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Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests

Data protection

Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Tests

Terraform AWS Backup

This Terraform module provides a preconfigured solution for setting up AWS Backup in your AWS account. With this module, you can easily and efficiently create and manage backups for your AWS resources. Our team has extensive experience working with AWS Backup and has optimized this module to provide the best possible experience for users.

Using this Terraform module, you can save time and effort in setting up and managing your backup policies, as well as avoid common mistakes and pitfalls. The module encapsulates all necessary configurations, making it easy to use and integrate into your existing AWS environment. Whether you are looking to add backup protection for your critical resources or streamline your existing backup processes, this Terraform module is a great choice.


Name Description Type Default Required
changeable_for_days The number of days before the lock date. If omitted creates a vault lock in governance mode, otherwise it will create
a vault lock in compliance mode. When you apply this setting:

The vault will become immutable in 3 days after applying. You have 3 days of grace time to manage or delete the vault
lock before it becomes immutable. During this time, only those users with specific IAM permissions can make changes.

Once the vault is locked in compliance mode, it cannot be managed or deleted by anyone, even the root user or AWS.
The only way to deactivate the lock is to terminate the account, which will delete all the backups.

Since you cannot delete the Vault, it will be charged for backups until that date. Be careful!
number null no
create_backup_vault Whether to create a backup vault or use a pre-existing one. bool true no
custom_rules Backup rules to add to the AWS Backup Vault. See examples for usage.
name = string
schedule = optional(string)

start_window = optional(number)
completion_window = optional(number)

enable_continuous_backup = optional(bool)
recovery_point_tags = optional(map(string), {})

lifecycle = optional(object({
cold_storage_after = optional(number)
delete_after = optional(number)

copy_action = optional(object({
destination_vault_arn = optional(string)
lifecycle = optional(object({
cold_storage_after = optional(number)
delete_after = optional(number)
[] no
enable_customer_managed_kms Whether to enable customer managed KMS encryption for the backup vault. bool false no
enable_vault_lock Whether to enable Vault Lock for the backup vault. bool false no
enable_windows_vss_backup Whether to enable Windows VSS backup for the backup plan. bool false no
kms_key_id The ARN of the KMS Key to use to encrypt your backups. If left empty, the default AWS KMS will be used. string null no
max_retention_days The maximum retention period that the vault retains its recovery points. number 365 no
min_retention_days The minimum retention period that the vault retains its recovery points. number 7 no
plan_name The display name of the backup plan. string n/a yes
predefined_rules A list of predefined backup rules to add to the AWS Backup Plan. See examples for usage. list(string) [] no
role_arn The ARN of the IAM role that AWS Backup uses to authenticate when restoring or backing up the target resources. If left empty, a default role will be created. string null no
selections An array of strings that either contain Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) or match patterns of resources to assign to a backup plan.
name = string
role_arn = optional(string)

arns = optional(list(string))
tag = optional(object({
type = string
key = string
value = string
[] no
tags Tags to add to the AWS Backup. map(any) {} no
vault_force_destroy Whether to allow the backup vault to be destroyed even if it contains recovery points. string false no
vault_name Name of the backup vault to create or use and existing one. string n/a yes


Name Description
backup_plan_arn The ARN of the backup plan.
backup_plan_id The ID of the backup plan.
backup_vault_arn The ARN of the backup vault.
backup_vault_id The ID of the backup vault.


Name Version
aws >= 4.36


  • resource.aws_backup_plan.main (
  • resource.aws_backup_selection.main (
  • resource.aws_backup_vault.main (
  • resource.aws_backup_vault_lock_configuration.main (
  • data source.aws_backup_vault.main (


Basic Example

module "basic-example" {
  source = "../../"

  vault_name = "my-project"
  plan_name  = "customer-data"

  selections = [
      name = "s3-buckets"
      arns = ["arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::my-other-bucket"]
      name = "db-snaps"
      arns = ["arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:123456789012:db:my-mysql-instance"]

With Rules

module "with-rules" {
  source = "../../"

  vault_name = "my-project"
  plan_name  = "customer-data"

  predefined_rules = ["daily-snapshot", "monthly-snapshot"]
  custom_rules = [
      name                     = "my-custom-rule"
      schedule                 = "cron(0 3 ? * 2,3,4,5,6,7,1 *)"
      start_window             = 60
      completion_window        = 240
      enable_continuous_backup = false

      lifecycle = {
        cold_storage_after = 1
        delete_after       = 180 # half a year

  selections = [
      name = "s3-buckets"
      arns = ["arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket", "arn:aws:s3:::my-other-bucket"]
      name = "db-snaps"
      arns = ["arn:aws:rds:us-east-2:123456789012:db:my-mysql-instance"]

Predefined Rules

locals {
  predefined_rules = [
    # At 03:00 AM UTC, daily
      name                     = "daily-snapshot"
      schedule                 = "cron(0 3 ? * * *)"
      start_window             = 60
      completion_window        = 240
      enable_continuous_backup = true
      recovery_point_tags      = {}

      lifecycle = {
        cold_storage_after = null
        delete_after       = 35 # 5 weeks

      copy_action = null

    # At 03:00 AM UTC, every Sunday
      name                     = "weekly-snapshot"
      schedule                 = "cron(0 3 ? * SUN *)"
      start_window             = 60
      completion_window        = 240
      enable_continuous_backup = true
      recovery_point_tags      = {}

      lifecycle = {
        cold_storage_after = null
        delete_after       = 183 # 6 months

      copy_action = null

    # At 03:00 AM UTC, on day 1 of the month
      name                     = "monthly-snapshot"
      schedule                 = "cron(0 3 1 * ? *)"
      start_window             = 60
      completion_window        = 240
      enable_continuous_backup = false
      recovery_point_tags      = {}

      lifecycle = {
        cold_storage_after = 1   # day
        delete_after       = 365 # 1 year

      copy_action = null

    # At 03:00 AM UTC, on day 1 of the month, only in January, April, July, and October
      name                     = "quarterly-snapshot"
      schedule                 = "cron(0 3 1 1,4,7,10 ? *)"
      start_window             = 60
      completion_window        = 240
      enable_continuous_backup = false
      recovery_point_tags      = {}

      lifecycle = {
        cold_storage_after = 1   # day
        delete_after       = 730 # 2 years

      copy_action = null

    # At 03:00 AM UTC, on day 1 of the month, only in January
      name                     = "yearly-snapshot"
      schedule                 = "cron(0 3 1 1 ? *)"
      start_window             = 60
      completion_window        = 240
      enable_continuous_backup = false
      recovery_point_tags      = {}

      lifecycle = {
        cold_storage_after = 1    # day
        delete_after       = 3650 # 10 years

      copy_action = null