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Releases: firebase/firebase-admin-python

Firebase Admin Python SDK v3.0.0

11 Sep 18:07
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Note: This is a major release with breaking changes. Refer to the migration guide for details on how to port your code to the new API.

  • [Changed] Python 2.7 support is now deprecated. Developers are advised to use Python 3.4 or higher to run the Admin SDK.
  • [Changed] Removed old module-level exception types auth.AuthError, db.ApiCallError, messaging.ApiCallError, instance_id.ApiCallError and project_management.ApiCallError.
  • [Changed] Added a new exceptions module that defines base exception types for the entire SDK. Public APIs now raise exceptions defined in the new exceptions module (or subtypes of them). This facilitates implementing fine-grained error handling logic for a wide range of scenarios that was not supported before. See the migration guide for instructions on how to port your existing error handling code.
  • [Fixed] Upgraded google-cloud-firestore dependency version to to 1.14.0.
  • [Fixed] Upgraded google-cloud-storage dependency version to 1.18.0.

Project Management

  • [Changed] IosApp, IosAppMetadata and ShaCertificate types in the project_management module have been renamed to IOSApp, IOSAppMetadata and SHACertificate respectively.


  • [Changed] It is no longer possible to delete user properties with the update_user() API by setting properties to None. Setting properties to None leaves those properties unchanged. They must be explicitly set to auth.DELETE_ATTRIBUTE to delete them.

Cloud Messaging

  • [Feature] Added support for sending an image URL in notifications. Thanks cchamm for the contribution.
  • [Changed] The deprecated WebpushFcmOptions type has been removed. Developers must use the PEP8 compliant type name WebpushFCMOptions instead.

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.18.0

21 Aug 17:44
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Cloud Messaging

  • [Feature] Added support for specifying the analytics label for notifications. Thanks willawang8908 for the contribution.
  • [Feature] Added support for arbitrary key-value pairs in messaging.ApsAlert. Thanks viktorasl for the contribution.
  • [Fixed] The WebpushFcmOptions type is now deprecated. Developers should use the PEP8 compliant type name WebpushFCMOptions instead.

Realtime Database

  • [Feature] Developers can now test their {{database}} API calls by directing the SDK traffic to the RTDB emulator. Set the FIREBASE_DATABASE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to specify the emulator endpoint in host:port format.

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.17.0

23 May 17:38
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Firebase Cloud Messaging

Firebase Auth

  • A new auth.DELETE_ATTRIBUTE constant that can be used with the update_user() API to remove certain attributes from user accounts. This is now the preferred way to delete attributes like display_name, photo_url and custom_claims.

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.16.0

21 Feb 18:40
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  • Added generate_password_reset_link(), generate_email_verification_link() and generate_sign_in_with_email_link() methods to the auth API.
  • Migrated the auth user management API to the new Identity Toolkit endpoint.
  • Extending HTTP retries to more HTTP methods like POST and PATCH.

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.15.1

23 Jan 21:32
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  • Implemented HTTP retries. The SDK now retries HTTP calls on low-level connection and socket read errors, as well as HTTP 500 and 503 errors.

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.15.0

16 Jan 23:07
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  • Dropped support for Python 3.3. Developers on Python 3 must use 3.4 or higher. Support for Python 2.7 has not changed.
  • Declared a direct dependency on google-api-core[grpc] in order to resolve some long-standing Firestore installation problems.

Firebase Cloud Messaging

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.14.0

04 Dec 21:20
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  • A new project_management API for managing apps in a Firebase project.
  • New list_android_apps() and list_ios_apps() methods for listing the existing apps in a project.
  • New create_android_app() and create_ios_app() methods for creating new apps in a project.
  • New AndroidApp and IosApp APIs for updating individual apps.

Realtime Datbase

  • Fixed a performance issue in the db.listen() API where it was taking a long time to process large RTDB nodes.
  • Fixed how the SDK handles special characters in node names.

Cloud Messaging

  • messaging.AndroidNotification type now supports specifying a channel_id when sending messages to Android O devices. Thanks chemidy for the contribution
  • Improved error handling by requesting a more verbose error response from the FCM backend service.


  • Fixed the property UserRecord.tokens_valid_after_time so that it always returns an integer, and never returns None.

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.13.0

21 Aug 21:13
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  • The db.Reference type now provides a listen() API for receiving realtime update events from the Firebase Database. Thanks the-c0d3r and rizasif for the contributions.
  • The db.reference() method now optionally takes a URL parameter. This can be used to access multiple Firebase Realtime Database instances in the same project more easily.

Cloud Messaging

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.12.0

17 Jul 20:09
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  • The Admin SDK can now read the Firebase/Google Cloud Platform project ID from both GCLOUD_PROJECT and GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT environment variables.


  • The Admin SDK can now create custom tokens without being initialized with service account credentials.
  • The SDK now accepts a serviceAccountId app option, which can be used to set just the client email of a service account.
  • When deployed in an environment managed by Google (e.g. Google App Engine), the SDK can auto discover a service account ID without any explicit configuration.

Firebase Admin Python SDK v2.11.0

31 May 17:51
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  • [added] A new auth.import_users() API for importing users into Firebase Auth in bulk.
  • [fixed] The db.Reference.update() function now accepts dictionaries with None values. This can be used to delete child keys from a reference.