| 1 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_OBJECT "Media" /* Name of the main object of the Media Plugin */ |
| 2 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_SCREEN "scherm:" /* Open a screen */ |
| 3 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_CLIPBOARD "klembord" /* Returns text from clipboard */ |
| 4 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_CLIPBOARD_SET "klembord:" /* Puts text on clipboard */ |
| 5 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_ON_START "start" /* Start event of screen */ |
| 6 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_ON_STEP "stap" /* Step event of screen */ |
| 7 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_KEY "toets:" /* Keyboard event (or joystick event if connected) */ |
| 8 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_ON_TIMER_SET "na:doe:" /* Timer event of screen */ |
| 9 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_SELECTED "selectie" /* Returns currently selected text */ |
| 10 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_VIDEO "video:" /* Plays video in background */ |
| 11 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_NET_FETCH_FROM "haal:van:" /* Returns object from remote computer */ |
| 12 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_NET_SEND_TO "verstuur:naar:" /* Send object to remote computer */ |
| 13 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_BROWSER_OPEN "browse:" /* Opens browser screen and navigates to website */ |
| 14 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_SPEAK "voorlezen:" /* Reads text aloud */ |
| 15 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_MEDIA_DIGRAPH_LIGATURE "digraaf:ligatuur:" /* Registers characters that together form a single character */ |
| 16 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_COLOR_OBJECT "Kleur" /* Represents a Color */ |
| 17 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_RED_GREEN_BLUE_SET "rood:groen:blauw:" /* Sets red, green and blue values of a color */ |
| 18 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_ALPHA_SET "transparantie:" /* Sets transparency */ |
| 19 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_RED "rood" /* Returns the red value of a color */ |
| 20 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_GREEN "groen" /* Returns the green value of a color */ |
| 21 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_BLUE "blauw" /* Returns the blue value of a color */ |
| 22 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_ALPHA "transparantie" /* Returns the transparency value of a color */ |
| 23 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_OBJECT "Plaatje" /* Image Object */ |
| 24 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_SET "plaatje:" /* Sets the image file to display */ |
| 25 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_CONTROLLABLE "bestuurbaar:" /* Make image react to joystick and keyboard (No/0 = None, Yes/1 = platform/top down, 2 = Pong-like, 3 = Breakout-style, 4 = 2D Race-style, 5 = 3D First person shooter style, 6 = Custom, 7+ reserved ) */ |
| 26 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_XY_SET "x:y:" /* Put image on position x,y */ |
| 27 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_Z_SET "z:" /* Put image on position z (in 3D) or ordering (2D) */ |
| 28 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_SOLID_SET "blokkade:" /* Make the image solid so the player cannot pass through */ |
| 29 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_ACTIVE_SET "actief:" /* Enable events on image */ |
| 30 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_GRAVITY_SET "zwaartekracht:" /* Set gravity of image */ |
| 31 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_SPEED_SET "snelheid:" /* Set movement speed of image */ |
| 32 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_FRICTION_SET "weerstand:" /* Set friction of image */ |
| 33 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_COLLISION_SET "bots:" /* Collision event of image */ |
| 34 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_ON_CLICK_SET "click:" /* Click event on image */ |
| 35 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_ON_HOVER_SET "hover:" /* Hover event on image*/ |
| 36 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_ANIMATIONS_SET "animaties:" /* Number of frames in the image */ |
| 37 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_MOVE_TO_SET "beweeg naar x:y:" /* Move image to x,y */ |
| 38 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_TEXT_SET "tekst:" /* Write text on image */ |
| 39 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_TEXT "tekst" /* Get text from image */ |
| 40 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_REMOVE_SELECTION "verwijder selectie" /* Remove selected text in image */ |
| 41 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_INSERT_TEXT "invoegen:" /* Insert text in image */ |
| 42 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_EDITABLE_SET "beschrijfbaar:" /* Make text in image editable */ |
| 43 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_FONT_TYPE_SIZE_SET "letter:grootte:" /* Set font and size of text in image */ |
| 44 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_TEXT_COLOR "kleur:" /* Set color of text in image */ |
| 45 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR "achtergrondskleur:"/* Set background color of text in image */ |
| 46 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_TEXT_ALIGN "tekst x:y:" /* Align text in image */ |
| 47 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_DRAW "tekenen:" /* Draw lines in image */ |
| 48 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_SOUND_OBJECT "Geluid" /* Sound object */ |
| 49 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_SOUND_SOUND_SET "geluid:" /* Load sound file or music file */ |
| 50 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_SOUND_SOUND_PLAY "speel" /* Play sound or music */ |
| 51 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_SOUND_SOUND_STOP "uit" /* Stop sound or music */ |
| 52 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_SOUND_SOUND_CHANNEL_SET "kanaal:" /* Select audio channel */ |
| 53 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_ACCEL_SET "versnel:" /* Set acceleration of image */ |
| 54 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_JUMPHEIGHT_SET "springhoogte:" /* Set jump height */ |
| 55 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_BOUNCE "stuiter:" /* Bounce the image, reverse direction */ |
| 56 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_DESTINATION_SET "stoppunt:" /* This event happens when an image reaches the destination x,y */ |
| 57 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_X "x?" /* Return current x-position */ |
| 58 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_Y "y?" /* Return current y-position */ |
| 59 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_Z "z?" /* Return current z-position */ |
| 60 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_SOLID "blokkade" /* Return whether the image is solid or not */ |
| 61 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_ACTIVE "actief" /* Return whether the image is actiev or not */ |
| 62 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_GRAVITY "zwaartekracht" /* Return the gravity of the image */ |
| 63 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_SPEED "snelheid" /* Return the speed of the image */ |
| 64 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_FRICTION "weerstand" /* Return the friction of the image */ |
| 65 | +#define CTR_DICT_MEDIA_IMAGE_ANIMATIONS "animaties" /* Return the number of frames in the image */ |
| 66 | + |
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