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Community Meeting Notes Archive
The archive of Community Meeting Notes. See the most recent and tentative agenda for the next meeting on hackmd.
(attending: Martin, Joris, James, Brendan, Sangarshanan, Levi)
Google Summer of Code
- We have submitted 3 project ideas
- Pure Python IO
- Plotting enhancements
- https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/wiki/Google-Summer-of-Code-2021
- Students should get in touch now and submit proposals within weeks
- students will start applying next Monday
- We need to select students between mid-April and mid-May
- Should we advertise it more? Prospect on possible students?
- TODO: Post on Twitter again (done)
- PySAL: primarily recruits from own students; ~1/2 have been affiliated that way
- We have submitted 3 project ideas
Community repository
- we have a new geopandas/community repo
- if not package specific to not specific to code, governance, code of conduct, post to this
- if specific to GeoPandas post issues to GeoPandas instead
- use for announcing meetings or proposals (workshops, funding)
- how should we efficiently use it?
- https://github.com/geopandas/community
- TODO: post issue for how to get funding for GeoPandas features or ideas list for potential future grants
- we have a new geopandas/community repo
Community calls
- shall we switch to some predictable schedule? (Bi-)Monthly?
- start with bimonthly on last Thursday of each month
- TODO: post schedule to community repo
- archive prior call notes to community repo; keep markdown doc for latest meeting
- repository moved to GeoPandas org
- https://github.com/geopandas/dask-geopandas
- Dask-Summit workshop proposal
- In May: https://summit.dask.org/
- submitted proposal around scaling GeoPandas vector operations
- Could have a presentation about current status of dask-geopandas
- Some discussion around spatial partitioning
- Look for ways to collaborate with spatial pandas
- Would be good to do visualization of bigger data
- TODO: add issue in community repo for ideas for this workshop
- First alpha released on PyPI, still needs conda-forge
- Martin: will add to conda-forge
- Biggest needs: spatial index and overlap operations
User-friendly API of matrix binary operations
- would be nice to have "
" in 0.10 - We should agree on the API design, implementation should be straigtforward based on
, - https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/pull/1674
- returning a list maybe not particularly useful
- might be a good to have a few example use cases
- does any polygon in input intersect any in right dataframe
- which of them in left dataframe intersects any in right dataframe
- how many intersects
- use outer strategy with sparse argument
- currently don't depend on scipy; makes it harder to use sparse option
- can keep sparse as an optional argument; fall back to full matrix
- another alternative is to use xarray and pydata sparse backend (optional dependencies)
- could just return dense pandas table of left and right indices
- would be nice to have "
Interactive plotting
- the existing tools are not as friendly as we thought
- folium-based implementation of
mirroring the language ofplot()
- https://github.com/martinfleis/geopandas-view
- should it be embedded in GeoPandas? Or as an affiliated project under GeoPandas repo?
- @sangarshanan is willing to help maintaining it
- status: most of the stuff supported for static plotting in matplotlib is now supported against folium
- considerations for API:
- plotting backend provider
- namespacing folium / interactive methods to prevent collision with static plotting
- over some threshold do not want to plot in folium
- might be good to look at how
in R handles translation to backend providers - implementation of backend can be outside GeoPandas; might be easier to have this directly in GeoPandas in order to allow it as a default (not a lot of code)
- will do a bit more work to polish then migrate into GeoPandas
contextily providers module
- there is an idea to convert contextily providers module to a separate package
- both contextily and
could be using it + others - https://github.com/geopandas/contextily/issues/153 and partially https://github.com/geopandas/contextily/issues/172
Ecosystem update
- pygeos/shapely2.0
- Current blocker: STRtree design (https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely/pull/1064, https://github.com/Toblerity/Shapely/pull/1094)
- Shapely 1.8 release in prep for the transition; will raise deprecation warnings
- After 1.8, move pygeos code into Shapely; will need to coordinate with pygeos
- pyogrio
- Windows support?
- Do we need something similar as
- pygeos/shapely2.0
- we still don't have access to the domain to point it to RTD
- Joris will ping Kelsey J.
- also need to have ownership in Pypi; need to be able to add others
- conda forge:
- anyone can help maintain this
- currently Joris, James, Filipe
- we still don't have access to the domain to point it to RTD
NumFOCUS small grants
- do we want to apply for something in the near future?
- anyone has capacity?
- next round likely before summer
- open issue on community repo
User Survey Review
- Let's see what people think
- https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas-user-surveys/pull/1
- make private repo to store private responses
- Some points:
- interactive plotting: more examples
- performance is a consistent mentioned issue
Core dev team organisation
- Have official list of people?
- Mailing list
- Org like https://github.com/dask/community/
- Expanding the team?
- governance questions
- code of conduct
- mediation
- violations of CoC
- adding developers/removing (retiring?) developers
NumFOCUS fiscal sponsorship
- Status of Martin's work
- https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/pull/1759, https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/pull/1757
- having an option to depend on shapely only
- pure-Python I/O, no CRS
pyogrio integration
- Discuss integration plan for testing I/O using
instead offiona
(seeing about 10-16x speedups)- try to package up on conda forge
- Discuss integration plan for testing I/O using
- non-GDAL IO
- pygpkg
- pyshp
- GSOC application focusing on non-GDAL IO @martin
pyogrio integration
- think about participating in GSOC 21
- https://opensource.googleblog.com/2020/10/google-summer-of-code-2021-is-bringing.html
- Python GPGK IO project?
- Henrikki is looking for a home for pyrosm (yes to us)
GeoPandas paper
- REGION OA (no APC) journal
- https://openjournals.wu.ac.at/ojs/index.php/region/index
Ecosystem update
- pygeos/shapely2.0
- dask-geopandas
0.9 release
NumFOCUS Documentation project
- I'd like to update you on current development and discuss a bit further steps to decide on priorities and time frame.
- context: https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/issues/1564
- Martin provided an update on the latest direction in documentation work in https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/issues/1564
- some examples will move to user guide where they are using the core functions
- for examples gallery may use nb-sphynx instead of sphynx-gallery
- Will bulk up installation instructions to help alleviate many of the complaints around installation issues
- will add a longer-term roadmap within the docs
- Going forward, Martin will add examples incrementally but will try to get this reviewed as a larger PR
- New Advanced Guide will include more advanced topics like using spatial index and vectorization
- Will need to add redirects from important pages from existing readthedocs pages to the new documentation structure
Select final logo
- https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/issues/1405
- Let's make the final decision!
- Go with the one with highest votes
- This will go into a separate PR with all the versions and source files
- Add a page to documentation with the logo and specific colors used
- Share logo back to NumFOCUS
- TODO: update the logo on twitter, etc
GitHub Sponsors
- We may consider using GitHub Sponsor button. Someone recently asked how to support GeoPandas and I was not sure if there is any possibility of a direct (financial) support, apart from donating to NumFOCUS.
- In order to have NumFOCUS accept $ on behalf of GeoPandas, may need to become a fiscally-sponsored project instead of just an affiliated project; Joris will check into this
- For GitHub Sponsor have seen examples of sponsoring individuals; will need to see what it would take to sponsor the larger project
GeoPandas usage / promotion
- Would like to feature groups that use GeoPandas as part of their work, maybe on GeoPandas blog (if there was one)
- Blog: would like to do this outside sphynx
GeoPandas domain
- Joris will follow up with Kelsey
- Also request PyPi access from Kelsey
- Joris will follow up with Kelsey
Packaging automation
- Can use GitHub Actions to publish packages to PyPi / Conda
- Can derive this from Pydata project
Social media
- Twitter
- Joris is currently maintaining this
- Martin can help with this; Joris will share access
- Example that came up on twitter from COVID-19 dashboards around showing density of points, maybe by hexagon; might want to add something like this as an example in the docs
- Twitter
GeoPandas academic paper
- Geographical Analysis journal is having a special issue on Open Source Software for Spatial Analysis, edited by Luc Anselin and Serge Rey (both PySAL). We had a small exchange about the possibility of writing a paper about GeoPandas (which is long overdue I'd say) with Joris and Serge on twitter: https://twitter.com/jorisvdbossche/status/1282208649335779328 I feel that this would be great thing to do, although it naturally takes time to write a proper paper.
- Special issue will require more background documentation & contextualization; not just a description about the project
- Need to position it into the wider ecosystem; directly address how it has advanced spatial analysis in Python
- Could start brainstorming / collecting ideas
- Martin will make a google doc
- Martin will check to see if there is sponsorship from the university for making this open access
- Full fee is $3,000 US
- If we don't go for this, make sure to go after a different publication that allows open access
GeoPandas Survey
- Discuss plan to finish up and post GeoPandas survey: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1caityqUUfgAN2u9VUJN78mTyS3fMYZI-ZvgtfLfio9A/edit?usp=sharing
- Martin will add the GDPR compliance
- Use Google Forms to release this
- Can be individual owner
- Martin can create the form
- Timeframe:
- Would like to launch as soon as possible, aim for sometime in Sept.
GeoPandas 0.9 roadmap
- If we want to release 0.9 in December (we discussed switching to 6-month release cycle), we could discuss what do we want to (ideally) include.
- Binary predicates change - https://gist.github.com/martinfleis/abc7cdbf9f9266bf9ed369080eec7cea
- proposal is to build this on the output of query bulk
- people normally interested in 2 questions: does my polygon intersect any in the other data frame (not just same line), which polygons from right data frame are intersected with the one on the left
(in R) doesn't return series, they return metrics (sparse / dense) - could have a function that gives more direct access to sindex bulk query
- general agreement about keeping the existing predicate behavior as is, but adding a new set of methods on GeoSeries to add the cross / matrix oriented approach
- Martin will add a new issue for this with notebook example
- spatial index
- do we want to expose interface to multiple spatial index or abstract base class that can wrap other spatial index implementations
- can revise the issue based on discussion but don't target for 0.9
- revisit once pygeos / shapely 2.0 integration is complete and no longer optional; STRtree will be default as part of that
- Brendan will try to get outstanding pygeos issue to add other predicates to STRtree in for next pygeos version:
- Upcoming pygeos features in next release: mostly around multithreading, adding support for Z values to coordinate ops
- geodetic distance / area calculations
- this was tricky to write these to be performant, dealing with wrap around the poles
- there is project to extract out the S2 ideas into a general purpose library
- Create an example out of this work and put in documentation
- Create an issue about adapting ideas from
- Aim for supporting different spatial backend (e.g.,
) after 1.0 - Look into some of the other backends
- cuSpatial:
- want to support interoperability, not sure about supporting different underlying geometry providers / backends
- Longer term, maybe consider making GDAL / Fiona optional (e.g., read data from Parquet...)
- vectorized snap
- e.g., make larger linestring out of 2 disconnected segments
- in GEOS overlay refactor, this will include a precision-based snap
Future NumFOCUS grants
- I am not aware of the schedule of future funding rounds, but we should be prepared (if anyone has a capacity).
- Normally should be 3rd round for this year, but haven't heard yet
- I am not aware of the schedule of future funding rounds, but we should be prepared (if anyone has a capacity).
- Discuss the current state and future of
. - Big work items underway:
- I/O methods: Joris adding Parquet support from geopandas
- making use of spatial partitioning
- Discuss the current state and future of
- Small development grants ideas:
- better documentation
- better integration / leveraging spatial indexes for operations
- small improvements to topological operations (relates operations); elementwise vs all-pairwise
- Small development grants ideas:
- https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas/issues/1405/
- Joris: check with pandas
- Try different color, otherwise go with it!
Lowering barriers to effective engagement / involving community
- reviewing PR bottlenecks
- time of core maintainers
- huge PRs, can we suggest folks make smaller PRs?
- reviewing PR bottlenecks
Maintenance bottlenecks
Roadmap (1.0?)
- Shapely 2.0 / pygeos speed-ups
- API for topological operations
- IO
- parquet/feather
- faster GDAL
- databases
- consistent API
- Integrating raster operations
- zonal stats is problematic for large data
- geodetic distance etc (geography)
- visualization
- maybe geoplot becomes an affiliate like contextily
- residentmario may not have time naymore for maintenance
- Vectorized snap feature to other feature
Do something like http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/roadmap.html
- Open an issue for this
places to ask questions vs. filing an issue? document.
- notebooks/examples
Installation issues