPL-2.0 dev
[email protected] JavaScript Standard Style - ESLint Shareable Config 11.0.0 MIT dev
[email protected] ESLint shareable config for XO with 2-space indent 0.18.0 MIT dev
[email protected] Import with sanity. 2.9.0 MIT dev
[email protected] JSDoc linting rules for ESLint. 3.5.0 BSD-3-Clause dev
[email protected] Lint JSON files 1.2.0 ISC dev
[email protected] custom ESLint rule to disallows unsafe innerHTML, outerHTML and insertAdjacentHTML 1.0.16 MPL-2.0 dev
[email protected] ESLint rule to disallow unsanitized code 3.0.0 MPL-2.0 dev
[email protected] Additional ESLint's rules for Node.js 6.0.1 MIT dev
[email protected] Enforce best practices for JavaScript promises 3.6.0 ISC dev
[email protected] ESLint plugin that contains ScanJS rules 0.2.1 MPL-2.0 dev
[email protected] Security rules for eslint 1.4.0 Apache-2.0 dev
[email protected] ESlint Plugin for the Standard Linter 3.0.1 MIT dev
[email protected] Various awesome ESLint rules 4.0.2 MIT dev
[email protected] Validates XSS related issues of mixing HTML and non-HTML content in variables. 0.1.9 ISC dev
[email protected] cli tool that cleans up package.json files. 2.3.1 MIT dev
[email protected] Automatically update markdown files with content from external sources 0.1.20 MIT dev
[email protected] Generate table of information about dependencies automatically in markdown 1.3.2 MIT dev
[email protected] Print install command for markdown file 1.3.1 MIT dev
[email protected] Print list of scripts in package.json with descriptions 1.2.1 MIT dev
[email protected] The Node Security ( command line interface 3.2.1 Apache-2.0 dev
[email protected] Automated semver compliant package publishing 13.4.1 MIT dev

5. Building

npm run docs

6. Running tests

Jest BDD Your test suites must pass within coverage thresholds before your pull request will be reviewed on GitHub.

To run tests:

$ npm test
# => Run all `getting-started-inner-source` tests on node

$ npm run test:watch
# => Run tests whenever a file changes

7. Source code style guidelines

verified getting-started-inner-source uses

  1. ESLint to evaluate and format source code;
  2. Fixpack to order all package.json properties consistently; and
  3. Prettier to format JSON, Markdown, and YAML.
  4. Standard JS code style link-external for code clarity and community conventions.

You can both evaluate and format your all sources by running:

$ npm run lint
# => Formats and lints all JavaScript, JSON, Markdown, and
#    package.json.

You can also format sources by type:

# Evaluate and format JavaScript:
npm run lint:js

# Format JSON:
npm run lint:json

# Clean up the product manifest (package.json):
npm run lint:manifest

# Format all markdown files:
npm run lint:md

8. DevSecOps

Travis CI logo

commonality/getting-started-inner-source uses Travis CI for continuous integration and delivery.

All tests are executed with Continuous Integration services.

  1. We test on Node.js versions 10, 9, 8, and 7.6.0 on Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu operating systems.
  2. PRs will only be merged once all tests pass.
  3. Travis CI will fail if any of the test suites fails, or a linting rule is violated.

alert If the source code does not pass linting, the CI will fail and the PR can not be merged.